Title: Fulatino Menganita
Al 05/01/2011 9:19, En/na Matt ha escrit:
Hi @all,

looking back at my post from 27.12.2010. i cancelled the installation on the Esxi with the Appliance and installed a new XP with the OTC Manager.

Now it works but i got 2 tiny issues (wich are not sooo dramatic but annoying) -> its fu**ing slow, and after it loads the initrd the Monitor goes black and say "out of range". After a boot time from ~45sec its starts the gui. but when i change into the shell strg+alt+Fn i become also the "out of range" message. Is the Shell on a to high "Framereplay" Hz?! The Monitor is a Iiyama 22" and works with 60-75Hz.

I had similar issue. After initial boot, screens goes blank.
What I've done is, in hardware type->default (or whatever name you use), extra options: vga=normal  (you can do this even on a single thin client)
This way you will see the complete initialization scripts.
I've done this way because it provides a "sort" of feedback to user that something is going on (and pc is actually starting).
If you want to acces shell, install an Xterm application to the client. Anyway, you can connect to client using ssh, wich is the method I prefer (with some clients you can configure xterm protocol and use backspace, delete, arrows, pgUP
About speed, my clients starts in a 1'15"  aprox, wich is by far, faster than booting a windows XP (with some software installed, of course).

And then comes my new and big problem. Since yesterday (the day before it works fine - and no configuration changes happens) it boots up to OTC and you can start rdp once. after logout or after the auto connection time out (when it stay to long without any authentification). It will never restart the rdp. And i cannot look on to the shell/bash because of the problem above. only if i reboot the client then you can enter rdp ONCE ...

No idea about this. Maybe check autostart and exit action on the application.
The first and second problem (speed and black screen) are not so urgent but the rdp proplem is very urgent.

thx in advance
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