
I have 3 different places from which I retrieve mail. One of which needs to have a VPN client running to access, I currently retrieve this mail using the Thunderbird client. (The VPN is not always up) The other 2 mail servers have their mail retrieved using fetchmail and exim, and stored in the IMAP format. (Which I also access through the Thunderbird client) I would very much like to include the 'VPN mail' with the fetchmail/exim setup, but using a single instance of fetchmail does not seem possible. Is there something other than fetchmail that would work? Or should I write a script to start another instance of fetchmail if the VPN client is running? And maybe stop that instance of fetchmail if the VPN connection closes? (Use ps & grep to look for the VPN running?)

Any help would be appreciated!
Many thanks,

Brian Mazari

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