James MacLean <macle...@ednet.ns.ca> said:

> On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, James Yonan wrote:
> > A new release of the 2.0 beta is available.
> Hi James,
> We have started to look at how we can make use of the single daemon mode
> of OpenVPN, but after playing with options and doing some searching we
> thought it best to post and get direct answers to 2 things that are
> stopping us from using this in place of the 1 process per link for
> connecting many sites together. We realize the push was more for roaming 
> users, but it apears it might work in our scenario too.
> 1. Is there any way, or may we add to the wish list, the ability to route
> a subnet through Openvpn (inside the internal router). As we understand it
> now it will only accept IPs, yet we are trying to use it to connect remote
> subnets together as we do now with the single daemon method. They are /16 
> subnets.

Yes, it is possible now, using the --iroute option.  When a client connects to
the server, the server can have a client-specific configuration, either a file
in the --client-config-dir directory or dynamically generated by a
--client-connect script.  The --iroute option tells OpenVPN to internally
route packets in an IP range to a particular client as identified by that
client's common-name.  You should also preemptively set up those routes so
that the kernel will route them to OpenVPN when the daemon actually starts up,
before the client has connected.

Note that --iroute currently has one weakness, and that is that it only accepts 
ranges (i.e. start-IP and end-IP) rather than a real subnet-based routing
table, and cannot accept really large ranges without consuming a lot of
hash-table space.  If it was /24 or even /22 subnets it would be no problem,
but /16 will require raising a constant in the source, and you will need a
larger hash table.

> 2. We can not find how to bring up routes when clients connect.  Or be
> able to run a client-up script that would be allowed to add routes (to the
> remote subnets).

On the server, use --push "route x.x.x.x" to push a route from server to
client (this directive can be in the master config file or in a
client-specific config file depending on whether you want it pushed to all
clients or only certain clients).

To add a route on the server when a client connects, use --route and
--iroute.  Think of --route as routing the traffic from the kernel to OpenVPN
and --iroute routing from OpenVPN to the actual client.  When routing from the
kernel to OpenVPN always use the remote --ifconfig endpoint as the destination.


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