
I wanted to implement a weekly logfile rotation for the openvpn logfile and 
noticed that it did not work, openvpn kept writing to the old logfile.

If I did a manual mv openvpn.log openvpn.1 openvpn would still write to the 
same file, now called openvpn.1, and not start a new openvpn.log. Only after 
restarting openvpn dit it start a new openvpn.log file.
What is the correct way to keep openvpn up and running but have it start using 
the new logfile?

The logrotate program has a workaround by using the copytruncate option but 
that is more of a stopgap sollution for dumb programs, of which I'm sure 
openvpn is not one.
The logrotate program can send a SIGHUP, SIGUSR1, etc after the rotation to 
tell the program the logfile has been rotated.

The openvpn script in the init.d/ folder has options like reload and reopen 
which correspondent to SIGHUP, SIGUSR1 and might do what I want but.... so far 
it seems not. After both reload and reopen the old logfile is still being used.
Besides that....

Testing with 2.0.9-1 on a Redhat 9 machine I found out that trying to do a 
reload would produce several errors, one about opening the key file, and I 
would loose the vpn connection.
Sat May 10 08:58:44 2008 us=750706 TCP/UDP: Closing socket
Sat May 10 08:58:44 2008 us=750822 /sbin/ip route del
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted
Sat May 10 08:58:44 2008 us=755306 ERROR: Linux route delete command failed: 
shell command exited with error status: 2
Sat May 10 08:58:44 2008 us=865438 OpenVPN 2.0.9 i386-redhat-linux-gnu [SSL] 
[LZO] [EPOLL] built on Feb  2 2007
Sat May 10 08:58:44 2008 us=865545 Restart pause, 2 second(s)
Sat May 10 08:58:46 2008 us=866570 IMPORTANT: OpenVPN's default port number is 
now 1194, based on an official port number assignment by IANA.  OpenVPN 
2.0-beta16 and earlier used 5000 as the default port.
Sat May 10 08:58:46 2008 us=867202 Cannot load private key file bonnothuis.key: 
error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied: error:20074002:BIO 
routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib: error:140B0002:S
SL routines:SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file:system lib
Sat May 10 08:58:46 2008 us=867316 Error: private key password verification 
Sat May 10 08:58:46 2008 us=867342 Exiting
Is this a known error, maybe connected to the nobody options, or should I do 
some testing with the new 2.1 version?

Is the issue with the logfile rotation dealt with in the 2.1 release? If not, 
will it be in a next rc? Do I need to help testing some things?
I am NOT a C programmer, at least not anymore. My programming skills are old 
and were in several other languages like Pascal, Forth, etc. :-)

p.s. In my production environment I will be using Openvpn mainly on Debian 
etch, so for that I would still be using the 2.0.9 release for a while. But at 
home I'd like to use the newer version to see if openvpn 2.1 does work as it 

Bonno Bloksma

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