I have 4Gb memory so it should be ok I guess. As for Kali, I am capable
of installing every tools on my own (it's what I did in the past
actually), but the main benefit of Kali is that it centralize all
hacking tools in one plateform with some level of integration. So from a
management perspective, it's easier and you gain time. I am actually
more or less "testing" Kali since two years now, and I must confess that
I am considering building my own plateform based on a more robust distro
such as ubuntu or debian. But this is a highly time consuming task, and
in the meantime my duties must go on... not speaking about having the
feeling to reinvent the wheel, though.. :-)

Anyway thanks for your quick help. Currently my scans still go on.. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>
To: openvas-discuss@wald.intevation.org
Subject: Re: [Openvas-discuss] GSA crashes / OpenVAS hungs
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 17:06:21 +0100

Am 03.02.2017 um 16:57 schrieb tatooin:
> Hi Reindl,
> And thanks for your answer. Actually your questions made me find out
> that for some reason my swap partition wasn't mounted. So perhaps it
> explains the issues I'm facing in the end.
> I have mounted my swap back, restarted gsa/redis/openvas and resumed my
> scans.

you should assign at least 3 GB pyhisal RAM to your openvas machine, 
otherwise there is a butcher called OOM killer which will sooner or 
later slaughter your kittens

> Let's see if it fix the issue.
> As for Kali, I can unfortunately only agree with your statement. This
> distrib is just buggy as hell but unfortunately there is no particular
> alternative at the moment when you need a dedicated plateform for
> ethical hacking, which is my case...

don't get me wrong but OpenVAS doe snot only run on Kali and when you 
want to become a hacker you should first become capable to install the 
tools at your own, Kali is no magic, it's just a distribution

> -----Original Message-----
> *From*: Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net
> <mailto:reindl%20harald%20%3ch.rei...@thelounge.net%3e>>
> *To*: openvas-discuss@wald.intevation.org
> <mailto:openvas-discuss@wald.intevation.org>
> *Subject*: Re: [Openvas-discuss] GSA crashes / OpenVAS hungs
> *Date*: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 16:17:53 +0100
> Am 03.02.2017 um 16:04 schrieb tatooin:
>> I can resume works for some times. But again, as soon as the load
>> becomes significant, gsa crashes and openvassd becomes unresponsive.
>> It's not a load problem are purging/restarting redis is the key.
>> Apart from commenting out all save options in redis.conf, is there
>> anything I am missing with redis to get it work properly ?
>> I have the following error logs when gsa crashes in openvassd.messages:
>> /[Fri Feb 3 14:40:18 2017][7333] Client abruptly closed the communication/
>> /[Fri Feb 3 14:40:18 2017][7333] Test complete/
>> /[Fri Feb 3 14:40:18 2017][15974] Process 16844 (OID:
>> seems to have died too early/
>> /[Fri Feb 3 14:40:18 2017][15968] Process 7400 (OID:
>> seems to have died too early/
>> /[Fri Feb 3 14:40:18 2017][15970] Process 16513 (OID:
>> seems to have died too early/
>> /[....continuing....]/
>> /openvassd: testing[0x56176464e10c]/
>> /openvassd: testing[0x56176464e10c]/
>> //lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x33040)[0x7f574a5a0040]/
>> //lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x33040)[0x7f574a5a0040]/
> these are segfaults
> how many RAM has the machine?
> what does dmesg say?
> what doe sthe global syslog say?
> how have you installed openvas?
> did you ask on a kali linux channel?
> each and every time kali linux is mentioned on this than becuse nothing
> works as expeted....
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