On 12/21/06, /dev/rob0 <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
[ Crossposted: this address might not be on Openvpn-devel ]

On Wednesday 20 December 2006 14:00, Stephen Gerstacker wrote:
> I apologize ahead of time, but I've posted this multiple times on the
> OpenVPN-Users list as well as the forum and no one has said a word to
> me about fixing my problem.

FWIW I doubt this has anything at all to do with openvpn directly. You
described a VPN working perfectly, with at least two IP protocols. This
is almost certainly a Windows issue. I don't support Microsoft, so I
didn't reply.

> I'm getting desperate and I'm going
> insane because of this problem.

Come back with hard evidence that openvpn is somehow causing this
problem. Otherwise, check your SMB/CIFS configuration. At no extra
charge I'll throw out a WAG: you're using domain authentication, and
Windows clients not onsite are giving the wrong (or no) domain for
authentication. As Charles suggested, a packet sniffer will show it.

I have to agree this is a Windows issue not OpenVPN.  if it was
OpenVPN specific there would be a large number of reports on the
mailing list.  Just because you can reach a device via IP doesn't mean
that the Windows configuration is correct.

Leonard Isham, CISSP
Ostendo non ostento.

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