Jason Carreira wrote:

-----Original Message----- From: Rickard Öberg

Ah, ok, I looked at the interface you sent in email, and true, it doesn't describe it well. But, I would argue that the interface
should be split, as I described in my first email on programmatic configuration.

You'd typically have 3 players involved: 1 Some configuration
repository which the application can use to get configuration

This is the RuntimeConfiguration Interface. Both this and
ProgrammableConfiguration are implemented by ConfigurationManager
right now. This uses a very flat data structure. You call
getActionConfig(String namespace, String name) to get an
ActionConfig. The Package structures, etc. are stripped away as
they're only used to provide defaults and inheritance.

Why is an interface needed here? I thought this was just a singleton thingy which the app can query. Are there several implementation possibilities, and if so, why?

2 Some configuration bundle containing settings that have been
loaded. This mostly just have get/set methods.

This is ProgrammableConfiguration. It also has a reload() method to tell it to get the new configuration from 3, below, and buildRuntimeConfiguration(), which can be thought of as a "save" method which tells it to generate the runtime configuration from the hierarchical configuration structures which can be programmatically tweaked.

IMHO that's backwards. This thing should be a stupid data holder, nothing more. It's 3) that determines when the data should be reloaded.

3 Various loaders which read configuration files (e.g. XML) and
create configuration bundles and register these with the

This is ConfigurationFactory, which can have one object implementing
Configuration registered with it (by default this is

That's backwards. It should be possible to have N implementations, one for each kind of configuration, simultaneously. Remember, an application may be created by merging several subapps, and each subapp may have its own way to read configuration. The total app must be able to handle this. With only One way to read configuration that is not possible.

When ConfigurationManager.reload() is called,
it calls ConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration().init(this) to tell
the Configuration to load its configuration and register the
configuration params with the ProgrammableConfiguration it's passed
(ConfigurationManager). DefaultConfiguration starts at init() and
loads the xwork.xml file, parsing through it building up data
structures and registering them with the ProgrammableConfiguration it
is passed.

This is backwards, because how would you know when to call reload()? The only entity which can know this are the individual ConfigurationFactories.

It then becomes possible to configure the app at runtime without
using 3 at all, since 2 can be created programmatically. Instances
of 2 can also be serialized and sent around in a system without
much trouble.

Hadn't thought of sending serialized configuration objects around. Why would you want to do this?

Why not? :-) Example: using JMX to configure. Using a Java client to configure. Storing serialized configuration in a database. Etc. etc.

Right now what happens is that ConfigurationManager has a static
instance which is initialized at class initialization and calls
reload to get the Configuration from the ConfigurationFactory.

See above. That's the wrong approach. Do you see why?


Rickard Öberg

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