Jochen Wierum skrev den 16-11-2008 16:50:
Morten Christensen wrote:
Jochen Wierum skrev den 11-10-2008 23:19:

My name is Jochen Wierum and I'm a student at a university of applied
science in Germany. We work with OpenVPN there. Since a few weeks, we
also have the option to use SmartCards instead of pkcs12 files.

I have tried your GUI interface, but I use auth-user-pass in my config
for authentification and your program only asks for the password and not
the username.
( I have tried it, because I only want to enter the password, and tries
to find a GUI, that can take the username from CN of the certificate,
but completely omitting the username is not the solution in setup's like

Morten Christensen


I will implement the auth-user-pass feature the next weeks. So stay
tuned. I'm not sure if there's a way to get the CN in the management
interface so I can't promise you that this is possible.
Keep an eye on [1] and wait for version



Hi Jochen

Is your project still alive, or can I stop looking at the sourceforge-project, where nothing have happened for a month or more ?

Morten Christensen

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