On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Farid Sarwari wrote:

> If one time passwords are used in the authentication is there a way to
> tell openvpn to renegotiate the SSL but not AUTH to prevent
> disconnection after every renegotiation?

No, that would create a security hole if TLS renegotiations could occur 
without the username/password, when --auth-user-pass-verify is specified.

> Or is the only way to use One Time Passwords to set --reneg-sec to
> something really high?

That would work.  You could also add --auth-nocache to prevent 
username/password caching.  Then OpenVPN would reprompt for u/p when the 
next TLS negotiation occurs.

> I use three factor authentication to connect: username, password, Key
> (from FOB device).  Key is appended to the username. Would it be
> possible to tell openvpn to prompt once again for a Key?
> C:\> openvpn home.ovpn
> Enter Auth Username: jsmith
> Enter Auth Password: *******
> Enter Auth Key: 234-2343

There aren't any plans right now to add more fields beside 
username/password.  If extra info is needed, you can always postfix to 
username or password as you've done.


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