Hi Raphael,

Thak you for your answer !

I successfully installed gvm-tools. This tools sounds great with my script !
However, when I try to connect with tls or ssh, I get the following error :
- TLS : [Errno 111] Connection refused
- SSH : Authentication failed

Here is the commands I tried :
gvm-cli tls --hostname localhost --gmp-username MyUser --gmp-password
MyPass -x "<get_version/>"
gvm-cli ssh --hostname localhost --gmp-username MyUser --gmp-password
MyPass -x "<get_version/>"
gvm-pyshell tls --hostname --gmp-username MyUser --gmp-password
MyPass -i
gvm-pyshell ssh --hostname --gmp-username MyUser --gmp-password
MyPass -i

The account I'm using is Admin and I checked the password like 1 million
times :).

Is something wrong with my commands or is this something else ?

Kind Regards,

2017-07-21 13:55 GMT+02:00 Raphael Grewe <raphael.gr...@greenbone.net>:

> Hi Rémi,
> omp is old and will be replaced with the new gvm-tools.
> You can find instructions how to use the tools and the downloadlink
> here:
> https://bitbucket.org/greenbone/gvm-tools
> After successful installation you can use this command for similar
> result:
> gvm-cli tls --hostname HOSTNAME --gmp-username USER --gmp-password PASS
> -X "<get_version/>"
> If you want to write scripts, then you can better use gvm-pyshell. It
> is included in the tools.
> There you can for example write a script files like this.
> The syntax is the same as for python language
> task_ids = [id1, id2, id3]
> for id in task_ids:
>     gmp.start_task(id)
> You can call this script like this: $ gvm-pyshell ssh <path to script>
> For more information about parameter: $ gvm-pyshell ssh -h
> If you running into problems please tell us.
> Best regards
> Raphael Grewe
> On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 13:09:21 +0200
> Rémi Liquete <remi.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm about to perform a script to automatically execute tasks.
> >
> > The problem is : When I'm writing this : omp -O (whatever the last
> > args) I'm getting this error : Failed to acquire the socket.
> >
> > So whatever the args I'm passing, I just can't use omp :(.
> >
> > The webpage is working great. The problem is jsut about omp commands.
> >
> > I'm using the latest OpenVas distrib (OpenVas 9) and OpenVas-CLI is
> > 1.4.5 in a Debian 9 x64 distrib.
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