I had a user report that OpenVPN was working fine from a cmd-line (in Windows), but when using my GUI the Status windows was just empty, and it was impossible to terminate the openvpn connection.

The cause was that this user was using the --log option in his config file. When using this option, even the passphrase prompts are redirected to the log file, however, if you know that OpenVPN is waiting for a passphrase, you can still give in on stdin.

Would it possible to always print the passphrase prompts to the original stdout instead of the logfile? I can't see any reason why you would want the passphase prompt saved in the log file, or is there? OpenVPN GUI would still not see the log output, but at least the passphrase prompt would be showed, so the user would not get the feeling that openvpn has "hanged".

As OpenVPN GUI does not see the passphrase prompt now, it is also not possible for the GUI to terminate the connection as OpenVPN is not checking the exit event while waiting for user input from stdin.

Mathias Sundman                  (^)   ASCII Ribbon Campaign
OpenVPN GUI for Windows           X    NO HTML/RTF in e-mail
http://www.nilings.se/openvpn    / \   NO Word docs in e-mail

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