Update. I just decided to run openvasmd --rebuild --progress --verbose

The bar rotated for a few moments, but it been handing at the following for 
close to an hour:

Updating NVT cache... /


I ran across a similar thread on Kali that was just updated yesterday:



I’ll probably give this a shot momentarily…


From: Brandon Perry [mailto:bperry.volat...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 3:41 PM
To: Allyn Baskerville
Cc: openvas-discuss@wald.intevation.org
Subject: Re: [Openvas-discuss] Problem getting tasks to run - old and new


Rebuilding takes a while. In the future —update is also a viable option, but I 
usually just run rebuild.



On Sep 14, 2016, at 3:31 PM, Allyn Baskerville <all...@adsne.com> wrote:


Thanks Brandon, but it doesn’t appear this is ever going to finish. I had 
started the rebuild immediately upon receipt of your email, and 40 minutes 
later it is still rebuilding.


From: Brandon Perry [mailto:bperry.volat...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Allyn Baskerville
Cc: openvas-discuss@wald.intevation.org
Subject: Re: [Openvas-discuss] Problem getting tasks to run - old and new


Please run openvasmd --rebuild and restart the manager (latter probably not 


On Sep 14, 2016, at 2:41 PM, Allyn Baskerville < <mailto:all...@adsne.com> 
all...@adsne.com> wrote:


The scans were running fine for a few weeks, but they stopped a couple days 
ago. OpenVAS 8 is running on CentOS 7. I created a script to automatically 
update the NVTs as follows:




/usr/sbin/openvas-nvt-sync | mail -s "OpenVAS NVT SYNC STATUS"  
<mailto:ad...@email.com> ad...@email.com

killall -s 1 openvassd


Crontab file:

0 18 * * *      /usr/local/bin/openvas-update.sh 2>&1 


I had accidentally created a task in UTC in lieu of CST, so the script ran 
before a job was complete. This particular job was hung at 98% for two days 
before I killed the process, but also after the script ran, no other jobs would 
start up automatically. If I try to start them manually, the wheel spins on the 
browser tab indefinitely, and eventually I have to log back into the scanner. 
The tasks never start.


Here is what I see in the logs:


In gsad.log there are several of the following lines:

gsad main:WARNING:2016-09-14 19h27.45 UTC:3668: MHD: Failed to receive data: 
The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

gsad main:WARNING:2016-09-14 19h27.45 UTC:3668: MHD: Failed to receive data: 
The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.


In openvasmd.log (just created a new task and tried to launch it 10 minutes 

event task:MESSAGE:2016-09-14 19h28.39 UTC:4693: Task Test 
(660694a2-cbe2-4d6a-aa12-b0c86e40eb24) has been created by admin

event task:MESSAGE:2016-09-14 19h28.53 UTC:4704: Task Test 
(660694a2-cbe2-4d6a-aa12-b0c86e40eb24) has been modified by admin


Nothing new has been added to openvassd.log in 2 days since the problem started.


I’m not sure what to do. Can anyone provide any guidance?


Thanks - baskervi

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