
Here's the summary of the previous community meeting.



Place: #openvpn-devel on irc.freenode.net
List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Thursday, 17th Jun 2010
Time: 18:00 UTC

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were on this page:


Next meeting next week, same place, same time. Your local meeting time
is easy to check from services such as


or with

$ date -u


Discussed the "Choose a different field in X509 to be username" patch:


Decided to merge the patch into feat_misc branch. Agreed that after
applying this patch the use of "common_name" in code is confusing and
decided to discuss the alternatives on the devel mailinglist.


Discussed the "Fixed client hang when server don't PUSH" patch:


This patch is better known by it's nickname, "NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU". James
ACK'd this patch so it will be merged into "testing".


Discussed an old bug, "TCP and UDP connections aren't possible in client


We now have two sets of broken configuration files in the SF.net
tracker. Samuli volunteered to ask for log files, too.


Samuli gave an update on the status of community services. Link from
openvpn.net to community.openvpn.net (trac+registration service) should
be in place within two weeks. Work on forums has been started. Building
of the CI/packaging/publishing server ("buildbot") has also begun.


Full chatlog as an attachment

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

(21:07:29) jamesyonan: hi
(21:07:43) mattock: hi james
(21:08:19) mattock: ok, so there are a few people present... anything to add to 
the topic list?
(21:08:24) krzee: i guess i can ask a question that isnt on the list
(21:08:31) mattock: krzee: please do
(21:09:43) mape2k ha abbandonato il canale (quit: Read error: Operation timed 
(21:10:20) dazo [~d...@59-2-174-206.gci.net] è entrato nel canale.
(21:10:20) modalità (+o dazo) da ChanServ
(21:11:05) krzee: ok, who should i go to when i see things on the web site that 
should be changed, here is 2 examples:   a) in the FAQ on /30, it uses the 
subnet of 192.168.0.x i feel that should be 10.8.0.x   b) redirects on betaman 
lose the # tag, like #lbDa or whatever
(21:12:18) mattock: ok, so right now you should send mail to frank at 
openvpn... hopefully soon you can just mail me and I'll make any fixes necessary
(21:14:21) krzee: ok cool, you're my goto guy, i wont spam this chan with it 
anymore =]
(21:14:27) mattock: great!
(21:14:39) mattock: ok, I'll begin my monologue then...
(21:15:15) mattock: it's been pretty slow on the patch side lately... I don't 
think any of the patches require in-depth discussion here
(21:15:41) dazo: It would be great to get a review of the patch I sent the 
other day ;-)
(21:15:48) krzee: i know HanX has a question
(21:15:53) mattock: dazo: oh, you're here :)
(21:15:59) krzee: err chantra does
(21:16:04) HanX: yep
(21:16:24) mattock: hanx: what do you have in mind?
(21:16:28) dazo: mattock:  yeah :)  I figured I could manage it today :)
(21:16:37) HanX: mattock: i sent a patch today
(21:16:44) HanX: (i'm emilien mantel)
(21:16:47) mattock: oh, yes
(21:17:04) mattock: dazo: have you already taken a look at emilien's patch?
(21:17:18) mattock: alon already gave so useful feedback on it
(21:17:25) mattock: ...some useful
(21:17:31) dazo: mattock:  I haven't had time to do that yet ... I think it was 
sent very recently, right?
(21:17:36) mattock: yep, today
(21:17:40) HanX: i think we need to rename all vars/functions "common_name" to 
(21:17:48) ***dazo almost just completed breakfast :)
(21:18:48) krzee: HanX, i disagree, common-name and username are 2 distinct 
(21:19:18) HanX: krzee: openvpn uses x509 common_name "CN" as username
(21:19:21) ***dazo tend to agree to krzee 
(21:19:30) HanX: with my patch you can use another field
(21:19:40) HanX: in my case, I use UID
(21:19:41) krzee: no, it does not, unless you use --commonname-as-username
(21:19:54) krzee: or whatever that command is
(21:20:16) dazo: --username-as-common-name
(21:20:35) dazo: which indicates that CN is the key
(21:21:42) dazo: I am sceptical to do such a change in general, unless it 
really clarifies something unclear
(21:22:13) dazo: But as OpenVPN are very PKI centric, common_name is the 
certificate identification field, in that regards
(21:22:47) HanX: the problem: in some cases, CN is not uniq
(21:24:32) HanX: the advantage of my patch : if you wan to match with another 
field you can...
(21:24:42) dazo: agreed, 
(21:24:47) ***dazo reads patches now
(21:25:15) dazo: HanX:  it's indeed a patch which seems very useful ... so this 
is a worthy candidate to go into the feat_misc branch
(21:25:44) HanX: :)
(21:25:45) dazo: I am just concerned about renaming common_name to username, as 
that really implies different things under normal situations
(21:26:27) dazo: client_userid might be a better wording than username .... to 
avoid confusion with the --auth-user-pass feature, which uses usernames
(21:27:11) mattock: I'm a little confused... what does the common_name in code 
refer to?
(21:27:16) mattock: is it the CN in certs?
(21:27:20) dazo: yes
(21:28:11) mattock: ok, then I don't see a point in changing it to "username"
(21:28:20) dazo: I think even Alon Bar-Lev's suggestion ... x509_field gives an 
even better indication 
(21:28:35) HanX: (i wrote the patch for my studies, are you agree I save this 
(21:28:45) dazo: mattock:  with this patch, you can use other X509 fields for 
identifying the client, than just CN
(21:28:59) mattock: yep, that's what I thought
(21:29:08) krzee: why would you need another identifier field???  if you are 
making a new cert why not just use a new common-name
(21:29:08) dazo: HanX:  sure! This channel is already logged
(21:29:28) krzee: yup, vpnHelper logs this and #openvpn
(21:29:37) HanX: thanks
(21:29:38) dazo: krzee:  you are not guaranteed that the CN is different, even 
though the certificate is another cert
(21:29:49) mattock: hanx: I'll send this chatlog to openvpn-devel mailinglist 
along with the meeting summary
(21:29:56) krzee: but you are making the new cert, you should make it different!
(21:30:12) mattock: but if you're not making a new cert?
(21:30:23) mattock: rather, using old ones where CN is not unique
(21:30:30) mattock: existing PKI
(21:30:38) krzee: if you're not making a new cert, you dont have something 
unique in the new field
(21:30:59) krzee: existing PKI wont have his special field with a new unique 
identifier in it
(21:31:11) dazo: krzee:  say you have personified certs ... and give one cert 
for the users laptop and one cert for his mobile phone ... it would then 
ideally have the same CN
(21:31:20) dazo: (or ideally, in my world, that is :))
(21:31:26) HanX: krzee: in my case PKI is linked to a LDAP...
(21:33:51) mattock: I'll take hanx's word that this patch solves a real issue 
with some PKI setups...
(21:34:24) mattock: dazo: did the latest patch look good enough to ACK?
(21:35:24) dazo: mattock:  I've just thrown a quick look at it now, I'd like to 
have a closer look at it first
(21:35:30) mattock: dazo: ok
(21:35:46) mattock: I think we should discuss the common_name renaming issues 
on the ml
(21:35:54) dazo: agreed
(21:36:08) mattock: shall we move on?
(21:36:18) dazo: such a change would be better to be applied after this patch 
is in the tree
(21:36:41) mattock: agreed, the renaming is unrelated to this patch
(21:36:54) mattock: dazo: you had a patch that needed review?
(21:37:13) krzee: renaming to username would be more confusion that anything it 
could possibly clarify
(21:37:14) dazo: yeah, it's the bug fix 
(21:37:20) krzee: since in reality it is not a username
(21:37:43) HanX: we need to find a good name :)
(21:37:43) mattock: krzee: agreed
(21:38:24) dazo: krzee:  that's my point ... but with this patch, the 
"username" can be something else than CN as well .... so renaming to username, 
is not clarifying either ... so we need to think about that
(21:38:42) dazo: HanX:  can you bring up this discussion on the ML after the 
patch has been applied to feat_misc?
(21:39:12) krzee: username can always be something different than common-name, 
the only time usernames exist is from verify-auth scripts
(21:39:37) krzee: auth-verify-pass or whatever it is
(21:39:39) dazo: mattock:  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.network.openvpn.devel/
(21:39:43) vpnHelper: Title: Gmane Loom (at thread.gmane.org)
(21:39:54) HanX: dazo: no problem.
(21:40:20) dazo: krzee:  yeah, agreed ... which is why I'm advocating a better 
name for this information than 'username' or 'common_name'
(21:41:20) dazo: HanX:  thx!
(21:41:30) mattock: dazo: NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU-patch?
(21:41:40) krzee: LOL!
(21:41:49) dazo: mattock:  yeah, from last meeting ... I promised to look at 
this during my flight
(21:41:58) mattock: did it take long?
(21:42:11) dazo: no, not at all
(21:42:30) mattock: great!
(21:42:50) mattock: jamesyonan: would you ACK this: 
(21:42:51) vpnHelper: Title: Gmane Loom (at thread.gmane.org)
(21:42:56) dazo: it was a lot easier than I expected ... and the fix is rather 
simple, as the "receiving" side didn't need any change at all on empty replies
(21:45:41) dazo: I do see that buf_reset_len() and buf_printf() might be 
unneeded ... but it's included as a defensive approach, to be really sure we 
sent an empty PUSH_REPLY to the client
(21:46:19) jamesyonan: what does the receiver do on empty push?
(21:46:53) dazo: it's a check on '\0' already in that code ... which just 
continues as normal
(21:47:02) ***dazo looks up the concrete code path
(21:47:31) dazo:       const uint8_t ch = buf_read_u8 (&buf);
(21:47:39) dazo:       else if (ch == '\0')
(21:47:39) dazo:        {
(21:47:39) dazo:          ret = PUSH_MSG_REPLY;
(21:47:39) dazo:        }
(21:47:44) dazo: tha'ts the code fragments
(21:48:03) dazo: and this section is hit on an empty PUSH_REPLY
(21:48:22) dazo: (push.c:347)
(21:48:37) jamesyonan: dazo: patch looks good
(21:49:42) dazo: jamesyonan:  thx!  I'll apply it to the bugfix2.1 branch then
(21:49:59) mattock: great!
(21:50:23) krzee: yay for NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU patch!
(21:50:30) dazo: lol
(21:50:31) mattock: +1
(21:51:06) mattock: ok, so there's this old issue which moved a little towards 
a resolution this week: 
(21:51:08) vpnHelper: Title: SourceForge.net: OpenVPN: Detail: 2947626 - TCP 
and UDP connections aren't possible in client mode (at sourceforge.net)
(21:51:12) krzee: (i was secretly hoping it would be fixed by pushing 
NO_SOUP_FOR_YOU to the client), lol
(21:51:58) mattock: so I had promised in an earlier meeting to contact the 
author of the bug report
(21:52:02) dazo: (krzee: sorry to disappoint you ... I considered it, but it 
would require a bigger change ;-))
(21:52:40) mattock: at that time contacting failed or something... but jason 
haar reminded me of the issue last week... and now we have the problematic 
config files at least
(21:52:46) mattock: I'll have to ask for logfiles, too
(21:52:59) mattock: neither of them provided any, yet
(21:53:19) krzee: lol
(21:53:36) mattock: I'll ask again for logs tomorrow 
(21:53:47) dazo: If I've understood it correctly, it's a problem when certain 
options are used inside a <connection/> block?
(21:54:46) mattock: here's a pretty good summary: 
(21:54:48) vpnHelper: Title: #16 (Problems mixing UDP- and TCP-based connection 
profiles) – OpenVPN (at community.openvpn.net)
(21:54:59) mattock: or rather, a list of sources of information
(21:55:20) dazo: ah perfect
(21:55:54) mattock: there seem to be several issues with parsing the 
<connection> blocks...
(21:56:30) mattock: anyways, I think we can take a closer look when we get the 
log files and see what's happening with the parser
(21:56:46) dazo: agreed
(21:57:13) mattock: anything else or shall I summarize the status of community 
(21:58:17) mattock: ok... so in a nutshell
(21:59:18) mattock: we should get the link from openvpn.net to 
community.openvpn.net next week or the week after that...
(21:59:35) mattock: after that the site should start seeing much more traffic
(21:59:44) dazo: \o/
(22:01:00) mattock: I'll have to add Trac server to our puppet infra to get 
service monitoring, log watching etc. installed... I don't know if the server 
can handle the load that comes from openvpn.net
(22:01:14) mattock: that remains to be seen...
(22:01:19) mattock: then forums...
(22:02:03) mattock: ecrist did some software installations there a few weeks 
back and I'll try to setup the LDAP auth tunnel soonish (next week or week 
after that)
(22:02:19) mattock: the really difficult issue will probably be migration of 
forum user accounts to LDAP
(22:02:41) mattock: besides that I don't think there'll be big migration issues 
(22:03:32) mattock: then the CI server... I chose buildbot as the app for that
(22:04:03) mattock: it's used by some other projects, e.g. wireshark 
(22:04:05) vpnHelper: Title: 1.6.?Automated Builds (Buildbot) (at 
(22:04:16) mattock: everything else seemed rather hackish or proprietary
(22:04:38) mattock: I started configuring it, but I expect it takes quite a 
while to get it 100% functional
(22:05:03) mattock: ok, I guess that's all
(22:05:29) mattock: anything else? or shall we call this a day? (1:05 and 
(22:07:51) dazo: mattock:  CI sounds good ... I've seen a few others, but don't 
recall the names now ... but not sure if they're bigger F/OSS projects or just 
very project specific .... so using what wireshark does, sounds good
(22:08:09) ***dazo looks forward to the buildbot to get up'n'running
(22:08:20) mattock: the fun part is that buildbot apparently does automated 
builds, too
(22:08:44) dazo: yeah, and if it even supports building windows binaries as 
well, that's a big pluss too
(22:09:02) mattock: and it's very OSS-centric, so there's lots of connectors 
available for email, VCS, IRC etc
(22:09:13) dazo: perfect!
(22:09:33) mattock: so if a build fails, it can send mail to patch author, to 
the devel list, IRC channel etc
(22:09:41) dazo: having an e-mail going out and irc notification on build 
issues would be a good hting
(22:09:43) mattock: pretty much anything you want, I guess
(22:09:59) mattock: it seems pretty complex to setup, so don't expect it to be 
ready on monday :)
(22:10:07) dazo: :(
(22:10:08) dazo: lol
(22:10:29) dazo: well, if we can have it running before we're starting 2.2 
alpha, that would be ideal
(22:10:34) dazo: 2.2 beta, I mean
(22:10:50) mattock: btw... buildbot requires s.c. "change sources"... meaning 
some way to notify it that a commit has been made 
(22:11:06) mattock: for us this mean either:
(22:11:31) mattock: - buildbot email patch parser
(22:11:31) mattock: - use of buildbot git commit hook
(22:11:56) mattock: the second also requires a separate daemon to be listening 
for connections from this git hook
(22:12:13) mattock: could we use the second option somehow? does sf.net prevent 
(22:12:38) dazo: the latter one is probably the best one ... but not sure how 
to do that right now, as the source tree is on sf.net .... but I guess we can 
trigger it by doing a http call to the community server which triggers the 
(22:13:06) dazo: (git push-hook -> http://community.o.n/ -> buildbot
(22:13:07) dazo: )
(22:13:30) mattock: it'd be strange if buildbot would not support some kind of 
(22:13:50) mattock: anyways, I'm not sure what exactly is required... I'll keep 
you updated
(22:13:57) dazo: nice!
(22:14:50) mattock: ok, are we done?
(22:15:12) krzee: not possible!
(22:15:20) krzee: im not leaving work yet, we always end when im leaving
(22:15:23) krzee: lol
(22:15:55) mattock: :)
(22:16:13) dazo: heh
(22:16:16) dazo: mattock:  I think so
(22:16:22) mattock: ok, great!
(22:16:36) mattock: this was genuinely fast, not fake-fast like last week
(22:16:46) mattock: 1:16
(22:16:50) dazo: :)

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