Hi all, 

I commited very first version of plugin generating
views.properties for webworkj 1.3 ( would do for 1.4
of course ) 

those who are brave enough can give it a try.

You will need some patches though
- qdox shall be patched with patch attached to
- xdoclet 2 shall get new file attached to xdoclet-12
( both issues can be found on jira.codehaus.org ) 

And of course compile yourself all the necessary stuff
generama qdox, xdcolet2, pico, nano, nanning...
( list may be incomplete :) ) 

Comments / Rants welcome. 

----[ Konstantin Pribluda ( ko5tik ) ]----------------
Zu Verstärkung meines Teams suche ich ab Sofort einen
Softwareentwickler[In] für die Festanstellung. 
Arbeitsort: Mainz 
Skills:  Programieren, Kentnisse in OpenSource-Bereich
----[ http://www.pribluda.de ]------------------------

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