Hi Gert,

Gert Doering wrote:

can one of you tell me what happens "under the hood" if I click the
"disconnect" button of the openvpn-gui under Windows XP?

Why am I asking?  I managed to get my windows build environment working
well enough that I can now build a complete installer package with the
IPv6 patches, and with the adapted tun/tap driver - but it breaks in
funny ways.

 - Installation works fine
 - running the openvpn-gui (precompiled) works fine
 - (client) connection to a TUN server works fine
[initiated by pressing the "connect..." button of the GUI in the windowsstatus bar]
 - IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity works

- pressing the "disconnection" button of the GUI doesn't seem to do anything. Well, the status window says "disconnecting..." and the button is greyed out - but no update in the log file or the status window, no nothing.

I assume that "something is miscompiled" or "a newer version of mingw
has some surprising side effects" - but to know where to start looking,
it would be helpful to understand what signalling is used
  openvpn-gui --> openvpn.exe

to signal disconnect.

(Since I didn't touch any of the signal handling stuff, I'm fairly sure
that it wasn't one of my changes, but I still want to have a working
Windows bundle to get people to test it)
took me a while to figure this one out:
the openvpn gui codes sets an 'exit event' (using a win32 API call CreateEvent) before starting the actual openvpn process; when the user chooses 'disconnect' this 'exit event' is triggered, which causes the process to be terminated (using the appropriate win32 signal).

The question now becomes: what does openvpn do when it receives a terminate signal? actually, is there a signal being sent to the server to say "client X is disconnecting" ?



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