
Here's the summary of the previous community meeting.



Place: #openvpn-devel on irc.freenode.net
List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Thursday, 29th March 2010
Time: 18:00 UTC

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were on this page:


Next meeting next week, same place, same time. Your local meeting time
is easy to check from services such as


or with

$ date -u


Discussed the VLAN tagging patchset. Agreed that "feat_passtos" branch
needs to be tested before VLAN tagging patches can be included in
"allmerged" branch. Feat_passtos patch was sent to -devel ml a while back:


Discussed tasks which we know we should do, but can't do immediately.
Agreed that we should start using Trac to track these. Samuli promised
to move existing content from Secure Computing "Open tasks" wiki page to

Discussed Trac spam prevention. Agreed that some of the Trac wiki pages
should be protected against editing by "normal" authenticated users.

Discussed the "Using --inactive and --ping seems to defeat each other"


Agreed that we need to find a proper default value for --inactive
arguments (seconds & bytecount) which avoids OpenVPN pings from keeping
the connection open. Samuli promised to ask if our users could help us
with this issue. If that fails, a new Trac task will be created.

Discussed the "Avoid repetition of "this config may cache passwords in
memory" (v2)" issue:


James ACK'd the above patch.

Discussed the "Revamped the script-security warning logging (version 2)"


James will give the above patch an ACK once it's changed to use the
openvpn_snprintf function. Dazo will take care of this small modification.

Discussed OpenVPN roadmap. Agreed to make the next Thursday's meeting a
dedicated "Roadmap" meeting. In this meeting James will present his
views of the future of OpenVPN 3.0 and it's relationship with 2.x
series. Discussion will be kept at a relatively high-level, without
going into gory details such as "OpenVPN 2.2 will include the following
features...". Agreed that users need to be involved in defining the
future of OpenVPN.

Discussed OpenVPN coding conventions / coding style. Agreed that we need
to use "GNU Indent" (or similar tool) to make sure all code is formatted
similarly. Agreed that some parts of the current code may have to
reformatted before forcing people to use a specific coding style.

Discussed code security issues. Agreed that all patches should be
checked with (security) auditing tools such as Valgrind and Coverity.
James promised to write the first version of "Coding security
guidelines" document, which can then updated as required.

Discussed problems with getting developers with no prior OSS development
experience involved. Samuli has noticed that many people who provide
useful patches are not confident enough to send them to the -devel
mailinglists. Agreed that something has to be done to lower the
(psychological) barrier of entry to OpenVPN development. Mentoring was
suggested as one possibility.


Full chatlog as an attachment

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

(21:06:25) mattock: james should be coming - at least he has not told me 
(21:07:51) mattock: should we begin with something that does not require / 
benefit from James' presence?
(21:09:36) mattock: ...
(21:10:26) dazo: I can just introduce fabiank on this channel is the one behind 
the VLAN tagging patches ... and I hope he will be able to join our meetings in 
the future 
(21:11:03) mattock: dazo: do we a specific goal regarding VLAN tagging patches 
(21:11:19) ***fabiank waves
(21:11:31) mattock: hi fabiank!
(21:11:42) krzee: hey fabiank!
(21:11:47) dazo: not more than I'd like to see someone who understands VLAN and 
the code paths being modified to give it a proper review
(21:12:17) dazo: Peter Stuge seems to have done a pretty decent overall 
overview, but nothing in-depths to the feature itself
(21:12:58) dazo: And we should probably combine this with the --passtos testing 
as well, as Fabian's patches are based upon that branch
(21:13:41) mattock: can the patchset be merged to "allmerged" once somebody 
knowledgeable gives it an ACK?
(21:13:56) fabiank: Yes, it merges cleanly with allmerged.
(21:14:16) mattock: great!
(21:14:48) mattock: I just sent James mail, I hope he's coming
(21:14:58) dazo: yes, the overall code quality seems to be good for that, from 
what I could see ... but as this patch might have some interesting challenges 
against IPv6 branch ... it can be good to be sure VLAN is safe from a technical 
point of view
(21:15:15) dazo: fabiank:  ahh!  Cool you tested it!
(21:15:25) mattock: he might be able to give the VLAN patchset an ACK 
(21:15:47) dazo: yeah, it would be good to have that done .... but!
(21:16:32) dazo: as VLAN patches are based upon feat_passtos .... which we have 
not received any testing feedback from .... that merge with VLAN will 
implicitly bring feat_passtos into allmerged as well
(21:16:45) fabiank: dazo: yes, I've created an internal allmerged branch 
(fsmi_allmerged) which includes both the feat_vlan branch and another feature 
I'm working on. This is / will be what we're basing our internal Debian package 
on and will be used in our testing setup.
(21:17:05) mattock: dazo: yep, that's a problem
(21:17:30) dazo: fabiank:  cool!  you may try to contact agi on this channel 
... he's the Debian package maintainer for OpenVPN as well
(21:17:56) dazo: mattock:  exactly
(21:18:30) mattock: james is coming in a minute
(21:18:34) dazo: fabiank:  how is feat_vlan_tagging related to feat_passtos ... 
what code is shared here?  Are there code changes in feat_passtos which you 
don't need?
(21:18:36) fabiank: dazo: Ah, interesting.  We've based it on his Debian 
packaging anyway, so everything fine on that end. :)
(21:18:56) fabiank: dazo: To be honest, I'm not sure of the exact scope of 
(21:19:17) mattock: who is responsible for the feat_passtos?
(21:19:19) fabiank: dazo: I'll see whether I can have a short look at a diff.
(21:19:20) jamesyonan [~jamesy...@c-76-120-71-74.hsd1.co.comcast.net] è 
entrato nel canale.
(21:19:25) mattock: and is he/she working with us already?
(21:19:30) mattock: and if not, why not? ;)
(21:19:30) dazo: fabiank:  it's rather a simple patchset ... which makes sure 
the TOS flag is forwarded correctly over the tunnel
(21:19:36) mattock: hi james!
(21:19:45) jamesyonan: Hi everyone
(21:19:54) mattock: good you could attend!
(21:19:56) fabiank: dazo: Is it basically a single patch? Then I've looked at 
it already ...
(21:19:56) dazo: Hi, James!
(21:20:41) mattock: btw. the meeting topics are here: 
(21:20:43) vpnHelper: Title: Topics-2010-04-29 – OpenVPN (at 
(21:20:48) dazo: fabiank:  yeah, normally I'd put feat_passtos into feat_misc 
... but we wanted some explicit testing of that branch to be sure it won't 
break anything and that it works as expected ... but nobody have responded to 
our testing request so far
(21:22:39) mattock: james, we've been discussing the vlan patchset
(21:22:44) fabiank: dazo: OK. If feat_passtos hadn't existed, I would have 
submitted the same code. Slightly different approach, but ... anyway.  (During 
my first patch-set attempt I didn't know of feat_passtos.)
(21:23:34) krzee: hey james!
(21:23:50) dazo: fabiank:  no problem ... and if you share code paths with 
feat_passtos ... it do make sense to base it here ... but that's the main 
challenge we have now to merge it into allmerged .... unless you share all the 
code paths of feat_passtos
(21:24:40) dazo: we just need to be sure we get the code paths tested which we 
(21:25:06) fabiank: dazo: My motivation would have been slightly different 
though.  If I understand the effects correctly, feat_passtos also allows the 
packet filtering to filter based on IP addresses for ethernet packets that are 
(21:25:42) fabiank: dazo: We'd share the code-paths, if we'd test the PF side 
of things.
(21:25:54) dazo: fabiank:  that might be true ... I'm not experienced into the 
network packet layer, so I don't really know that
(21:26:15) dazo: fabiank:  that sounds pretty promising
(21:28:22) fabiank: dazo: Unfortunately, our planned installation doesn't 
require PF / passtos / mssfix stuff (yet?), so we would have to explicitly test 
(21:30:23) dazo: fabiank:  I see ... well, we will have to bring up the testing 
situation as a different agenda topic, as this is something we should be able 
to test out easily ... but if you're able to get some testing of this, it would 
be great!
(21:31:18) mattock: anything else on VLAN tagging / feat_passtos?
(21:31:32) dazo: right now, I'm focused on getting you the needed ACK on the 
patches so we can get it into allmerged ... but it requires some testing of the 
feat_passtos stuff right now too :(  that's the current situation
(21:31:47) dazo: mattock:  I don't think so ... unless fabiank has more to 
share :)
(21:32:23) mattock: dazo: any ideas how to test the feat_passtos? I think we 
asked people to test it on the ml earlier, but got no test reports 
(21:32:37) mattock: I think the patch has been "floating" since then
(21:32:53) dazo: mattock:  Didn't we get a little "test script" by the guy who 
wrote the patch?
(21:32:59) fabiank: I have nothing pending on the vlan stuff ... the last 
update in response to Peter's review was all.
(21:33:19) mattock: dazo: might be, have to recheck that
(21:33:33) dazo: fabiank:  good!  And I'll be rebasing your feat_vlan_tagging 
branch this evening, to synch it on your proper branch
(21:33:48) dazo: mattock:  we might have wiki page with it as well, iirc
(21:34:07) mattock: dazo: good idea 
(21:34:08) fabiank: Basically the priority in an 802.1Q frame should influence 
the TOS field of the tunnel's-IPv4 packet, right?
(21:34:55) dazo: fabiank:  that's how I've understood it ... jamesyonan?
(21:39:15) jamesyonan: Yes, basically the passtos concept is about moving 
packet meta-data (like from the IP header) from the tunnel layer to the 
transport layer
(21:39:17) fabiank: I've had a short look: feat_passtos should allow IPv4 
packets that are 802.1Q tagged to be properly examined for TOS, TCP MSS, DHCP 
router extraction and packet truncation checking.
(21:42:14) mattock: ok, shall we move on?
(21:42:22) dazo: I'm ready for that
(21:42:37) fabiank: Me too. :)
(21:42:44) mattock: so, in a nutshell, feat_passtos needs testing - somehow :)
(21:43:13) mattock: are any of the topics especially crucial / important?
(21:43:21) mattock: or shall we start from the top, as always?
(21:43:55) dazo: sure :)  But I don't think we have anything new on the first 
topic though ... which changes things 
(21:44:21) dazo: we're still missing someone who could help out on the Windows 
(21:44:42) mattock: true
(21:45:19) mattock: should we start using Trac tasks for things that should be 
done, but nobody has volunteered?
(21:45:19) dazo: (fabiank:  I've just scratched the old feat_vlan_tagging 
branch ... and put out a new one with your feat_vlan branch as the base)
(21:45:35) dazo: mattock:  +1
(21:45:36) mattock: things like the InternetQueryOptions API update
(21:45:40) fabiank: (dazo: Great! Thanks. :) )
(21:45:51) mattock: with links to all background information
(21:46:02) dazo: that would be a good idea
(21:46:17) mattock: same for bugs we can't fix right away, of course
(21:46:29) dazo: +1
(21:46:39) mattock: and even for bugs which we do fix right away, as discussed 
in last(?) meeting
(21:46:46) mattock: regarding Trac...
(21:46:59) mattock: the self-service registration service is now as ready as it 
can ever be
(21:47:07) mattock: so we _could_ open Trac for wider audience
(21:47:16) mattock: however, I'm a little worried about spam and such
(21:48:08) mattock: I think we should protect the most essential content (e.g. 
developer docs) against changes by random people 
(21:48:12) mattock: what do you think?
(21:48:17) dazo: no clever captcha stuff during registration?  Like the ones 
which secure-computing.net got .... gives you a math piece to solve
(21:48:31) mattock: dazo: there's reCAPTCHA for user registration
(21:48:43) mattock: but nothing in trac to prevent human spammers
(21:49:19) dazo: ahh ... well, let's open some pages for all ... and see how 
that goes, but I agree ... the crucial docs should not be too open, at least 
not in the beginning
(21:49:36) jamesyonan: agreed
(21:49:57) dazo: but if we compare against the changelogs on 
secure-computing.net wiki ... it's not too much action there
(21:50:17) mattock: I think we should not be too strict (e.g. like CentOS 
(21:50:36) mattock: dazo: I fear we'll have quite a lot of traffic once Trac 
gets linked to from openvpn.net
(21:50:52) dazo: agreed ... so then it's just to decide which pages is crucial 
(21:51:01) dazo: good point
(21:51:32) mattock: I'll take a look at what Trac offers on the page protection 
/ spam prevention front and let you know via ml
(21:51:57) dazo: good :)
(21:52:07) mattock: and I'll move the "Open tasks" pages from secure computing 
to Trac tasks
(21:52:38) dazo: Ahh ... perfect!  I wasn't sure if you had moved that page, so 
I added one item there the other day, I believe
(21:52:56) mattock: I'll move it tomorrow
(21:53:51) dazo: Next item?
(21:53:54) mattock: yep
(21:53:57) dazo: Using --inactive and --ping seems to defeat each other 
(21:53:59) vpnHelper: Title: Gmane Loom (at thread.gmane.org)
(21:54:35) dazo: jamesyonan:  This one is one you might know something about 
.... could you use --inactive and --ping earlier on?
(21:55:12) dazo: this guy reporting this one claims that when --ping is enabled 
.... it will never close the connection after the defined --inactivity time
(21:56:03) dazo: From a quick code review, it seems to make sense though ... 
and the guy is right ... these two should either work ... or be better 
documented that do not work together
(21:57:19) jamesyonan: remember that --inactive takes an argument (see man page)
(21:57:59) jamesyonan: i.e. the optional 'bytes' argument
(21:58:10) jamesyonan: if not specified, I believe that bytes defaults to 0
(21:58:18) dazo: hmmm ... 
(21:58:22) krzee: i got off work early, see you guys later
(21:58:27) krzee: have a good meeting
(21:58:33) dazo: why did I believe it was seconds ....
(21:58:39) jamesyonan: so that means that even minimal traffic could keep the 
tunnel open
(21:58:49) dazo: jamesyonan:  that makes sense though
(21:59:02) mattock: krzee: bye!
(21:59:10) jamesyonan: I'm referring to the second, optional parameter to 
(21:59:23) dazo: ahh ... yeah, I see
(21:59:40) dazo: well, then it's just to adjust that byte value higher
(21:59:47) jamesyonan: right
(21:59:48) dazo: how big are those ping requests?
(22:00:14) jamesyonan: tens or hundreds of bytes
(22:00:49) dazo: oki ... so setting it to 250 bytes, might actually behave 
closer to what's expected
(22:01:44) jamesyonan: so basically, you want to set inactive bytes high enough 
so that the normal "chatter" of the open tunnel won't make OpenVPN think that 
the tunnel is still active
(22:01:45) krzee ha abbandonato il canale (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(22:02:16) dazo: jamesyonan:  should we consider to raise the default byte 
count in --inactive?  So that normal pings do to keep it open?
(22:02:35) jamesyonan: yeah, that probably makes sense
(22:03:42) dazo: mattock:  can you put up in the open tasks list? .... 
Experiment with finding a proper --inactive byte count value so --ping requests 
are ignored 
(22:03:50) mattock: will do
(22:04:05) dazo: thx!
(22:04:14) mattock: perhaps we could ask users on the ml before we do that, 
(22:04:27) jamesyonan: it's tricky to default it to a constant because it needs 
to be larger as the number of seconds parameter increases
(22:04:39) dazo: true
(22:05:27) mattock: what if I ask users if they could test this... if that 
fails, but it to a Trac task
(22:05:29) dazo: but the default could be    (seconds * byte_count_factor)
(22:05:32) ecrist: mattock: when is the forum going to be up?
(22:05:39) mattock: ecrist: depends on us :)
(22:06:03) mattock: self-service registration service is ready and Trac only 
needs a few plugins / tweaks
(22:06:10) mattock: after that we can move on to forums
(22:06:14) ecrist: since I have some keys to that castle, email me a task list 
and I'll get to work on it.
(22:06:54) mattock: ecrist: I can handle the basic server configuration tasks 
if you manage the phpbb stuff
(22:07:12) ecrist: sure.
(22:08:39) dazo: next?
(22:08:55) mattock: yep
(22:09:07) dazo:     * Avoid repetition of "this config may cache passwords in 
memory" (v2)  -- http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.network.openvpn.devel/3591
(22:09:08) vpnHelper: Title: Gmane Loom (at thread.gmane.org)
(22:09:34) mattock: anybody care to ACK that?
(22:09:41) dazo: this one I have tested in prod ... and it seems to work pretty 
(22:09:59) dazo: fabiank:  you are also most welcome to give ACK's to mails on 
the ML :)
(22:10:30) mattock: the more devs we have giving ACK's, the better
(22:10:37) fabiank: dazo: Ah ok, I see.  Thanks for mentioning that. :)
(22:10:39) dazo: exactly! :)
(22:10:53) jamesyonan: this seems reasonable
(22:11:17) mattock: currently some stuff manages to "slip" away without an ACK
(22:11:30) mattock: even if the patch is relatively trivial
(22:11:54) mattock: jamesyonan: is that an ACK?
(22:12:15) jamesyonan: ack
(22:12:41) dazo:   * Revamped the script-security warning logging (version 2) 
-- http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.network.openvpn.devel/3587
(22:12:42) vpnHelper: Title: Gmane Loom (at thread.gmane.org)
(22:13:34) dazo: this is a bigger one ... but fixes what we discussed last week 
or so ... removing a --script-security warning unless when absolutely needed 
... and does it only once
(22:16:57) jamesyonan: looks pretty good -- BTW, you can say: 
openvpn_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), ...
(22:17:46) dazo: ahh! true!
(22:18:19) mattock: jamesyonan: is it an ACK with that change?
(22:18:27) jamesyonan: yes
(22:18:28) dazo: jamesyonan:  If I get an ACK, I can promise to fix that one on 
the fly
(22:18:40) krzie: !learn wishlist as http://ovpnforum.com/viewforum.php?f=10 
for the openvpn wishlist
(22:18:40) vpnHelper: krzie: Error: You don't have the factoids.learn 
capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you 
are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're 
(22:18:42) ***dazo will fix
(22:18:57) krzie: !learn wishlist as http://ovpnforum.com/viewforum.php?f=10 
for the openvpn wishlist
(22:18:57) vpnHelper: krzie: Joo got it.
(22:20:38) dazo: We've been through the next one already ... PULL-REQUEST for 
VLAN-Tagging ...
(22:21:38) dazo: Unless someone wants/need a status update on "In progress" and 
"awaiting testing before ACK" items ... we can go to "Other" items
(22:23:13) ***dazo will put a little bit more information on those items to 
next week
(22:23:13) mattock: ok, "other" is fine by me
(22:23:49) dazo: Community site - Trac config ... that's been discussed
(22:23:52) mattock: yep
(22:23:54) dazo: Roadmap'
(22:24:04) dazo: this is a biggie ...
(22:24:10) mattock: yep, it is
(22:24:30) dazo: should we allocate one meeting for this topic alone, maybe?
(22:24:41) mattock: sounds like a good idea
(22:25:35) mattock: I think I intended to start discussion about roadmap and 
something else this week... but somehow managed to forget
(22:25:54) mattock: on the mailing list I mean
(22:26:19) dazo: ahh ... yeah, that sounds familiar, somehow :)
(22:26:43) mattock: should we have a separate "roadmap" meeting in addition to 
our usual meeting... or should we just replace the usual meeting?
(22:27:23) jamesyonan: I would vote to replace the usual meeting
(22:27:29) dazo: I was thinking about that as well .... but I thought that 
peoples schedules might be pretty packed already .... but if it is announced 
ahead of time, more people might be able to plan it better
(22:28:41) mattock: I think we should try to keep as much of the roadmap 
discussion as possible on the mailing list
(22:29:43) mattock: and use the IRC where it makes most sense
(22:30:02) dazo: true ... but to get started, to get a kind of framework to 
start working from - that might need a meeting
(22:30:16) mattock: dazo: agreed
(22:30:46) mattock: I'll check what I promised last week and then do it :)
(22:31:02) mattock: shall we have the roadmap meeting next week?
(22:31:37) jamesyonan: that works for me
(22:32:28) mattock: let's try to prepare that meeting as well as possible
(22:32:43) dazo: sure ... let's get a quick announcement about it as soon as 
possible as well
(22:33:03) mattock: so that we know what issues we need to solve somehow
(22:33:16) mattock: dazo: I'll send an announcement tomorrow
(22:33:16) dazo: mm
(22:33:21) dazo: good!
(22:33:23) mattock: should we send it to -users as well as -devel?
(22:33:38) mattock: I think -devel suffices - what do you think?
(22:34:09) mattock: =is enough
(22:34:10) dazo: hmm .... not sure, but I tend to lean towards both .... for 
the announcement .... and then the discussion after the meeting will go on 
(22:34:38) dazo: but doing it on -users can cause more traffic and maybe some 
unneeded noise
(22:34:49) ecrist: IMHO, if people want -devel traffic the should subscribe to 
the right thing
(22:35:01) mattock: ecrist: good point. Ok, so what exactly shall we discuss on 
the roadmap meeting?
(22:35:03) ecrist: s/the//
(22:36:07) mattock: will it be high-level stuff (like the questions listed on 
today's topics)?
(22:36:29) mattock: or shall we discuss concrete issues (like what features 
will be included in next release
(22:36:31) mattock: ?
(22:36:55) ecrist: I think roadmap meetings should discuss things users can get 
more involved in
(22:37:14) dazo: The result should be some kind of milestone skeleton .... with 
some estimates for deadlines and if possible who will be responsible in keeping 
the tasks
(22:37:23) ecrist: sometimes, it's not always good to only have developers at 
the helm, but to allow users to influence the course a bit.
(22:38:06) dazo: mattock:  yes, it needs to be more high-level ... because with 
a roadmap we will have these weekly meetings to follow up the progress on the 
(22:38:17) dazo: with the gory low-level details 
(22:38:27) dazo: ecrist:  +1
(22:39:29) mattock: ok, what if we keep the "roadmap meeting" high-level and 
then discuss the concrete issues ("what will be on next release") on the 
mailing list
(22:39:59) dazo: If jamesyonan could give a more detailed "presentation" on 
that meeting of where he sees OpenVPN should go further, what problem we have 
with the current state and where he sees us headed ... and then take the 
discussion from there
(22:40:22) jamesyonan: yes, I can do that
(22:41:52) mattock: ok, I guess that's settled then
(22:42:04) mattock: agreed?
(22:42:53) dazo: the next thing we need to clarify is to somehow document the 
process of getting stuff from openvpn-testing.git into the stable trees
(22:42:55) jamesyonan: my presentation will probably be more far-sighted, i.e. 
looking more towards 3.0 than 2.2
(22:43:04) dazo: that's fine enough!
(22:43:17) mattock: dazo: yep, that's very important
(22:44:00) mattock: currently we have testing (git) and stable (svn) but 
they're pretty separate
(22:44:19) mattock: there's no clear process leading from a patch to release
(22:44:27) dazo: that process needs to clarify conditions for patches to go 
into the stable tree ... how to document that ... and then the practical merge
(22:46:13) dazo: jamesyonan:  I'm seeing that a 2.2 and releases up to 3.0 will 
all kind of be gradually moving the code base more and more over to what we 
want to see in 3.0 ... or am I thinking of this wrong?
(22:46:40) mattock: dazo: I think we agreed in a meeting we should at least try 
to do that
(22:47:01) mattock: to make the jump from 2.x to 3.0 as small as possible
(22:47:28) mattock: otherwise we'll run into a number of problems
(22:47:30) dazo: mattock:  ahh ... I had a strong feeling this was not new 
thoughts :)
(22:48:05) mattock: if we move towards 3.0 in small increments the 2.x series 
is not "competing" against 3.0 as it would if 3.0 was a complete rewrite
(22:48:07) jamesyonan: it's possible but tricky to reach 3.0 incrementally
(22:49:04) mattock: perhaps we could document what needs to be done, where a 
complete rewrite is required, where we could move forward incrementally etc
(22:49:20) mattock: then we'd know better what approach to take
(22:49:27) jamesyonan: in 3.0 I would like see a revamped i/o event layer and 
an internal architecture that more closely mirrors a general network stack
(22:49:35) dazo: mm ... some parts of the 3.0 base must be written from scratch 
... that would be expected ... but if the we can modularise better things in 
the 2.x path, it can more easily be used in 3.x
(22:50:18) jamesyonan: maybe we can bring in a new library to handle the event 
layer such as libevent
(22:50:29) dazo: mm
(22:52:20) dazo: the encryption layer might also be possible to modularise 
already during 2.x
(22:53:02) mattock: what if we try to figure out what 3.0 will be like and then 
dig into the code to get a better idea what's involved?
(22:53:11) dazo: yupp
(22:53:30) mattock: shall we move on to "Coding style guidelines"?
(22:53:41) mattock: that'd be the last issue...
(22:54:37) dazo: jamesyonan:  this one you might be able to answer better ... 
but do you use any indenting tools to make sure the code follows one style for 
your work?
(22:54:53) dazo: and what "parameters" do you keep your style after?
(22:55:01) dazo: (bad grammar)
(22:55:03) jamesyonan: well, there's always gnu indent
(22:55:56) dazo: could we find some good parameters for gnu indent which we can 
instruct those sending patches to use?
(22:55:59) jamesyonan: early on in the project, I actually ran the code through 
gnu indent a few times, and then maintained that style going forward
(22:57:12) mattock: I've seen quite a lot of style discussions on the ml 
lately... how strict style guidelines do we want?
(22:57:56) dazo: I would prefer a rather strict guideline ... as mixing coding 
styles is even worse than any bad coding style
(22:58:27) mattock: dazo: how much of that can be achieved with a tool like GNU 
(22:58:38) dazo: mattock:  basically everything :)
(22:59:09) dazo: even though, I'm not a big fan of the current style ... I'd 
rather keep something close to what the majority of the code uses now, than to 
get a lot of mixed styles into the code
(22:59:28) mattock: I remember seeing discussion about if - then - else blocks 
vs. some other approach... can indent fix that kind of stuff?
(22:59:36) dazo: mattock:  yes
(22:59:49) mattock: oh, that's pretty advanced, then :)
(23:00:00) mattock: can we reverse-engineer indent parameters from the code?
(23:00:04) dazo: mattock:  you can completely reformat the whole code to 
whatever coding style you define ... it's all controlled by the arguments to 
(23:00:05) fabiank: Whether or not GNU indent would work might depend on how 
unified the code style is currently.  A patch probably shouldn't touch 
unrelated code pieces and running GNU indent might cause unrelated parts to be 
changed ...
(23:00:23) dazo: fabiank:  good point!
(23:00:45) dazo: we might actually need a "clean up coding style patch" before 
we start enforcing it
(23:01:31) mattock: jamesyonan: do you use some tools to check the code for 
security problems, memory leaks etc.? or does gcc handle all of that 
(23:01:49) jamesyonan: I usually use valgrind
(23:01:51) mattock: also, should the patches go through such tools?
(23:02:03) jamesyonan: yes, I would highly recommend that
(23:02:31) ***dazo usually tests his stuff regularly with valgrind to look for 
memleaks and other memory related issues
(23:03:04) jamesyonan: Also: there's a company called Coverity that has a tool 
set that does compile-time checking for bugs and security issues
(23:03:23) jamesyonan: as an open source project, we can freely use Coverity's 
(23:03:54) mattock: ok, so we'd need a "fix indent patch", publicly available 
GNU indent parameters, documentation on how to use valgrind/coverity
(23:03:56) mattock: ...
(23:04:08) mattock: -> more developers docs and patch requirements
(23:04:23) dazo: mattock:  basically, yes
(23:04:46) jamesyonan: we should add a doc on "coding security guidelines" as 
(23:05:08) dazo: yes!
(23:05:24) mattock: jamesyonan: could you write the first version of that 
(23:05:38) dazo: jamesyonan:  would you have time to put up a kind of skeleton 
here, of what you find crucial and imp....... mattock was quicker
(23:05:50) jamesyonan: It's on my todo list
(23:06:15) dazo: jamesyonan:  if you get some skeleton out ... I can sure help 
filling out some of the gaps
(23:06:23) jamesyonan: cool
(23:06:30) mattock: btw. many devs are frightened of sending patches to mailing 
lists... especially after I give them the link to "patch requirements"
(23:06:50) mattock: I was wondering whether we should have something to cater 
for devs who are not used to OSS development
(23:07:21) mattock: for example, the guy who wrote the OSX keyring patch needed 
some encouragement before he dared send his patch to the list
(23:07:33) mattock: I was wondering whether a "mentoring" thing could help here
(23:07:38) dazo: well, yes and no .... if the documentation is difficult to 
understand ... but if we could tell them "run this script before you commit 
your patch" .... and that points out problems or fixes the simple issues ... 
then a lot is done
(23:08:04) dazo: mattock:  you think I scared him away? :)
(23:08:19) ***dazo sure hope he didn't scare him
(23:08:24) mattock: hope not, but if you did, I can encourage him again :)
(23:08:36) dazo: :)
(23:08:37) mattock: "no, dazo's not really like that, really..." :)
(23:08:45) dazo: hehe :)
(23:09:08) mattock: anyways, I'll try to think of a way for OSS noobs to get 
into OpenVPN development without getting scared away
(23:10:03) mattock: several of the devs I've pointed to devel docs have not 
been heard from since then, so this is a real problem 
(23:10:07) dazo: but some people who send patches also have the idea that "the 
others will fix it!" ... and we're not garbage collectors either ... but if my 
responses are too harsh or not appropriate, please let me know!
(23:10:31) dazo: that's worrying!
(23:10:36) mattock: dazo: agreed... the patch authors need to be responsible 
for their stuff
(23:11:02) mattock: dazo: we're talking about maybe 4-5 patches here
(23:11:34) dazo: mattock:  well, that's many enough to get worried .... we're 
getting more and more patches, but 4-5 more wouldn't hurt us
(23:12:04) mattock: I'm tracking these guys now and will send at least one 
"encouragement" email to each dev who hasn't sent the patch the -devel after I 
asked them to
(23:12:23) dazo: that's cool! :)  And clever!
(23:12:32) dazo: but having that said, the amount of patches now being sent to 
the ML is increasing! :)
(23:12:38) mattock: yep, it is
(23:13:57) mattock: I wonder what happens once Trac is linked to from 
openvpn.net... I think the majority of people don't know our development model 
has changed  
(23:14:08) mattock: and that probably includes some devs, too
(23:14:14) dazo: good point!
(23:14:44) mattock: do you think we're done for today?
(23:14:51) mattock: it's getting late here
(23:15:36) dazo: yeah, I think we are :)
(23:15:57) mattock: ok, so "Roadmap" meeting next week
(23:16:04) mattock: I'll announce it tomorrow on -devel
(23:16:11) dazo: perfect!
(23:16:27) mattock: ok, good night guys!
(23:16:34) dazo: good night!
(23:16:38) jamesyonan: take care
(23:16:54) mattock: see you later
(23:17:18) fabiank: bye bye :)

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