> I don't see in the 2.1 how to use this feature.  Looking at
> the source I'm guessing that it works by specifying the


OK, figured most of it out, and also believe I found a bug.

If anyone is curious Here are the options that the inlining feature


What you do is _replace-_ the existing line with an xml-esque syntax like

Used to be:
  ca "somecafile.crt"

Now is:
  the contents you
  cut and pasted
  out of the original
  file; e.g.

And the same for the other options listed.

The bug, however, is that if an option takes parameters beyond the file
name, as secret and tls-auth do, there is not a mechanism (at least not
that one I can find in the code) to convey that parameter.  In my previous
test I have a direction parameter on the tls-auth and it doesn't come
through.  So at present 'secret' and 'tls-auth' only work if you did not
originally have a direction parameter.  The other options I have all
tested and they do work.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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