On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 23:19:19 +0100 (CET), Mathias Sundman
<math...@nilings.se> wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Mathias Sundman wrote:
> Why do one always find the problem yourself the minute after posting to a
> list?!
> The problem was in the way I called CreateProcess(). I used the
> dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW and wShowWindow = SW_HIDE in the
> start_info struct.
> This was no-no! It seemed to suppress also windows dialogs!
> If I instead used CREATE_NO_WINDOW as dwCreationFlags in the call to
> CreateProcess(), then the openvpn console window was still hidden, but
> Windows still shows the certficate store dialogs correctly.
> Thanks to the list for just existing ;-)
> There will soon be a new release available of OpenVPN GUI with the fix
> included...
> /Mathias

I'd guess different mindset.  Sort of like verbally explaining it to
some one and then it hits you.

Leonard Isham, CISSP
Ostendo non ostento.

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