Hi Casper,

I'm not sure i really understand where your Problem ist is right Now.

You want to Start the client with autostart of rdp to the 2008 terminalserver. 
You also want on taskbar and so on.

Have a Look at the documention for Kiosk Mode. This will help you i think. For 
Resolution of the Monitor i'm using the Monitor Device with the right 
Resolution Set like you did. No Option is needed in the rdp application. The 
client and terminalserver will Set the Resolution to the Monitor setting.

Best regards 

Von meinem iPad gesendet

> Am 10.04.2014 um 09:21 schrieb "Casper A.. Jensen" <cas...@dingit.dk>:
> Hi All,
> Ok so I found this wiki section: 
> http://wiki.openthinclient.org/wiki/Datei:Monitor-configuration.png
> which gave me quite a jump ahead.. 
> I looked up my monitor specs and used the site the wiki links to, to create a 
> modeline and put that in my device for 1440*900..
> When my client booted up and went to the RDP desktop i could see i was now 
> running 1280*1024 instead of 1024*768.. but my taskbar was still gone at the 
> bottom like i wasn't seeing the entire picture.. 
> here is a youtube video of what im talking about:
> Well actually the video above is my second.. cause when i wanted to show you 
> guys my problem the client loaded the image.. logged on but before i could 
> see any RDP connection being made i went right back to shutdown.. as i say on 
> the video below my server, serving DHCP had turn it self off..  my question 
> is why my client can load a image when the dhcp which i servinc option 66 pxe 
> boot is offline? there is nothing to answer a pxe brodcast request?
> here is the video:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0qOiKUb4R8
> I forgot to mention on the video that during the test you see there my 
> Rdesktop was running with a paramter of -g 1440*900 but i get the excat same 
> view if I remove this paramter so clearly it doesn't matter
> <email signatur.PNG>
> Fra: "Casper A.. Jensen" <cas...@dingit.dk>
> Til: openthinclient-user@lists.sourceforge.net
> Sendt: onsdag, 9. april 2014 22:29:51
> Emne: problem with screen resolution of RDP session using Rdesktop, keyboard 
> language and thin clients that keeps loading a cetain image even if i remove 
> it from the thin client list
> Hi all,
> So from the website it seems its here i should post my noob questions :)
> Its my first time using a mail list so bear with me if im holding it wrong 
> ... so to speak.. 
> First a little background on my issues.. I have a client who has 58 T5540 HP 
> thin clients and a VARY slow Termianl server 2008.. so i sold them a 2008 r2 
> with much more power in it.. what i didn't know was that Windows CE 6.0 R3 
> had a bug with redirecting USB as per these articles
> http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/Workstations-Thin-Clients/t5540-USB-Redirection-Problem-connecting-to-Win-2008-R2-TS/m-p/5687003/highlight/false#M15174
> and perhaps also this hotfix which HP never applied in thire Windows CE image 
> for these clients .. 
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2564314/en-us
> Problem 1: Resolution
> So i thought i would use openthinclient to bypass the built in Windows CE and 
> in doing so bypass the problem.. they will test it tomorrow.. FINGERS 
> I need my T5540 to boot directly to RDP, each thin klient works as KIOSK with 
> each a designated user.. 
> So i made a desktop app with desktop but no nautilius and panel or bar or 
> what that other thing is called.. that worked.. 
> Using Rdesktop set for auto login combined with the device autologin gave me 
> the last part..
> My problem is now that my RDP session insist on being 1024*768 and i need it 
> to be 1440*900..
> I have tried with a device monitor: 1440*900 with no luck. Actually when i 
> use my client shurts down after it showed the start of the desktop. I think 
> its because it fails to logon and I have set it to shutdown the thin client 
> if i log off (NICE FEATURE BTW)...
> I have the same behaviour if im using freeRDP it just shutsdown.. and nothing 
> happens if i remove the "shutdown thin client if logoff"
> The reason i mentioned freeRDP is because i noticed you can set the 
> resolution there..  
> adding -g 1440x900 as a parameter in Rdesktop just makes the client 
> shutdown.. again perhaps because its set to shutdown the thin client if it 
> one logs off the terminal.. 
> Any ideas how to set resolution in Rdesktop?
> Why does my freeRDP insist on shutting as soon as it gets into the desktop?? 
> I know its likely because I have set it to shutdown if it logs off .. but i 
> mean the settings are the same as Rdekstop which works fine besides 
> resolution and keyboard language.. 
> Problem 2: Keyboard language 
> I need my keyboard to be DK for denmark. 
> I have tried with freeRDP where you can choose keyboard but it doesn't work, 
> see above comments about freeRDP
> I have tried with Rdesktop to set the parameter -k dk but that didn't work.. 
> I have tried with a device keyboard danish but that didn't work either.. 
> Problem 3: thinc client keeps loading image even if i delete it from the thin 
> client list.. 
> it didn't respond to any changes i made.. and even if i removed it from the 
> thin client list i keept booting one of the images that i have tested on it.. 
> I think its because i had a instancen where i had to force shutdown the thin 
> client. So it didn't get to run its shutdown sequence which to me looks like 
> it cleans up the image before closing. how do i fix this?
> <email signatur.PNG>
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