I've got a need for something similar. I've documented my findings on

--- Original Message ---

At first I thought this would be a pain in the ass, but after reading about
OGNL, I think this may actually be a lot easier. Our domain objects have
some properties that are lists. Right now, we can easily display them on
screen by iterating through the lists in our velocity template. However,
for editing them, we click an edit button next to it, and that brings up a
page with the text in a text field, and we edit from there. The other
solution we thought of was put a save button next to each text field all on
separate forms in the HTML.

Ideally, we'd like to be able to have a list of text fields come up on the
screen, and you can edit all of them at once, click save, and have all of
them persisted. It seems to do that, though, it requires a lot of legwork
in giving the fields unique names, figuring out which field maps to what,

Does OGNL or WW2 provide any magic to do this?


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