
Here's the summary of the previous community meeting.



Place: #openvpn-devel on irc.freenode.net
List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Thursday, 29th Jul 2010
Time: 18:00 UTC

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were on this page:


Next meeting next week, same place, same time. Your local meeting time
is easy to check from services such as


or with

$ date -u


Discussed the "Multiple --up scripts and no error" issue:


Agreed that verifying that the output from this patch is correct is
enough to give it an ACK.


Discussed OpenVPN 2.2 beta release. Dazo said the beta 2.2 branch is
ready for release when these issues are settled:


However, as James has not yet given any feedback on the original release
date (August 1st) it was decided to wait a little longer by postponing
the release date to August 9th. Agreed to aim for mid/late October
release date for the first release candidate (RC).

Agreed to use weekly source snapshots from  Buildbot as beta releases
for non-Windows platforms. Agreed that we should provide Windows client
binaries, too, but nobody has a Windows computer that could be used for
build purposes. Did not reach a consensus where to host the downloads:
build.openvpn.net or the official OpenVPN web pages (openvpn.net).

Mattock promised to handle the official announcements regarding the beta
2.2 release and to configure Buildbot to create beta2.2 source tarballs
and zips. He also promised to contact James and Francis about the 2.2
release to get some feedback. Ecrist will create new FreeBSD ports based
on the OpenVPN beta2.2 branch.


Discussed testing issues. Currently testing that OpenVPN behaves as
expected (dynamic black box testing) has to be done manually, which is
slow and error-prone. Agreed that setting up the Beaker test framework
(https://fedorahosted.org/beaker) would be the best solution. However,
currently no VM's have been allocated for it and there's no time to set
it up right now. Agreed that for now we should write standalone ("make
test") scripts, but make sure they can be migrated to Beaker easily.
Cron2 will soon write some standalone tests for his own purposes and
publish them.


Mattock gave an update on Buildbot. As agreed in an earlier meeting,
access to Buildbot will be provided to community members using an
OpenVPN tunnel. The buildbot web interface will provide build
status/history display. Buildslave interface will be used by
community-provided buildslaves which provide build testing (CI) and
packaging capabilities for specific OSes. Further details about Buildbot
access are available here:



Full chatlog as an attachment

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

(21:05:42) dazo_afk è ora conosciuto come dazo
(21:05:47) cron2: hah!
(21:05:55) dazo: mattock:  sorry, I'm late
(21:06:00) mattock: dazo: no probs, just mailed james
(21:06:18) mattock: I added a new section to agenda
(21:06:28) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2010-07-29
(21:06:29) vpnHelper: Title: Topics-2010-07-29 – OpenVPN (at 
(21:08:33) dazo: let's try again
(21:08:59) mattock: let's start the meeting, shall we...
(21:09:07) dazo: \o/
(21:09:36) mattock: perhaps start with something that does not require/benefit 
from James' presence...
(21:09:50) mattock: ticket 20?
(21:09:53) dazo: sure!
(21:10:00) dazo: it just needs a review
(21:10:27) mattock: cron2?
(21:10:38) dazo: it's from a support ticket ... a guy didn't make some scripts 
work out as expected, because several --up scripts (or another hook) was used
(21:10:40) cron2: yes
(21:11:07) dazo: so the patch only adds warnings when multiple script hooks of 
the same time is configured ... and the command line arguments overrides the 
config file
(21:11:20) dazo: which maintains the standard behaviour of openvpn
(21:11:23) cron2: I've seen the patch, but didn't find time to closely look at 
it yet
(21:11:48) cron2: from a cursory glance, it looked fine (but that's not 
sufficient to send an ACK)
(21:12:10) dazo: yeah ... I don't care who gives an ack ... I just want an ack 
(21:12:22) ***cron2 wants an ack for the configure patch...
(21:12:42) dazo: fkr:  ^^^^
(21:13:12) dazo: cron2:  worst case, I'll setup a OpenBSD VM and try it myself
(21:14:59) dazo: but after all ... the ticket #20 patch is pretty much a 
no-brainer ... if( option) { msg(M_WARN, "Duplicate configs used"); } .... this 
is done ~10 times or so
(21:15:26) cron2: indeed, but the reviewing is "has there been enough brain to 
actually change the copy-paste'd text every time" :-)
(21:15:36) dazo: heh :)
(21:16:34) cron2: mmmh.  topic covered?
(21:16:51) dazo: yeah, we don't need to spin_lock() on this one
(21:16:56) mattock: guess so, just wondering why the same warning is printed 
separately every time and not in a function :)
(21:17:03) mattock: I'm sure there's a good reason for it
(21:17:25) mattock: anyways, beta2.2?
(21:17:28) cron2: mattock: well, I seem to remember that the message is 
actually different, listing the specific option that's duplicated
(21:17:32) dazo: mattock:  pretty much due to how the option parser is written
(21:18:09) mattock: ok
(21:18:09) dazo: beta2.2!
(21:18:18) cron2: all for it!
(21:18:25) mattock: \ö/
(21:18:32) mattock: (king cheers)
(21:18:35) cron2: (wow, umlauts)
(21:18:43) krzee: \O/
(21:18:52) dazo: \Ø/
(21:19:04) mattock: :)
(21:19:11) cron2: dazo: how's your end of 2.2 looking like?  branch ready?
(21:19:18) cron2: "august 1st"?
(21:19:36) dazo: yeah, I feel the beta2.2 branch is ready for the first release
(21:19:51) mattock: dazo: did James respond to your email about beta2.2?
(21:19:54) dazo: I've sent an e-mail to James asking him to check it out ... 
but no response 
(21:20:02) mattock: oh
(21:20:15) krzee: is ipv6 getting included?
(21:20:16) ***dazo would hope James could pop in today and share some thoughts
(21:20:16) mattock: he does not respond too eagerly
(21:20:29) cron2: krzee: only a small bit, the windows tap driver changes
(21:20:45) dazo: krzee:  no, only IPv6 enabled WINTAP driver ... to make sure 
that's stabilised 
(21:20:47) krzee: ahh
(21:20:58) ***dazo is too slow today
(21:21:02) krzee: good idea
(21:21:09) ***cron2 runs circles around dazo
(21:21:18) mattock: I'll add "buildbotify beta2.2 branch" to my todo list
(21:21:20) ***dazo gets dizzy
(21:21:29) dazo: mattock:  nice!
(21:21:46) mattock: done
(21:21:58) dazo: so, the next thing is to set a release date for the beta2.2 
branch .... and tbh, I'm not sure how much we should wait for James, if he 
won't respond
(21:22:07) mattock: ok, so beta2.2 release date on August 1st...
(21:22:36) cron2: this is a half-joke, as August 1st is in 3 days - which is a 
bit too soon if there's no feedback from James
(21:23:01) mattock: well, that's an issue...
(21:23:09) mattock: I'll send James another mail about this...
(21:23:18) dazo: good!
(21:23:33) mattock: btw. how shall we distribute beta2.2?
(21:23:40) mattock: through build.openvpn.net with links from openvpn.net
(21:23:48) dazo: The change set is not that big, and we have James latest bits 
into the tree ... so I'm not too worried about pushing out this as the first 
(21:23:51) mattock: or directly from openvpn.net?
(21:23:52) cron2: mattock: what are the options?
(21:23:59) mattock: cron2: ^^^ :)
(21:24:29) dazo: I'd say via the community server somehow .... preferably with 
some links from the official web pages 
(21:24:31) ***cron2 doesn't fully understand the difference between 
"openvpn.net" and "build.openvpn.net"?
(21:25:05) dazo: build.openvpn.net/community.openvpn.net  that''s community 
servers .... while openvpn.net is the official web page
(21:25:07) cron2: yes, links from the official "download here" page would be 
(21:25:12) cron2: dazo: ah!
(21:26:11) ***cron2 has no strong opinion, as long as the stuff can be easily 
put there by "who needs to do it" and the download pages link to it
(21:26:36) dazo: mattock:  will we be able to provide windows binaries like the 
official stuff got?
(21:26:48) mattock: I'll ask James in the mail
(21:27:06) cron2: that would be VERY important to get the TAP driver changes 
(21:27:36) dazo: mattock:  having source tarball, zip, windows binary + 
signature files would make it closer to the normal release rounds ... so that 
would be good
(21:28:28) mattock: ok, mail sent
(21:28:28) cron2: + having debian packages is a big plus :-)
(21:28:37) dazo: thx!
(21:28:46) mattock: hope james can attend, we'd sure need his feedback/expertise
(21:28:54) mattock: cron2: those are coming up
(21:29:11) cron2: mattock: yes, saw you mention this, this is great!
(21:29:36) mattock: btw. is there any reason to manually create the beta 
packages? or will buildbot packages be enough?
(21:30:10) dazo: mattock:  buildbot could do it ... would be nice if it did 
signatures as well then
(21:30:14) mattock: e.g. release every weekly build as new beta
(21:30:16) cron2: manually created packages are of course much superior to this 
machine-built crap!!!
(21:30:39) dazo: OpenVPN: hand made by cron2 and mattock
(21:30:47) mattock: cron2: especially if the manual guy does the exact same 
steps as the machine :)
(21:30:50) dazo: the finest art that is
(21:31:03) cron2: seriously: I think buildbot-built packages are less 
error-prone than manually doing repetitive stuff every week on multiple 
(21:31:13) cron2: and less human-time wasted
(21:31:15) dazo: completely agree
(21:31:17) mattock: running "autoreconf -vi" manually is so much better than 
the same done from a script :D 
(21:31:35) mattock: ok, so buildbot packages it'll be
(21:32:10) mattock: so we want a source tarball, windows client binary and 
debian packages?
(21:32:14) dazo: the buildbot basically just needs to do:  autoreconf -vi; 
./configure ; make distcheck .... and you get a smoke test + a tar ball ready 
for distribution, including ./configure
(21:33:20) mattock: dazo: I'll add that process to buildbot todo
(21:33:24) dazo: mattock:  pretty much .... I don't care about debian :-P  
(after all, it's not been a OpenVPN tradition to provide much binaries for 
Linux as packages usually does that)
(21:34:01) cron2: there seems to be a pretty active openvpn user group using 
debian, so that would help getting testers
(21:34:05) dazo: The only thing I need to do with the git tree is to tag the 
version in ./version.m4 ... and make a git tag ... that's all
(21:34:11) mattock: yep, so source tarball and Windows binaries
(21:34:22) dazo: agi would know debian stuff
(21:34:26) dazo: mattock:  yes
(21:34:29) mattock: cron2: yep, and debian packaging is mostly ready
(21:34:39) ***ecrist waves
(21:34:48) ***dazo waves back
(21:35:15) mattock: btw. an update on buildbot status
(21:35:39) mattock: so OpenVPN now authenticates from LDAP instead of using 
(21:35:56) mattock: so access to buildbot (for developers and/or buildslave 
owners) is in place
(21:36:05) mattock: see this: 
(21:36:07) vpnHelper: Title: SettingUpBuildslave – OpenVPN (at 
(21:36:08) dazo: neat!
(21:36:36) cron2: cool
(21:36:38) mattock: so you need some openvpn configs & certs, community 
services account _and_ you need to belong to "builders" group in LDAP
(21:37:11) mattock: now there's one issue I need to fix... currently Buildbot 
server gets a random IP
(21:37:32) mattock: it should get a static VPN address, so that people can 
access it 
(21:37:37) mattock: otherwise all is working fine
(21:37:59) ecrist: mattock: is ldap directly accessible to any community 
(21:38:09) dazo: mattock:  dynamic IP can be tackled by --learn-address 
(21:38:10) mattock: ecrist: nope
(21:38:20) ecrist: I know you're pushing backups to me, but that's the only 
access I'm aware of.
(21:38:41) mattock: ok, so this is how our LDAP works..
(21:38:56) mattock: users (=anyone) can create an accounts using "pwm"
(21:39:13) mattock: they can also edit their own data (e.g. email) using pwm
(21:39:20) mattock: the LDAP server is behind a firewall
(21:39:38) mattock: there's no access to it directly from the Internet, only 
through the VPN
(21:40:16) mattock: and VPN is only accessible if the user has the ca.crt, 
ta.key, properly configured OpenVPN, has an LDAP account and belongs to 
"builders" group in LDAP
(21:40:52) krzee: [11:38]  <mattock> so you need some openvpn configs & certs, 
community services account _and_ you need to belong to "builders" group in LDAP
(21:40:55) krzee: thats clean =]
(21:41:18) dazo: sounds very reasonable to me
(21:41:28) cron2: +1
(21:41:37) mattock: we chose to eat our own dogfood, so :)
(21:41:50) ecrist: ditto, though I'd like for LDAP admin to be delegated to 
community members, as well.
(21:41:56) ecrist: call me a control freak. ;)
(21:42:08) mattock: ecrist: that should be doable using pwm admin interface
(21:42:25) ***ecrist has yet to even look at pwm
(21:42:40) mattock: and might be beneficial to me, too, once more people start 
using Trac/forums/whatever
(21:42:56) mattock: ecrist: click on "Register" or "Account" link in Trac
(21:42:59) mattock: that's pwm
(21:43:13) mattock: anyways, where were we?
(21:43:34) mattock: ah, debian packages...
(21:43:51) mattock: so I can do Debian amd64 and Ubuntu 9.10 i386 packages very 
(21:44:16) mattock: haven't got any extra VM's for other OS'es
(21:44:46) mattock: does anyone know how to build Windows installers?
(21:45:06) cron2: sort of
(21:45:43) mattock: cron2: are they good enough for distributions?
(21:45:55) cron2: well, the "domake-win" script in the source tree knows how to 
do it :-)
(21:46:16) cron2: but it needs to run *on* windows
(21:46:27) ecrist: pwm seems pretty clean
(21:46:28) mattock: oh, so no build automation for windows packages
(21:46:38) mattock: ecrist: yep, it's pretty nice
(21:46:54) dazo: I think it should be doable to cross compile to Windows from 
Linux, or not?
(21:47:07) cron2: openvpn.exe, yes.  tap.sys, no
(21:47:08) mattock: cron2: didn't you try cross-compiling?
(21:47:13) dazo: aha
(21:48:18) mattock: what if we set a new release date, say 9th August (monday)?
(21:48:30) mattock: and try to get James' feedback before that
(21:48:39) dazo: sounds like a good idea
(21:49:05) dazo: and an RC mid/late October?
(21:49:24) cron2: +1
(21:49:26) mattock: sounds good
(21:49:31) ecrist: release for what on the 9th?
(21:49:39) dazo: first beta2.2
(21:49:53) mattock: and forums on 13th Aug
(21:50:06) mattock: _if_ the theming is in place then
(21:50:31) mattock: should we discuss testing issues now?
(21:50:35) ecrist: they haven't done anything with theming, other than throwing 
a logo on there.
(21:50:45) mattock: ecrist: yep, that's what I thought
(21:50:49) ecrist: dazo, is there a branch or somthing for the beta2.2 release?
(21:51:01) dazo: ecrist:  it is ... it's called beta2.2 ;-)
(21:51:07) mattock: they've been insanely busy with Access Server 1.5
(21:51:15) mattock: release a couple of weeks ago
(21:51:25) cron2: give me a moment, need to tend child
(21:51:34) mattock: cron2: take your time
(21:51:35) dazo: it's not tagged as beta2.2_1 yet ... but it's about to reach 
that soon
(21:51:56) ecrist: dazo: I'm not sure how best to handle the beta release with 
ports and proper versioning.
(21:52:16) ecrist: can we avoid underscores in release names?
(21:52:28) ecrist: beta2.2.1 would be better
(21:52:29) mattock: debian uses "-"
(21:52:36) mattock: e.g. 2.2-debian0
(21:52:37) dazo: ecrist:  I'll follow the old style ... so it will be 
openvpn-2.2_beta1 ... so version string is 2.2_beta1
(21:52:38) mattock: or something
(21:53:05) ecrist: freebsd ports appends _$PORTREVISION 
(21:53:50) dazo: we can change it to 2.2-beta1, if that makes people happier
(21:54:02) ecrist: that would make me a bit happier.
(21:54:11) mattock: and it looks better to me
(21:54:45) dazo: I have no problem with that ... I just need to double check 
how Fedora packages will like that ... as they use -{build revision}
(21:54:53) ecrist: I'm going to create another port for this, openvpn-beta 
which will handle betas, so as not to screw with current -devel stuff
(21:55:03) dazo: that sounds very good!
(21:55:04) mattock: good idea
(21:55:22) ecrist: so, on FreeBSD, there will be three openvpn ports, openvpn 
(release), openvpn-beta (beta-releases), openvpn-devel (weekly git snapshot)
(21:55:33) dazo: as we will continue to accept stuff into the working branches, 
and only merge in stuff from there into beta2.2, which fits the beta
(21:56:24) ecrist: so, when is the plan to freeze the tree for the beta 
release, to give package maintainers time to build/commit?
(21:57:18) mattock: good point, we should make an official announcement about 
beta2.2 release date a.s.a.p.
(21:57:23) mattock: -> todo list
(21:57:24) dazo: no, not freezing ... but the beta2.2 branch in git will only 
get merges with patches from other branches which we consider important to get 
into 2.2 ... I doubt that will be much changes
(21:57:45) ecrist: dazo, I think it's a good idea to freeze so all packages are 
(21:57:49) dazo: and the allmerged branch + all feature/bugfix2.1 branches will 
continue to be modified
(21:58:08) ecrist: that way, we don't have to worry about freebsd having a 
patch that debian doesn't
(21:58:24) ecrist: and any commit to that branch should bump the version number 
(21:58:34) mattock: so the beta2.2 tree will be frozen, but the rest of the 
trees will move forward
(21:58:55) ecrist: that's my thought
(21:58:59) dazo: ecrist:  it's no need to freeze ... because we will tag the 
first beta2.2 .... as v2.2-beta1 ... and people will build from that tag .... 
then when feedback and fixes comes ... they go into the beta2.2 branch and at 
next release point for beta, we tag it v2.2-beta2
(21:59:01) dazo: and so on
(21:59:11) ecrist: ok
(21:59:31) dazo: so you can call the tags "freeze points" ... but it will not 
completely freeze the tree
(21:59:44) ecrist: now we're splitting hairs
(21:59:56) mattock: ...thunderstorm coming, need to move inside... I'll be back 
(22:00:05) ecrist: so, has beta1 been tagged yet?

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(22:07:34) dazo: not yet
(22:07:34) dazo: we're trying to be nice and patient, waiting for James 
feedback on the beta2.2 branch
(22:07:34) dazo: but I'm of the opinion that if we don't get any feedback by 
August 9th, we're using that branch as the first beta release 
(22:07:37) dazo: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/report/3 ... If you look 
for the beta2.2 milestone, that's stuff I want to see hit the beta2.2 branch 
during it's cycles.
(22:07:37) vpnHelper: Title: {3} Active Tickets by Milestone – OpenVPN (at 
(22:07:40) dazo: We have patches for all except ticket #30 and #18
(22:07:43) mattock has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
(22:07:48) cron2: ok, back
(22:07:51) cron2: testing?
(22:07:51) dazo: sure ... we might need mattock on that one, as he knows more 
about the Beaker progress
(22:07:51) mattock (~sam...@gprs-prointernet-ff0d6a00-230.dhcp.inet.fi) has 
joined #openvpn-devel

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(22:06:56) modalità (+o mattock) da ChanServ
(22:06:59) dazo: talking 'bout the sun!
(22:08:20) mattock: ok, back to GPRS :)
(22:08:45) cron2: testing!
(22:08:56) mattock: testing!
(22:09:09) mattock: (I'll summarize the beta2.2 stuff on Saturday)
(22:09:24) mattock: cron2: could you share your thoughts first?
(22:09:49) dazo: (thx)
(22:09:58) cron2: where am I coming from?  "I build stuff with IPv6 payload on 
about 6 different machines, and after each change, I want to make sure that 
everything still works"
(22:10:04) cron2: this is fairly time consuming
(22:10:17) mattock: it must be...
(22:10:39) mattock: so you had "make test" type of things in mind, right?
(22:10:40) cron2: I really need to verify that things like "address assignment 
to tun interface" works right, and that communication works (ping, run 
something like HTTP through the tunnel, ...)
(22:10:47) cron2: so the idea:
(22:10:53) cron2: compile
(22:10:56) cron2: run "make test"
(22:11:18) cron2: make test would then startup an openvpn client to a "well 
known" server (or set of servers, udp/tcp, tun/tap)
(22:11:35) cron2: then the script would verify ping, http, ... connectivity to 
a "well known" address inside the VPN tunnel
(22:11:46) cron2: if that works, kill off the openvpn client
(22:12:03) cron2: and report success
(22:12:09) cron2: caveat 1: "what is the server that I want to use?"
(22:12:17) cron2: caveat 2: "what protocols to test?"
(22:12:36) cron2: caveat 3: actual ifconfig/route tests need to be run as root
(22:12:50) cron2: caveat 4: this doesn't test server mode, or point-to-point 
(22:13:25) cron2: for "4" I have thought of setting up a "call me back" CGI 
script on the "well-known" server that would initiate an OpenVPN counterpart in 
the other direction
(22:13:34) cron2: caveat 4a: make sure this isn't abused...
(22:13:41) dazo: okay ... this the perfect candidate for Beaker ... Beaker 
allows you to write test scripts in whatever language you want, it runs through 
a number of test cases and reports a status (fail/pass) ... it can then use 
multiple pre-defined configs (dynamically exchanging IP addresses and stuff, of 
(22:14:14) cron2: the bit "how to run the tests" is not so hard ("make test" :) 
(22:14:38) cron2: the tricky part is "how does the test script know which 
server to connect to"
(22:15:02) dazo: the process of a Beaker test run is ... you send a "test this 
script for me" to the scheduler.  The test script has defined which hardware 
and OS you want to run the tests on ... it provisions a system (or more, in 
multi-host testing scripts), installs the OS and the needed packages ... runs 
the test script and logs the result with complete logs
(22:15:16) cron2: if I want to test, i might not want to connect to openvpn.net 
(due to "no IPv6 there yet") - if buildbot wants to test, it should connect to 
(22:15:38) cron2: ... and if we want to have these scripts in the git tree, 
they should be generic enough so that they are useful for "the broad 
(22:15:48) dazo: In the beaker-libraries, there are functions how to 
synchronise communication between two test hosts ... and exchanging the IP 
(22:16:09) cron2: dazo: oh, now *that* is cool
(22:16:13) mattock: I agree we should use Beaker for this... however, don't 
count on me setting it up real soon. My TODO list is rather long :)
(22:16:13) cron2: "run test client *here*, test server *there*"
(22:16:34) mattock: also, we don't have test servers for beaker yet
(22:16:40) mattock: nor for buildbot, for that matter
(22:16:41) dazo: cron2:  we're using Beaker at Red Hat for most automated 
package testing ... it really works well
(22:17:15) cron2: beaker is a bit heavyweight for my personal environment, 
(22:17:30) mattock: dazo: could we use standalone "make test" scripts for now 
and migrate them to beaker later on?
(22:17:47) dazo: mattock:  so we're still lacking the hardware?  I thought 
someone (not you, mattock) promised that to be a piece of cake
(22:17:50) cron2: but sufficiently generic test scripts could be used for 
(22:17:51) dazo: yes! 
(22:18:12) mattock: dazo: yep, I remember something like that, too :)
(22:18:32) cron2: dazo: how does parameter passing work inside beaker?  
environment variables -> script?
(22:18:32) dazo: you can write beaker test scripts ... and run them locally, 
you'll just miss the provisioning and automated stuff in Beaker ... but you 
have the needed parts to test out the Beaker test, just as it would be run in 
(22:18:49) mattock: dazo: anything special one should know about Beaker test 
(22:18:51) dazo: cron2:  you give whatever  parameters to the scheduler when 
scheduling a test run
(22:18:59) cron2: dazo: do you have a link how to write a beaker test script 
"without beaker"?
(22:19:26) cron2: dazo: so that's command line, environment, "whatever you 
(22:19:30) cron2: dazo: how about passing around certificate files etc?
(22:19:30) ***dazo looks up Beaker docs
(22:19:45) dazo: cron2:  that's also doable ... you probably want to pass an 
URL to files to fetch 
(22:20:38) cron2: fetch certificates *here*, build temporary openvpn conf from 
this, and that environment variable ("*there* is the other side of the test 
(22:21:18) dazo: https://fedorahosted.org/beaker/
(22:21:21) vpnHelper: Title: beaker - Trac (at fedorahosted.org)
(22:21:21) cron2: this sounds definitely cool and we want this :-) (but I'm 
*not* volunteering, sorry, I'm already way behind on my open issues)
(22:21:24) dazo: I can probably spare some time helping setting up Beaker
(22:21:29) cron2: child wrecks any sort of time planning :/
(22:21:57) mattock: cron2: can you write scripts to automate your own testing 
(22:22:02) mattock: and publish them :)
(22:22:11) ***dazo might get some allowance to do this during work hours 
(22:22:23) mattock: or was that the thing you're not volunteering for?
(22:22:42) dazo: cron2:  unfortunately, it seems that some of the docs is only 
available from within RH ... but I'll dig up something useful
(22:22:42) cron2: mattock: well, basically that's the reason why I brought this 
up - bounce the idea off you, see whether it's sound, send patches
(22:23:01) mattock: the idea is excellent!
(22:23:16) mattock: especially if the scripts are "Beaker compatible" from the 
(22:23:26) mattock: or at least easily convertable into Beaker format
(22:23:27) cron2: next thing on my list is "make sure the IPv6 payload stuff 
works on OpenBSD", which should be fairly straightforward - but is a good 
opportunity to start rolling auto-scripts
(22:24:03) dazo: it's usually no big deal to convert scripts afterwards 
(22:24:32) mattock: cron2: so no reports from any OpenBSD guys so far?
(22:25:49) cron2: mattock: let's start with "something that works" and then 
optimize :)
(22:25:49) dazo: you basically just source a beaker-functions script ... and 
then call a beaker-report-result function at the end ... to say it overly simple
(22:25:52) cron2: mattock: krzee plays dead :)
(22:25:52) krzee: huh?
(22:25:52) krzee: oh
(22:25:52) dazo: heh
(22:25:52) krzee: i tested the first patch, didnt work
(22:25:52) cron2: krzee: waiting for your feedback (and ACK) on the configure 
patch :-)
(22:25:52) krzee: if there was something since, havnt checked
(22:25:52) cron2: there's a second patch now
(22:25:52) krzee: ahh good
(22:25:52) cron2: it's on the list and in the trac ticket
(22:25:52) krzee: im finally settling down after an insane migration
(22:26:11) cron2: regarding the IPv6 payload itself - I can test that locally 
in the VM
(22:27:00) dazo: cron2:  mattock: beakerlib ... the part used in test scripts 
... https://fedorahosted.org/beakerlib/wiki/Manual
(22:27:08) vpnHelper: Title: Manual - BeakerLib - Trac (at fedorahosted.org)
(22:27:16) cron2: dazo: *note*
(22:27:27) mattock: dazo: ok, I'll  check it when my connection is faster than 
4kbps :)
(22:27:32) cron2: ok, I'll play with this over the next days
(22:28:15) mattock: I think unit- and security testing stuff is too much for 
(22:28:18) mattock: what do you think?
(22:28:19) cron2: this was "my" testing part - unit tests and valgrind came 
from mattock(?) - I need to have some food with $wife now, otherwise "no more 
playing with openvpn" for me :-) - I'll have an eye on the IRC
(22:28:28) mattock: cron2: yep, from me
(22:28:43) dazo: mattock:  agreed
(22:29:04) mattock: ok, so unless somebody has anything else on his/her mind, 
let's end the meeting
(22:30:00) mattock: I'll probably write the summary on Saturday, not tomorrow
(22:30:16) dazo: sure!
(22:30:33) mattock: depends on when I'm returning to civilization :)
(22:30:48) mattock: anyways, good meeting again!
(22:30:59) dazo: :)
(22:31:22) mattock: let's try to reach James somehow within 7 days or so...
(22:31:36) mattock: I'm not sure which tactic would be best
(22:31:45) mattock: bombarding with emails does not seem to work well
(22:32:03) mattock: I have his Skype ID, I might have to try that instead
(22:32:31) dazo: I dunno ... I'm thinking that if we give him time to jump up 
and in worst case reject the progress, that's at least *feedback* ... and if he 
doesn't do that, then we continue
(22:33:14) mattock: I agree we need to move on, even if James won't give 
(22:33:40) dazo: waiting another week, that'll give him in total 2 weeks to 
respond to my e-mail ... so if nothing, then we can't say we haven't tried to 
give him time to respond
(22:33:43) mattock: I mean, we can't wait indefinitely
(22:33:56) mattock: yep, agreed
(22:34:01) dazo: exactly
(22:34:25) mattock: the only thing I'd rather not do without feedback is put 
stuff (e.g. announcements) on openvpn.net
(22:34:56) mattock: or beta2.2 releases
(22:35:00) mattock: to openvpn.net
(22:35:17) mattock: I need some sort of "OK" from somebody (James or Francis)
(22:35:26) dazo: well, lets see how things goes ... we could consider to setup 
a wordpress or drupal service on community server ... and host our own 
community web pages with more updates
(22:36:05) mattock: well, I have write access to (part of) openvpn.net web 
pages now
(22:36:25) dazo: and then just with time get stuff on openvpn.net point to 
community, which is community related ... and then OpenVPN Tech can keep their 
own pace
(22:37:08) mattock: I agree that for the most part the community should be able 
to work independently of the company
(22:37:42) mattock: and the company would be part of the community, of course
(22:38:02) mattock: I'd love to see the second part materialize :) 
(22:38:13) dazo: that's my key point
(22:38:17) dazo: of course!
(22:38:33) cron2: definitely
(22:38:47) dazo: I don't mean to push them out :) ... but they need to want to 
be involved, or else they will not be a part of it
(22:39:07) mattock: anyways, if James does not respond early next week, I'll 
mail Francis... he's way more responsive (to emails)
(22:39:18) cron2: ... and that would risk a fork, which is not good
(22:39:25) dazo: and by "wanting to be involved", I mean that needs to be 
visible in their priorities and actions
(22:39:35) mattock: yep, that's what I've tried to explain to them
(22:40:54) dazo: mattock:  could it be as simple as James are on a holiday?
(22:40:55) ***dazo just realised that now
(22:41:03) mattock: dazo: that's possible
(22:41:36) mattock: if there's no communication, there are tons of ways to 
misunderstand people's intentions
(22:41:46) mattock: or why they behave like they do
(22:41:50) dazo: yeah
(22:42:05) mattock: anyways, I'll send mail to James and Francis about beta2.2 
et al
(22:42:13) dazo: perfect!
(22:42:14) mattock: and community involvement
(22:42:43) mattock: ok, enough for today :)
(22:42:57) dazo: :)
(22:43:02) mattock: bye guys!
(22:43:07) dazo: bye!

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