Did anyone have any thoughts on this skin / package config stuff I sent this morning?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Carreira 
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: [OS-webwork] Re: Re: Action invocation

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rickard Öberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 6:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [OS-webwork] Re: Re: Action invocation
> Chris Miller wrote:
> > What would happen if the skins had to be explicitly defined in the
> > configuration, or if none were defined then XWork would default to 
> > "pinned" paths?
> Then there would be an outcry of "too much to configure.. waaah". :-)

What if we just had the skins defined either at a global level, or at a package by 
package level (or even down to the action, if needed). Sorry, I've forgotten the exact 
details of Rickard's XML config stuff....

   <skin name="default" root="/WEB-INF/jsp/default"/>
   <skin name="neon" root="/WEB-INF/jsp/neon"/>

<package name="default" classes="com.example.actions" skin="default">
   <view type="ERROR">/WEB-INF/jsp/error.jsp</view>

   <action name="common" class="CommonAction" >
      <view type="INPUT">common.jsp</view>
      <view type="SUCCESS">common.jsp</view>

<package name="foo" classes="com.example.actions.foo" extends="default" path="/foo">
   <action name="foo1" class="FooOne">
      <view type="INPUT">foo1.jsp</view>
      <view type="SUCCESS">foo1.jsp</view>

<package name="neonfoo" extends="foo" path="/neon"/>

This shows a couple of ideas:

1) The skins are defined at the top and define the base path to look under for pages
2) Packages have paths which define the URL path under the webapp for which they apply 
(to make path based security easy)
3) Packages with no path are not directly executable, so you can have your default 
package which cannot be accessed, and only holds common config information for its 
4) Packages inherit from their parent packages, so that all 3 packages have a "common" 
action defined
5) The "neon" package has both "common" and "foo1" actions defined, and needs to have 
JSPs under /WEB-INF/jsp/neon for error.jsp, common.jsp, and foo1.jsp

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