Konstantin Priblouda wrote:
Is there webwork example for such factory actions?
What are you using the factory for? Sounds like the
dispatcher to me.
I need a application-global object.
Original version was: ---%<---------
public static getFoo(HttpSession bar) {
Foo foo = bar.getValue(FOO_KEY);

if(foo == null) {
foo = new Foo();
return foo;
Hm.. this is not application-global. It is session-specific.

Then i was in need to perform the same from action
 - so I modified this method to luse Map instead of
and added another static method which just feeds first
one with ActionContext.getSession()

Shall I use [say ] GenerixcDispatcher to initialize
ActionContext ?
First of all: do you want it to be application-wide or session-wide?

Regardless, the initialization should probably be done using a ServiceContextListener.


Rickard Öberg

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