
If I execute the following I get a list about when a rpm package was
installed on a system.

linux-install:~ # rpm -qa --last | head -15
libext2fs-devel-1.40.2-20                     Fri Jan 25 11:24:04 2008
hal-devel-0.5.9_git20070831-13                Fri Jan 25 11:24:04 2008
libblkid-devel-1.40.2-20                      Fri Jan 25 11:24:03 2008
dbus-1-glib-devel-0.74-25                     Fri Jan 25 11:24:03 2008
libuuid-devel-1.40.2-20                       Fri Jan 25 11:24:02 2008
libusb-devel-0.1.12-72                        Fri Jan 25 11:24:02 2008
libcom_err-devel-1.40.2-20                    Fri Jan 25 11:24:01 2008
dbus-1-devel-1.0.2-59                         Fri Jan 25 11:24:01 2008
ethereal-0.99.0-0                             Thu Jan 24 13:44:22 2008
tcl_cruncher-1.11-1                           Thu Jan 24 13:38:56 2008
bacula-2.2.6-1.static                         Thu Jan 24 13:38:55 2008
mbrowse-0.3.1-0                               Thu Jan 24 13:36:55 2008
yast2-backup-2.15.4-50                        Thu Jan 24 13:36:54 2008
linux-install:~ #

As you can see on Friday there was something installed on the system.
How can I identify which one of these packages were selected in YAST and
which one of them were automatically selected due to dependencies?

Thanks a lot

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