Hi all,

Yesterday we discussed OpenVPN roadmap issues in the IRC. Full chatlog
of the session is attached to this email. Although no consensus on
future direction was yet reached, I and Dazo managed to put something
hopefully useful together. Note that this Wiki page is setup purely for
communication purposes, not to dictate the direction of OpenVPN:


The underlying issues affecting the design (see "Development issues")
are still unsolved. If we want to  go forward with the current 3.0
design (see  "Design and implementation"), large parts of OpenVPN will
have to be written from scratch. However, some parts of 2.1 can be
modified to work with 3.0 and some of the modules of 3.0 can be
implemented beforehand in 2.x series.

Do you think that OpenVPN 3.0 in it's planned form is worth the trouble?
Should we just focus on incrementally improving 2.x series? What
problems and possibilities do you see in current plans? Have we missed
something important? In short: any thoughts about all of this?

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

(21:00:28) reg9009: hey tehre...
(21:01:53) mattock: hi
(21:01:59) jamesyonan [~jamesy...@c-76-120-71-74.hsd1.co.comcast.net] è 
entrato nel canale.
(21:02:06) jamesyonan: hi
(21:02:10) mattock: hi james!
(21:02:17) cron2: hi mattock, james, reg9009
(21:02:39) jamesyonan: I wrote up some ideas/notes on OpenVPN 3: 
(21:02:54) jamesyonan: I haven't had a chance to put it on the wiki yet.
(21:03:56) mattock: jamesyonan: I can put it to the wiki
(21:04:05) jamesyonan: great
(21:04:21) reg9009: from a first look it sounds good...
(21:04:23) mattock: our Trac got spammed a little by a chinese spambot earlier, 
so I firewalled pwm until Trac has a few spam prevention plugins
(21:04:38) mattock: "a little" meaning it's fixed and only main page was touched
(21:07:58) mattock: jamesyonan: looks good
(21:08:59) mattock: do you have any idea if other people would be interested in 
this "userspace network stack"? I mean for non-VPN functionality...
(21:09:22) cron2: there's some attempts to do so in the "routing" space (click)
(21:09:24) mattock: because if they were, our community could become much bigger
(21:09:43) cron2: but I have never heard anybody outside the research community 
use that...
(21:10:05) jamesyonan: a lot of applications use user-space network stacks -- 
for example all the VM-containers like VMWare, Xen, etc.
(21:10:35) cron2: there are dangers to "make everything modular and 
super-flexible" - if not done carefully, it goes hand in hand with 
"super-complicated and too difficult to use for the normal user"
(21:11:08) jamesyonan: the modularity is mostly visible to the developer
(21:11:14) cron2: Linux users might remember u-isdn (super-flexible) vs. 
isdn4linux (fairly limited, but did all the necessary things) - and i4l won...
(21:11:52) jamesyonan: network stacks are fairly well understand -- all the 
OSes have them
(21:12:12) reg9009: it may help to "separate" functionality, depending on the 
OS OpenVPN runs.
(21:12:18) jamesyonan: I don't think the network stack would need the full 
functionality of a "real" kernel-level stack
(21:12:21) cron2: if the end user does not have to know how to plug "network 
module", "SSL module" and "UDP module" together to make OpenVPN work, I won't 
have worries
(21:12:36) reg9009: Basic functionality every OS shares, and "special" 
additions which only run on certain OSes
(21:13:10) mattock: jamesyonan: so how big part of a "normal" OS network stack 
would we implement?
(21:13:23) mattock: for _our_ purposes (VPN) I mean
(21:15:31) jamesyonan: I'm thinking we should build the user-space network 
stack abstraction with minimal functionality initially -- just enough to do the 
major protocols (IPv4, IPv6), the major connectors (tun/tap), the major routing 
agents (IP routing), and enough flexibility to do cloud-based full-mesh routing.
(21:15:52) fabiank [~fabian...@cl-809.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] è entrato nel 
(21:16:09) reg9009: This is a good topic, jamesyonan.
(21:16:16) fabiank: Hi everyone
(21:16:36) reg9009: Talking about full-mesh routing
(21:16:38) reg9009: Hi
(21:17:06) mattock: hi fabiank
(21:17:18) reg9009: I've found a developer which is actually looking at this..
(21:17:49) reg9009: The plan is to listen for route changes via net socket
(21:18:32) cron2: reg9009: what you could do (what a colleague of mine does) is 
to use tap mode and then run quagga (or the routing daemon of choice) on the 
tap interfaces
(21:18:40) cron2: that way, openvpn doesn't need to see the routing changes
(21:18:42) reg9009: if route is changed and gateway is one of the OpenVPN 
clients, add network behind to OpenVPNs iroute table
(21:18:54) mattock: ok, roadmap ideas in the wiki: 
(21:18:56) vpnHelper: Title: RoadMap – OpenVPN (at community.openvpn.net)
(21:20:00) reg9009: cron2: As I understood, tap interface is layer2
(21:20:25) reg9009: We need layer3 only interface...
(21:20:33) cron2: reg9009: yes, so you do not need iroutes in OpenVPN.  You 
just set up a "transfer network" and route transparently across it.  Just as if 
you had an ethernet connecting the boxes
(21:21:12) cron2: the main drawback of tap is that you have the extra overhead 
of ethernet headers and ARPing
(21:21:14) jamesyonan: I'd also like to see OpenVPN handle IP multicast better, 
and the user-space network stack concept lends itself well to that
(21:21:16) ribasushi: auto-meshing openvpn would be bloody awesome
(21:22:10) reg9009: it doesn't look to hard to implement.
(21:22:15) janjust [~janj...@5355e9da.cable.casema.nl] è entrato nel canale.
(21:22:16) mattock: so we could use external software to replace some of the 
functionality, right?
(21:22:21) cron2: reg9009: but I'd actually like to see a similar thing - 
"route" commands in ccd/ (so that a route is only pulled towards OpenVPN if the 
client in question connects)
(21:22:26) janjust: evening all , sorry for being late
(21:22:32) cron2: hi jjk
(21:22:33) mattock: hi janjust!
(21:22:41) reg9009: mattock: yes and no
(21:23:06) fabiank: Hi janjust :)
(21:23:19) janjust: route commands inside ccd files? how do you want to avoid 
deadlocks then?
(21:23:19) reg9009: enable third party software (like quagga or others) to (at 
least partly) manipulate OpenVPN
(21:23:31) cron2: janjust: where's the deadlock?
(21:23:56) janjust: well you need to make absolutely sure that no 2 ccd files 
have the same route+iroute combination
(21:24:34) cron2: janjust: well, when adding the second one, you'd get an error 
message, of course.
(21:24:40) janjust: it's not really a deadlock I guess, more of a "how do you 
know where subnet X is going to?"
(21:24:59) reg9009: or add functionality, like new chryptographic mechanism, 
(21:25:06) cron2: janjust: well, this is actually more of an ccd/iroute 
problem, and you can have iroute-in-ccd/ today :-)
(21:25:17) janjust: that is true cron2
(21:25:26) janjust: what *are* the plans for 3.0 :)
(21:25:31) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/RoadMap
(21:25:37) vpnHelper: Title: RoadMap – OpenVPN (at community.openvpn.net)
(21:25:40) cron2: janjust: the usual rules apply: more-specific prefix wins - 
and if you have two prefixes of same size, you need to define a tie-breaker
(21:26:14) reg9009: a good example of plugin possibilities is dovecot...
(21:26:30) reg9009: core functionality in dovecot, but easily extendable
(21:26:44) janjust: oooh I like the roadmap - lots of ideas that I would like 
to see implemented
(21:26:54) janjust: esp the separating of the core and the userspace app
(21:27:20) cron2: I like many of the ideas, but I'm worried that we won't see 
IPv6 or multiple-listen-socket before 3.0 then...
(21:27:40) janjust: is ipv6 (tun-ipv6) still broken? 
(21:27:41) reg9009: B.t.w., no one really does dynamic routing over VPN, yet.
(21:27:49) mattock: oh, dovecot is from Finland (originally)
(21:28:09) reg9009: Only sepacial (and expensive) solutions which are tied to 
same vendors on the two ends...
(21:28:10) cron2: janjust: there's a feature branch in dazo's "testing" tree 
which works-for-me
(21:28:24) cron2: (feat_payload_ipv6, IIRC)
(21:28:49) janjust: ok thx cron2, I really need to start playing with the git 
(21:28:54) janjust: as soon as I finish my book :)
(21:28:55) cron2: reg9009: you can use dynamic routing over L2TP setups
(21:29:28) cron2: janjust: it's also in "allmerged", so if you have that, you 
have the most important bits for IPv6 payload and IPv6 transport
(21:30:08) cron2: reg9009: but yes, having this in OpenVPN sounds useful
(21:30:39) reg9009: people are going away from L2TP (at least companies I know 
(21:31:08) janjust: ipsec+l2tp is here to stay for quite some time
(21:31:16) janjust: until ipv6 becomes more mainstream
(21:31:21) reg9009: :)
(21:31:41) cron2: l2tp without IPSEC is the fundation for most DSL provider 
setups (on the inside) :-) - *and* you can do IPv6 with L2TP just fine...
(21:31:59) janjust: yep cron2 but most windows users currently still need L2TP
(21:32:25) janjust: don't know about smartphones , but AFAIK they also rely on 
either PPTP or L2TP
(21:32:28) cron2: yes, in the windows world, ipsec+l2tp or pptp is what you have
(21:32:40) reg9009: and OpenVPN ;)
(21:33:06) janjust: not on non-jailbroken iphones, reg9009 
(21:33:19) janjust: that is why the core/userspace separation is so interesting
(21:33:39) janjust: if one can replace the part that talks to a network 
interface with something else then openvpn becomes much more portable
(21:33:51) mattock: jamesyonan: any ideas how much work is involved in reaching 
3.0 as it is?
(21:34:43) mattock: I'm a little worried that 3.0 has to be very sexy and/or 
reachable by small increments to attract enough developers 
(21:34:57) jamesyonan: maybe 4 to 6 months of work to reach an alpha
(21:34:58) reg9009: cron2: from a dialin perspective, yes. But others tend to 
use MPLS, more flexible, etc.
(21:35:25) cron2: reg9009: MPLS in the core, L2TP to transport individual DSL 
(21:35:37) mattock: we'd need to get it to point where it's useful a.s.a.p.
(21:35:41) reg9009: cron2: yep.
(21:36:09) jamesyonan: the nice thing about the user-space stack model is that 
once the fundamental objects of the stack are defined, multiple developers can 
then set to work on the various modules
(21:36:33) mattock: jamesyonan: good point
(21:36:42) reg9009: What about dividing the development in some smaller steps.
(21:37:03) reg9009: OpenVPN 2.5, 3.0, e.g.
(21:37:19) mattock: reg9009: we've discussed that earlier and it's our goal... 
however, some things need to be written from scratch
(21:37:48) reg9009: ok.
(21:39:09) mattock: ok, so do we agree that 3.0 (as planned) is what we should 
try to achieve?
(21:39:27) cron2: well, "we" is an interesting group
(21:39:38) cron2: for me, I am a bit more interested in short-term goals
(21:40:00) cron2: but I don't see anything wrong with having this as "long-term 
(21:40:17) mattock: yes, I meant long-term
(21:40:30) krzee: 4 - 6 months for an alpha, to be honest, is a lot less time 
than i expected
(21:40:42) mattock: krzee: me too
(21:41:11) cron2: it's a matter of focussing energies: shall we focus on "in 
4-6 months, there is an alpha of 3.0" or focus on "get the features from dazo's 
tree integrated in OpenVPN 2.5?"
(21:41:18) janjust: what would this alpha entail? openvpn running as 2 separate 
processes, one for the user space part and one for the kernel-space part (i.e. 
access to the tun/tap driver) ?
(21:41:32) reg9009: If we could achieve this, I could imagine more developers 
are attracted (e.g. iPhone VPN alternatives).
(21:41:42) krzee: would 3.0 be threaded?
(21:41:52) cron2: it's on the roadmap
(21:41:58) jamesyonan: realistically, I think that 2.x and 3.0 development 
would need to happen in parallel
(21:42:12) mattock: cron2: I think we should plan 3.0 and then focus on 
reaching our short-term goals with 3.0 goals in mind
(21:42:16) janjust: jamesyonan, I agree
(21:42:26) krzee: jamesyonan, +1
(21:42:29) cron2: jamesyonan: +1
(21:42:30) mattock: +1
(21:43:02) janjust: there are far too many useful patches in the 2.x tree right 
(21:43:15) mattock: should we review the current codebase to see where we could 
move towards 3.0 incrementally and where not?
(21:43:29) mattock: to get a better idea of amount of work involved
(21:43:31) cron2: janjust: this is why I was worrying about efforts
(21:43:43) reg9009: +1
(21:47:18) fabiank: My fear is that OpenVPN 3.0 might end up being a great 
basic (rewritten) framework, without enough functionality to encourage 
"drive-by" developers that actively use it for their projects.  )(I've seen 
this happen to a bunch of opensource projects before.)
(21:48:07) cron2: fabiank: well, this is where OpenVPN-the-company needs to 
push until int's interesting enough for "you and me"
(21:48:09) fabiank: So too much parallel development might hurt 3.0's success
(21:48:40) fabiank: cron2: OK, true.  A company involved is something new. :)
(21:48:55) fabiank: (regarding my past experiences)
(21:49:09) cron2: mattock: how exactly is the company called?  I need to learn 
how to name it right
(21:49:17) mattock: cron2: agreed, most developers just want to scratch an 
itch, so they need something that's usable
(21:49:24) cron2: +1
(21:49:30) mattock: cron2: I guess it's "OpenVPN Technologies, Inc"
(21:49:38) janjust: mattock: lol
(21:49:40) cron2: *note*
(21:50:01) cron2: mattock: yes, that's how I ended up here - "we use OpenVPN, 
it works, but it's lacking <x>"
(21:50:02) mattock: yep, I'm not sure if there's a dot after it (Inc.)
(21:51:03) jamesyonan: I see OpenVPN 3.0 as evolving in parallel with 2.x, with 
most of the migration only occurring when it becomes a drop-in replacement for 
(21:51:47) mattock: jamesyonan: how much effort can the company put behind 3.0? 
and when?
(21:52:21) krzee: jamesyonan, when i release my config generator (let me know 
if you dont know what im talking about) can i give the copyright on it to 
OpenVPN technologies?  (i dont use my real name and cant copyright as 'krzee')
(21:52:27) jamesyonan: realistically, probably not very much this year
(21:53:30) mattock: krzee: could you just release it to public domain?
(21:54:29) krzee: sure, im very much good with that too
(21:54:34) mattock: :)
(21:55:12) reg9009: should we do a poll for "important" functionality which 
should go into 2.x, and all other for 3.x?
(21:56:27) jamesyonan: agreed, public domain would be fine for contributions 
that don't directly touch the openvpn source code
(21:56:50) mattock: reg9009: you mean the other way around?
(21:57:50) reg9009: it depends where the preference is set.
(21:58:52) mattock: reg9009: I think something like Debian's "popularity 
contest" would be nice to see what people are really using
(21:59:20) mattock: it would also give us pointers where to head first in 3.0
(21:59:34) reg9009: Is 2.x seen as "maintenance" release with no or little new 
(22:00:10) mattock: reg9009: I think there's a lot of stuff in the pipe for 2.x
(22:00:38) mattock: all of the stuff that was previously hosted separately plus 
much more
(22:00:44) reg9009: Ok. I wasn't clear what 3.x means in terms of functionality 
and rewriting...
(22:01:16) reg9009: So 2.x will inherit new functionality, but structure is 
kept as is.
(22:01:18) cron2: mattock: where would we ask? -users + -developers list?
(22:01:43) rob0 [~r...@tuxaloosa.org] è entrato nel canale.
(22:01:45) mattock: cron2: that's at least a good start... something automated 
(opt-in) in OpenVPN itself would be better, though
(22:01:52) reg9009: And 3.x will be something inlcuding rewriting of base 
and/or architecture...?
(22:01:59) mattock: reg9009: that's correct
(22:02:20) reg9009: got it, thx.
(22:02:30) reg9009: I would start in -users.
(22:02:41) mattock: I think the main issue is: do we want to go all the way 
towards a general purpose network stack... or just modularize + cleanup openvpn 
better while keeping focus on VPN 
(22:03:12) janjust: mattock: I'd be in favour of the second
(22:03:13) cron2: mattock: yes!
(22:03:24) reg9009: me, too, 2nd.
(22:03:47) cron2: I think one can do the second on the road to the first, so 
(22:04:01) jamesyonan: I would certainly agree -- I don't think we should hold 
up development on 2.x just because of 3.0
(22:04:07) janjust: or perhaps I misread "general purpose network stack" :) 
(22:04:38) mattock: cron2: agreed, the options are not really mutually 
(22:04:53) janjust: cron2 +1
(22:05:27) rob0: Sorry I missed the meeting, was curious/interested if full 
mesh was under consideration for 3.0?
(22:06:09) reg9009: even for 2.x ;)
(22:06:18) krzee: thats already doable with RIP
(22:06:29) krzee: [12:09]  <vpnHelper> krzee: "rip" is 
http://www.secure-computing.net/wiki/index.php/OpenVPN/RIPRouting for a writeup 
on using RIP in openvpn
(22:06:30) vpnHelper: Title: OpenVPN/RIPRouting - Secure Computing Wiki (at 
(22:07:14) reg9009: but RIP isn't suitable for bigger setups...
(22:07:44) mattock: so could we proceed something like this: review the sore 
points in current codebase -> modularize / modernize everything we can 
incrementally -> rewrite the rest...
(22:07:53) mattock: the result being 3.0
(22:07:55) cron2: krzee: your IPv6 is broken
(22:08:05) krzee: thats ecrist's
(22:08:17) cron2: mmmh, he's not here
(22:08:38) reg9009: matoock: that's a good way of doing it
(22:08:39) cron2: mattock: sounds like a plan
(22:09:47) mattock: I think we need more information to make good choices 
regarding 2.x and 3.0
(22:10:52) reg9009: Maybe a good side-effect of asking -users list is that more 
people get noticed about new development and *maybe* more developers get 
attracted? :)
(22:11:15) mattock: jamesyonan: could you work on some of the sore points 
yourself? for example, work on the event system and such.
(22:12:01) jamesyonan: I would like to work on it -- but I'm quite swamped with 
other stuff right now
(22:13:34) mattock: I'm just worried (perhaps unnecessarily) that usually 
community developers are interested in specific issues (e.g. ipv6 support) 
rather than planned development tasks (e.g. rewrite event system) 
(22:13:39) mattock: I may be wrong, though
(22:14:07) mattock: having somebody lead the way / bootstrap the development 
would help a lot
(22:14:41) janjust: I tend to agree, mattock : community developers normally 
don't think about the "global" stuff but just the part that is interesting to 
(22:14:52) cron2: ack
(22:15:11) krzee: rst
(22:15:13) krzee: heheh
(22:16:59) fabiank: A Google Sommer of Code student would be nice. :)
(22:17:45) mattock: regarding community developers... we could probably get a 
lot more of them by linking from openvpn.net to community.openvpn.net
(22:17:55) mattock: =getting visibility for our new development model
(22:18:06) krzee: +1
(22:18:10) mattock: that'd DDOS trac, of course :)
(22:18:52) mattock: actually, two concurrent users using "Browse source" would 
DDOS it, so...
(22:19:42) mattock: git-plugin -> gitweb + gitweb integration in Trac might do 
the trick
(22:20:29) reg9009: +1
(22:21:58) mattock: shall we review 2.x next? then focus on fixing the issues 
that annoy people most (as well as move us towards 3.0)
(22:22:21) krzee: [12:22]  <mattock> actually, two concurrent users using 
"Browse source" would DDOS it, so...
(22:22:24) krzee: thats a serious problem
(22:22:34) mattock: krzee: agreed, git-plugin has to go
(22:22:41) mattock: at least the browse source stuff
(22:24:16) dazo_afk ha abbandonato il canale (quit: Read error: Connection 
reset by peer).
(22:24:39) mattock: robo, mesh is on the list 
(22:24:42) vpnHelper: Title: RoadMap – OpenVPN (at community.openvpn.net)
(22:25:33) ***janjust signing off
(22:25:41) krzee: later jan
(22:25:45) janjust: later all
(22:25:52) mattock: janjust: bye!
(22:25:52) cron2: bye
(22:25:55) janjust ha abbandonato il canale (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(22:26:05) dazol [~dazo@nat/redhat/x-ptfackcljdhimteg] è entrato nel canale.
(22:26:56) mattock: dazo to the rescue? :)
(22:29:27) jamesyonan ha abbandonato il canale (quit: Quit: jamesyonan).
(22:29:36) krzee: awww james left :(
(22:29:38) mattock: hmm... seems this is more difficult issue than an average 
patch ;)
(22:30:18) janjust [~janj...@5355e9da.cable.casema.nl] è entrato nel canale.
(22:30:54) janjust ha abbandonato il canale (quit: Client Quit).
(22:32:25) mattock: did we reach an agreement on something? about review of the 
current codebase, perhaps?
(22:32:40) krzee: we agreed it should be done
(22:32:59) krzee: not who or how, but that its a good idea ;]
(22:33:23) krzee: and that 2.x and 3.x should be worked on in parallel
(22:33:43) mattock: if the company can't bootstrap 3.0 development, I don't 
think we can expect the (current) community to do that
(22:34:10) krzee: didnt james say an alpha should take 4-6mo?
(22:34:14) mattock: yep, he did
(22:34:30) krzee: sounded to me like he was gunna work on that, maybe i 
misunderstood tho
(22:34:37) rob0: mattock, thanks. I have some thoughts on how that might work, 
which I suppose I will write up for the -devel list.
(22:34:47) mattock: rob0: that's a good idea
(22:35:01) mattock: I think we get better results on the concrete issues on the 
mailing list
(22:35:11) rob0: ("that"=="full mesh")
(22:35:18) mattock: oh ye
(22:35:20) mattock: yes
(22:35:31) ecrist: my IPv6 is broken?
(22:35:33) ecrist: probably
(22:35:49) mattock: krzee: I asked James how much effort the company could put 
into 3.0 devel and he said "realistically not much this year"
(22:35:58) krzee: oh ok
(22:36:17) mattock: so focusing on 2.x is probably best we can do
(22:36:58) krzee: mattock, mind if i bring up a new subject? (from wishlist)
(22:37:19) mattock: krzee: please do
(22:37:23) krzee: http://www.ovpnforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=141
(22:37:25) vpnHelper: Title: OpenVPN Forum View topic - Idea for direct 
connections (at www.ovpnforum.com)
(22:37:50) krzee: i think some of rob0's mesh code would be usable in that
(22:38:08) krzee: i think they'ld go somewhat hand-in-hand... maybe im mistaken 
since im not a coder
(22:38:28) krzee: ok its not "code" yet, but his idea ;]
(22:38:53) rob0: It sounds similar to what I was thinking, yes
(22:39:10) rob0: and we'll have to call it your idea, since that was in '09 :)
(22:39:11) cron2: nice idea.  use the central server for authentication and 
then "auto-mesh" clients
(22:39:30) ecrist: would save a lot on bandwidth for the server.
(22:39:48) krzee: yes, potentially a LOT
(22:40:03) krzee: it would enable openvpn to be used in situations where it 
currently cant
(22:40:51) mattock: as James is (really) gone I think we continue the "Roadmap" 
discussion on the -devel mailing list
(22:41:47) cron2: +1
(22:41:56) krzee: +1
(22:42:50) mattock: I hope James participates in that discussion
(22:43:34) mattock: also, we could start migrating the wishlist items to Trac 
and start building our short-term roadmap with some of those in it
(22:43:40) mattock: those tasks, I mean
(22:44:02) cron2: +1 :)
(22:44:17) krzee: and heres an easy one
(22:44:51) krzee: http://www.ovpnforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=141
(22:44:52) vpnHelper: Title: OpenVPN Forum View topic - Idea for direct 
connections (at www.ovpnforum.com)
(22:44:56) krzee: erm
(22:45:00) krzee: wrong link, 1sec
(22:45:40) krzee: http://www.ovpnforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=383
(22:45:42) vpnHelper: Title: OpenVPN Forum View topic - bind to multiple ports 
(at www.ovpnforum.com)
(22:46:05) cron2: ohyes.  want to have that!
(22:46:48) mattock: ok, so this is the kind of stuff people want :)
(22:46:49) cron2: just got a colleague at work asking for this last monday
(22:47:19) cron2: this is actually in James' "event handling" block (multiple 
listener ports), so I'm a bit worried that this might be more difficult than I 
(22:47:35) reg9009: I have to leave...
(22:47:40) mattock: reg9009: bye!
(22:47:45) ***cron2 waves
(22:47:51) krzee: adios reg9009 
(22:47:55) reg9009: Was a pleasure to listen and contribute. Looking forward 
into the future...
(22:48:08) mattock: reg9009: good you could attend!
(22:48:14) reg9009 ha abbandonato il canale.
(22:48:31) krzee: cron2, well worst case, it could break the subnet in half and 
run 2 instances of openvpn
(22:48:42) krzee: as a hack for the time being
(22:48:59) krzee: (which people now do manually)
(22:49:54) cron2: krzee: yes, we could, but this would actually be a bit 
complicated in our corporate setup - and for other setups, it won't be more 
complicated (mobile clients that could connect on either port but need to have 
the same address)
(22:50:21) cron2: s/won't/will even/
(22:50:26) ***cron2 <- tired
(22:50:47) mattock: cron2: we should probably end the meeting... I have the 
same issue :)
(22:50:58) cron2: ccd/, iroute, ifconfig-push and "two processes" don't match 
(22:51:06) krzee: cron2, very true
(22:51:36) cron2: also I can't really see why this should be so complicated.  
if you have TCP clients, you have multiple sockets to tend anyway - so if it's 
1 listen socket or 2, why should this be so bad...
(22:51:49) cron2: (but I'm afraid that the socket listing code is not for the 
faint of heart)
(22:52:35) mattock: end of meeting? please? :)
(22:52:46) cron2: well, consider me interested in reviewing + testing this :-) 
- no time for actually hacking myself this month
(22:53:04) cron2: mattock: ok from my side
(22:53:06) mattock: more roadmap discussion starting tomorrow on the mailinglist
(22:53:16) cron2: good night, everbody
(22:53:20) mattock: bye cron2!
(22:53:25) krzee: goodnight!
(22:53:39) krzee: good timing, i get off work in minutes
(22:53:53) krzee: and with 3 hrs of sleep last night, im more than ready to 
(22:54:46) mattock: I'll send the "Roadmap" mail tomorrow morning (~12 hours) - 
let's see where it leads
(22:54:56) mattock: bye!
(22:55:50) mattock: I'll also try to outline the different viewpoints/pros/cons 
in the Trac Wiki

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