   I want to know how the openvpn control the multi-client case in 2.0 version.
for example:
  clientA---Internet---|             |----Internal Server1
                       |----Server---|----Internal Server2
  clientB---Internet---|             |----Internal Server3

Based on my comprehension, clientA ( and clientB ( can make
a tunnel with Server ( respectively using TCP connection.
clientA sockA----------Server SockA1
clientB sockB----------Server SockB1
When Server recieves the package from clientA or clientB, it pushs the packages
to the tun/tap device. And the Server box could route the package to the 
server. And the internal server response the package to Server.

My question is: when OpenVPN Server recieves one package from one internal 
how does it control the package and redirect to whom(clientA or clientB)?

   Please help, thanks!

PS: could I use windows version as OpenVPN Server?

Best Regards
   Ouyang Kai

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