I have a question about ParameterInterceptor. Is it expected behaviour to limit the 
parameters that are to be chained from one action to another to those in the HTTP 
request and to not allow updates to the parameter values outside of the HTTP request, 
say, from an action prior to a chain?

The investigation layed out below started when the getId/setId methods in an action 
were not called during a chain. webwork and xwork jars were updated from CVS 
2003-12-02 (beta2).

I have a form used to create a new entity that calls DatabaseAdminAction.doCreate():

        <result name="exit" type="chain">
            <param name="actionName">databasesAdmin</param>
        <result name="input" type="dispatcher">
            <param name="location">/templates/adminDatabaseCreate.vm</param>
        <result name="success" type="chain">
            <param name="actionName">databaseEdit</param>
        <interceptor-ref name="authStack"/>

authStack interceptor is defaultStack + authentication.

Upon entity creation, after a database write, this.setId() is called (with new entity 
database id), SUCCESS is returned and control is chained to 
DatabaseAdminAction.doEdit() as expected:

        <result name="exit" type="chain">
            <param name="actionName">databasesAdmin</param>
        <result name="input" type="dispatcher">
            <param name="location">/templates/adminDatabaseEdit.vm</param>
        <interceptor-ref name="authStack"/>

HERE IS THE TROUBLING PART. doEdit() fails and exits, because the "id" property isn't 
set. Here are the methods in DatabaseAdminAction that would like to participate:

    private String _id = null;

    public String getId() { return( _id ); }
    public void setId( String id ) { _id = id; } 

The log shows that all other local "properties" are passed, except for "id" (3rd from 
last line):

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionChainResult DEBUG - 
Chaining to action databaseEdit

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionProxy DEBUG - 
Creating an DefaultActionProxy for namespace  and action name databaseEdit

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 
org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory DEBUG - Returning 
cached instance of singleton bean 'components'

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 
com.hp.sdfp.tracedata.interceptors.AuthorizationInterceptor INFO  - AUTH: 
app.security is off

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 
com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor INFO  - Starting 

execution stack for action databaseEdit

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 
com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.StaticParametersInterceptor DEBUG - 

Setting static parameters {}

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 
com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ParametersInterceptor DEBUG - Setting 
params {active=[Ljava.lang.String;@170984c, doUpdate=[Ljava.lang.String;@11ed166, 
referenceUrl=[Ljava.lang.String;@45aa2c, commentUrl=[Ljava.lang.String;@1a734ff, 

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation INFO 
 - Executing action 
method = doEdit

[2003-12-02 16:07:30,890] Thread-3 com.hp.sdfp.tracedata.webwork.DatabaseAdminAction 

I also suspect action errors are not chained either, as they aren't showing up in the 
view, but I haven't looked at that yet.


Changed getId() to getChainId() and setId() to setChainId(). No change. No additional 
get/set methods are chained, regardless of name.

I notice that com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ParametersInterceptor.before() calls
ActionContext.getContext().getParameters(). If the comments for getParameters() can be 
believed, the action is not consulted to determine chained parameters:

     * Returns a Map of the HttpServletRequest parameters when in a servlet
     * environment or a generic Map of parameters otherwise.
     * @return Map of HttpServletRequest parameters, generic Map of parameters or
     * multipart Map.
    public Map getParameters() {
        return (Map) get(PARAMETERS);

Tried to include the parameter manually in doCreate():

    java.util.Map params = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters();
    params.put( "id", getId() )
    ActionContext.getContext().setParameters( params );

but that isn't allowed:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find message associated with key 

Changed create URL to include a dummy "id" value:


This, and a hidden form variable, cause the "id" variable to be chained successfully. 
However, the value that is chained is the ORIGINAL PARAMETER VALUE! (Not totally 
unexpected after seeing how ActionContext is used). The log shows the original id 
value (666) was injected into the new action instead of the new value(21) (see last 

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 com.hp.sdfp.tracedata.webwork.DatabaseAdminAction 
DEBUG - setId(21)

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 com.hp.sdfp.tracedata.webwork.DatabaseAdminAction 
DEBUG - 6.1.2 action id = 21

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionChainResult DEBUG - 
Chaining to action databaseEdit

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionProxy DEBUG - 
Creating an DefaultActionProxy for namespace  and action name databaseEdit

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 
org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory DEBUG - Returning cached instance 
of singleton bean 'components'

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 
com.hp.sdfp.tracedata.interceptors.AuthorizationInterceptor INFO  - AUTH: app.security 
is off

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 
com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor INFO  - Starting execution stack 
for action databaseEdit

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 
com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.StaticParametersInterceptor DEBUG - Setting static 
parameters {}

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,593] Thread-2 
com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ParametersInterceptor DEBUG - Setting params 
{active=[Ljava.lang.String;@9dca26, doUpdate=[Ljava.lang.String;@1429cb2, 
referenceUrl=[Ljava.lang.String;@3da850, commentUrl=[Ljava.lang.String;@1f51e5c, 
name=[Ljava.lang.String;@19c6163, id=[Ljava.lang.String;@1bdbfec}

[2003-12-02 17:18:27,609] Thread-2 com.hp.sdfp.tracedata.webwork.DatabaseAdminAction 
DEBUG - setId(666)

QUESTION: Is this the desired behaviour? Webwork1 seems to handle this as expected by 
passing and Java bean type parameters. How can the parameter value be updated for a 
chain in xwork? 



    ActionContext.getContext().getSession().put( "createId", getId() );

in doCreate() and:

    setId( ( String )ActionContext.getContext().getSession().get( "createId" ) );

in doEdit() gets me by for now.

Thank for your assistance.

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