In the 1.x EL, you’d use “$foo”. In 2.0 you’d use “” or “#parameters.get(‘foo’)”


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thompson, Christopher C (Kris)
Monday, December 08, 2003 7:13 AM
Subject: [OS-webwork] Setting hidden value tag from a request scoped variable


I have a request to a .JSP that has in it a variable of storyid (/wafer/addcomment.jsp?storyid=5)  Next, on that page I use the ActionTag to simple calls ActionSupport.  This is done because I want the interceptors to be called but there isn’t any real Action class that needs to be fired to the load of the page to work. (and it works nicely, thanks ActionTag).  The problem is I need to set a hidden variable in the page to the value of the request variable called storyid.  I have done some thrashing with the code but with no luck.  If I were to going to a real Action it would be simple because I would have a accessor method to store the storyid and use the property tag to pull it back out on the jsp page…. However I don’t have that luxury.  Is there a way to set the variable of a input field from a request variable?  Here is what I have so far and it does not work.  The hidden variable is called storyid and the request variable is also called storyid, would this be a problem?


<input type="hidden" name="storyid"  value="<ww:property value="#storyid" />"/>




Kris Thompson

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