On 04/21/2010 09:13:35 AM, Toby Thain wrote:
> On 21-Apr-10, at 11:49 PM, Richard Monk wrote:
> > I had an issue come up where the clients were getting DNS entries 
> in
> > the
> > reverse order the server sends them when using the client.up 
> contrib
> > script.  Since the DNS servers on our system are in order from
> > closest->farthest network wise from the VPN server, having them
> > backwards caused some performance issues.
> Have you considered a local caching DNS with forwarding?

I don't see how this will solve the problem.
What if the closest _is_ a local caching DNS with forwarding
to the next farthest out?  You still want all the DNS servers
available in case one is down for some reason.

Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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