Hi OpenVPN developers,

I am new to OpenVPN and have some questions regarding the compression algorithm 
and overall performance. Why was LZO here instead of other algorithms like 
deflate? Any particular performance consideration? 

I am lazy so didn't do any research regarding the difference and performance 
comparison between LZO and Deflate. Just hope to get a quick answer. If the 
question doesn't make sense, please forgive :-)

Another question is how much throughput OpenVPN can support, say, on a Gbits 
networks? I tested it in a 100Mbps LAN environment. Without LZO compression, I 
got around 50Mbps. With LZO enabled, the number is about 70Mbps, which is close 
to the rate I got without VPN. I am wondering, when LZO is not enabled, which 
part limits the throughput. The encryption/decryption? Or the TUN virtual 
device? I guess it's the encryption procedure so I hope to know the rate 
OpenVPN can get in a Gbits network. If anybody has some confirmed figure in 
mind, please kindly inform me. Thanks so much!

Best regards,


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