Hi Ralf,

Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
After installation of openvpn-2.1.1, I was able to start openvpn-gui as
NORMAL user (not admin). No problems there.

But in order to actually *use* openvpn, I have to start openvpn-gui via
"run as admin". When I would do that, openvpn gui would report:

CreateProcess failed, exe='C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe'
cmdline='openvpn --version' dir='c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin'

Alas, this path does indeed not exist, since OpenVPN installed itself

C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN
C:\Program Files\OpenVPN

so I deinstalled everything and during reinstallation I overrode the
default installation path to:

C:\Program Files\OpenVPN

and after that it would work, even when run as admin.
What's wrong here? Why does it choose C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN
during installation but expects C:\Program Files\OpenVPN during runtime?

see for example


openvpn is a 32bit program using a 64bit driver; the windows 7 installer decides to place openvpn in the 32bit folder unless you override this. I guess the proper solution is to build a 64bit version of openvpn for windows Vista/7/2003 64bit (I'm including the -devel list to see if anybody has any comments about that :))



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