
Here's the summary of the previous community meeting.



Place: #openvpn-devel on irc.freenode.net
List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Thursday, 26th Aug 2010
Time: 18:00 UTC

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were on this page:


Next meeting next week, same place, same time. Your local meeting time
is easy to check from services such as


or with

$ date -u


Discussed the status of OpenVPN 2.1.3. This 2.1.3 release candidate
fixed the issue for all who previously had driver signing problems with
Windows Vista/7:


Agreed that there's no need to postpone release of 2.1.3 further - thus
decided to release it as soon as possible.


Discussed dropping support for Windows 2000 in next releases. As
promised last week, Samuli had asked on the -users mailing list if
people still use Win2k with OpenVPN. Only one person responsed, and even
he was not interested in Win2k support in _future_ versions of OpenVPN.
Therefore decided to drop Windows 2000 support after 2.1.3.


Discussed the "Compiling OpenVPN v2.1.2 with enable-password-save
option" issue:


This allows OpenVPN credentials to be stored in a file. Currently this
is enabled on official OpenVPN _Windows_ builds. Agreed to send mail to
-users mailinglist and take it from there. So far the reaction on the ml
has been positive.


Discussed the "Some way of supporting static compilation" issue:


Did some testing to see if creating a static binary would be trivial. As
it was not, decided to ask the Gentoo guys why they need static OpenVPN
binary before going any further.


Discussed the "More Flexible TLS Verification for plugins" issue:


Agreed that this functionality would be useful. Dazo agreed to implement
the new version of the plugin interface, which is a prequisite for this
functionality. His patches have already been sent to the -devel mailing
list for review.


Discussed the status of Gentoo 2.2-beta3 ebuilds. The Gentoo maintainer
is currently figuring out the best way to approach this issue.


Full chatlog as an attachment

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

(21:03:55) jamesyonan [~jamesy...@c-76-120-71-74.hsd1.co.comcast.net] è 
entrato nel canale.
(21:04:00) dazo: \o/
(21:04:04) dazo: :)
(21:04:11) mattock: hi james!
(21:04:34) modalità (+o jamesyonan) da ChanServ
(21:04:41) jamesyonan: hi
(21:04:57) mattock: ok, so topics are here: 
(21:04:59) vpnHelper: Title: Topics-2010-08-26 – OpenVPN Community (at 
(21:05:32) mattock: shall we start with 2.1.3?
(21:05:52) dazo: yeah, that's a good starter!
(21:05:55) mattock: Ralf on the mailing list is getting restless about 2.1.2 
being broken...
(21:06:00) mattock: and he's got a point
(21:06:18) dazo: +1
(21:06:21) mattock: jamesyonan: could we release 2.1.3 a.s.a.p. as in now? :)
(21:06:28) dazo: and I also gave him a preview of 2.1.3
(21:06:36) dazo: hold the horses a bit!
(21:06:44) jamesyonan: certainly, I can release it today
(21:06:49) dazo: what about --enable-passord-save ?
(21:07:04) jamesyonan: it's usually off by default
(21:07:04) dazo: has that been enabled in earlier releases?
(21:07:11) mattock: oh yes, that one
(21:07:30) jamesyonan: I don't think it's ever been enabled
(21:07:41) dazo: ahh, if it's no regression ... then ship it :)
(21:07:54) dazo: but would be good to validate this
(21:07:56) mattock: yeah, but there's a guy who rebuilds the Windows version 
with that option enabled
(21:08:05) mattock: so it's not enabled by default
(21:08:23) mattock: this guy is active in the mailing lists I think
(21:08:40) dazo: okay ... no problem, as long as we are sure
(21:08:41) mattock: Andrew had to use his binary on the Windows build machine 
to get it hooked to community vpn
(21:09:04) mattock: anyways, I think we should release 2.1.3 today, then
(21:09:08) cron2: how lame is that, having to use someone else's OpenVPN 
binary? *duck*
(21:09:19) mattock: :)
(21:09:28) dazo: the question is then ... should we do some tricks so that it 
could be compile-time enabled, but config disabled by default?
(21:09:52) mattock: jamesyonan: is there a reason why it's disabled by default 
in Windows build?
(21:09:58) jamesyonan: at one time it was proposed to make 
--enable-password-save on by default but there was such an outcry against it 
that it never happened
(21:10:02) dazo: it seems to be a requested feature, and having only compile 
time enabling seems to be a bit rough for windows users
(21:10:04) mattock: oh
(21:10:15) jamesyonan: but this was years ago
(21:10:33) mattock: perhaps we could ask the people on the -user mailing list 
and see what they think now
(21:10:55) mattock: it is useful in some scenarios, no doubt about that
(21:11:11) cron2: how difficult would it be to build two sets of windows 
(21:11:44) dazo: jamesyonan:  --auth-nocache doesn't that runtime-disable it?
(21:12:32) jamesyonan: no, --auth-nocache is about disabling the memory caching 
of the password for the duration of the session
(21:12:58) jamesyonan: saving passwords is about caching permanently in a disk 
(21:13:36) mattock: would it be possible to make it disabled by default, but 
enablable without recompilation?
(21:13:42) dazo: aha ... so that --askpass {FILE} ... will not read {FILE} if 
--enable-password-save is enabled?
(21:13:56) dazo: is *not* enabled
(21:15:08) jamesyonan: let's run it by the lists first -- the primary cause of 
opposition was that admins didn't want to make it easy for their users to save 
the password
(21:15:37) mattock: jamesyonan: +1
(21:15:41) dazo: +1
(21:15:55) ***dazo thinks a bit further ...
(21:15:59) jamesyonan: but this was years ago when there were not alternative 
Windows builds available
(21:16:29) dazo: could it be done in a clever way so that the server could 
enable or disable this feature via a push to the client?  which would only be 
valid via push?
(21:17:03) mattock: server-side setting would be good, if doable
(21:17:19) dazo: when it covers saved passwords to file ... then I do 
understand the opposition better
(21:17:19) jamesyonan: I believe that ssh does a similar thing, i.e. makes it 
difficult to read password from a file
(21:17:58) dazo: ssh can use $SSH_ASKPASSWD (or something similar)
(21:18:05) mattock: btw. before I forget... only one guy responded to my 
Windows 2000 support mail... and even he was not interested in having win2k 
support for _new_ OpenVPN releases 
(21:18:14) dazo: which points at a script/binary which gives the password
(21:18:18) mattock: so I guess we can drop Win2k support in next release
(21:18:30) dazo: perfect!
(21:18:52) dazo: and we have no test reports for Win2K ... seems people have 
fled that one by now
(21:19:49) mattock: fortunately...
(21:19:57) dazo: :)
(21:20:25) mattock: what if I send mail now to the mailing lists about the 
password save option?
(21:20:29) mattock: and we move forward from there
(21:20:59) dazo: I then suggest that we release 2.1.3 as is ... and rather do 
the changes, if accepted by our users in the next release
(21:21:12) mattock: sounds good
(21:21:23) cron2: +1
(21:21:38) mattock: that's settled, then :)
(21:22:22) mattock: ok, so what about 2.2-beta3 release?
(21:22:49) dazo: I will tag the tree now, and push it out
(21:22:54) mattock: was there something missing from 2.1.2 that was required 
for 2.2-beta3?
(21:23:02) dazo: then jamesyonan should be able to build from git or a tarball 
from mattock 
(21:23:11) dazo: yeah, updates to the build script
(21:24:17) mattock: I was wondering if we should have our users "smoke test" 
each release beforehand (similarly to 2.1.3) by asking them on -users?
(21:24:19) dazo: and we have a few community fixes in the meantime as well
(21:24:34) mattock: say, a few days / a week before release?
(21:24:42) dazo: nah, it's beta ... it's supposed to fail, especially early 
betas ;-)
(21:24:45) mattock: ok :D
(21:25:08) cron2: mattock: i'm with dazo here
(21:25:17) mattock: fine with me
(21:25:27) cron2: the point of beta is "this is broken, go test it now"
(21:25:39) mattock: got to love this positive attitude :)
(21:26:07) mattock: that's true, though...
(21:26:41) mattock: just a clarification... the option we'll ask our users 
about is "auth-user-pass"?
(21:27:07) dazo: mattock:  git tree tagged pushed .... v2.2-beta3 is available
(21:27:11) mattock: nice!
(21:27:25) mattock: I'll create the tarballs tomorrow morning and send a link 
to james
(21:27:36) dazo: perfect!
(21:27:43) jamesyonan: mattock: well the issue is really the ./configure 
--enable-password-save option
(21:27:57) mattock: jamesyonan: ok
(21:28:54) mattock: jamesyonan: when could you build the Windows installer and 
push out 2.2-beta3?
(21:29:01) mattock: by Monday?
(21:30:44) jamesyonan: mattock: I can do the Windows build fairly easily if 
there aren't any glitches
(21:30:58) mattock: just let us know if you encounter _any_ issues
(21:31:10) dazo: hopefully not ... not with latest 2.1.3 changes merged into 
(21:33:19) mattock: hmm, should we discuss static compilation now?
(21:33:31) dazo: +1
(21:33:32) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/46
(21:33:33) vpnHelper: Title: #46 (Some way of supporting static compilation) 
– OpenVPN Community (at community.openvpn.net)
(21:34:03) mattock: what's required at our end for static compilation to work?
(21:34:19) dazo: update autoconf scripts, I'd say
(21:34:24) ***cron2 wonders what the point is, as glibc will always do some 
dynload things
(21:34:46) dazo: some security oriented distroes like to do static compilations 
of some packages
(21:35:09) cron2: so there is no way to fix openssl bugs without recompilation 
of everything?  good plan
(21:35:10) dazo: to avoid a borken ssl lib or other stuff loaded via LDPRELOAD 
to influence the behaviour
(21:36:04) cron2: but anyway, more positive: I have seen other packages do 
"configure --enable-static", so there seems to be configure magic that we could 
tap into
(21:36:05) dazo: This request comes from Gentoo ... and it might be related to 
the Tin Hat distro ...
(21:36:18) cron2: Tin Foil Hat distro? *duck*
(21:36:19) dazo: exactly ... and we're missing --enable-static now
(21:36:50) dazo: cron2:  http://opensource.dyc.edu/tinhat ;-)
(21:36:51) vpnHelper: Title: Tin Hat | opensource.dyc.edu (at 
(21:36:55) dazo: not far from the truth ;-)
(21:37:28) jamesyonan: what is the problem?  Is there something we are doing in 
configure.ac or Makefile.am that breaks static compilation?  Or do we need some 
special code there to enable it as an option?
(21:38:12) dazo: we need to somehow enable static compilation support in 
autotools ... I don't know how that's really done yet ... but I've seen OpenSSH 
having this support
(21:38:13) cron2: I think if a system has a shared and static library, the 
linker will default to "shared", so we need to add -static to gcc to get the 
static linking
(21:38:24) dazo: (Gentoo now patches Makefile after having run ./configure)
(21:39:03) ***cron2 looks at openssh configure*
(21:39:24) dazo: yeah, and you need to link against lib{LIBRARY}.a instead of 
(21:39:46) cron2: dazo: I don't think that's needed - that's the point of 
"-static", the linker knows how to do that
(21:40:03) dazo: but it needs access to the .a file at least, iirc 
(21:40:23) cron2: sure, "-l$lib" + -Lpath, works for .a as well as for .so
(21:42:14) mattock: hmm... I wonder if we could discuss this issue with the 
Gentoo maintainer
(21:42:37) mattock: to understand the problem and potential solutions better
(21:42:39) cron2: there's no mention of "static" in the current OpenSSH's 
configure :(
(21:42:57) cron2: gcc docs say "call gcc with -static is sufficient"
(21:43:05) dazo: mattock:  I tried ... and he responded he don't know autotools 
good enough to do this .... that's why they patch Makefile ... which is really 
(21:43:19) dazo: hmm
(21:43:58) mattock: nobody else has complained about this, right?
(21:44:14) dazo: not which I know about :)
(21:44:19) mattock: I wonder why they need static compilation... 
(21:44:43) jamesyonan: why not just add --enable-static to configure.ac and 
have it add -static to gcc options
(21:44:52) cron2: something like that, yes
(21:45:09) mattock: hmm, if that's so easy, why not
(21:45:19) dazo: if that works, go for it!
(21:46:04) dazo: might be that Alon will frown upon us, though :)
(21:46:27) dazo: (if there is a more "standard" way to do it, though)
(21:47:16) mattock: if it's that easy, let's do it... if it gets hairy, perhaps 
ask Gentoo maintainer "why should we do this"?
(21:47:23) cron2: well, we could ask him (Alon, that is)?
(21:47:50) jamesyonan: CFLAGS is passed through to configure -- so in theory 
you could do:
(21:47:53) dazo: sure!  That's worth a shot
(21:48:04) jamesyonan: CFLAGS="-static" ./configure
(21:48:54) dazo: jamesyonan got a very valid point there!
(21:49:35) mattock: I'll try that
(21:50:38) mattock: hmm, I get "configure: error: OpenSSL SSL library not 
(21:51:03) mattock: without "-static" configures just fine
(21:51:19) dazo: you must have the static openssl libraries installed
(21:52:03) mattock: okay
(21:52:54) mattock: I can test tomorrow if installing static OpenSSL libs 
solves this issue
(21:52:58) jamesyonan: you have to have the whole library dependency tree of 
OpenVPN available statically
(21:53:07) dazo: true
(21:53:39) mattock: hmm, perhaps I'll ask the Gentoo guys to do the testing for 
me... they can build static stuff easier than me
(21:53:58) mattock: dependencies espc.
(21:54:45) ***dazo tries on one of his Gentoo boxes now
(21:54:58) mattock: nice!
(21:55:18) mattock: meanwhile we can feast our eyes on this: 
(21:55:20) vpnHelper: Title: #44 (More Flexible TLS Verification for plugins) 
– OpenVPN Community (at community.openvpn.net)
(21:56:46) mattock: jamesyonan: so currently only some parts of the certificate 
are exposed to plugin developers?
(21:56:52) dazo: correct
(21:57:21) mattock: is there any (security?) reason why we couldn't expose the 
field he's talking about? or even the whole certificate?
(21:57:32) jamesyonan: the traditional method of adding features like these has 
been to have tls_verify extract the cert properties and place them in the env 
var list that is passed to the plugin
(21:57:36) dazo: the eurephia patch which we have in 2.2-beta ... that enables 
tls_digest_X which is the digest (aka. SHA1 fingerprint) as an environment 
(21:58:12) mattock: ok, so what he's suggesting _is_ doable already?
(21:58:25) jamesyonan: no, not really
(21:58:26) dazo: jamesyonan:  with tls_verify ... you mean the function in 
(21:58:33) jamesyonan: yes
(21:59:54) jamesyonan: but I think he's proposing that we change the plugin API 
so that the actual OpenSSL certificate objects are passed to the plugin
(22:00:00) dazo: I would say it is doable in theory ... but I'm really not sure 
which method of doing it is best .... environment variables might be too 
small/limited for several kb of data
(22:00:17) dazo: putting it to a file, is a security issue
(22:00:23) dazo: so the last option is to modify the API
(22:00:34) mattock: the "--enable-password-save" email here: 
(22:00:41) mattock: shall I press "Send"?
(22:01:12) mattock: how extensive changes the API would need?
(22:01:13) dazo: mattock:  +1
(22:01:26) jamesyonan: mattock: sure
(22:01:28) mattock: some small changes?
(22:01:29) cron2: mattock: +1
(22:01:34) mattock: ok
(22:01:42) mattock: let's see what kind of noise that raises
(22:02:04) mattock: sent
(22:02:09) jamesyonan: well the problem with API changes is that then you might 
need to introduce a new version of the API method so as not to break old plugins
(22:02:24) mattock: is the API documented somewhere?
(22:02:45) dazo: it might not be too big ... but ... there are more approaches 
to do this .... I'm not sure adding yet another variable to the 
openvpn_plugin_func_vX() is the best approach
(22:02:52) dazo: openvpn-plugin.h
(22:03:31) mattock: and he suggest that "By providing plugin developers the 
full certificate, they may implement domain specific requirements as needed."
(22:03:56) dazo: which is true ... and a valid point
(22:04:55) mattock: any reason why not to do that?
(22:05:03) mattock: except the time required, that is
(22:05:21) jamesyonan: well how would we pass the certificate object to the 
plugin method?
(22:05:34) dazo: no, I do not see any issues not to do this ... in fact, if I 
had that feature available when I started eurephia, I would not need to patch 
(22:06:27) jamesyonan: maybe we should implement a general method of passing 
objects (rather than merely key/value pairs via env vars) to plugin methods
(22:06:38) dazo: jamesyonan:  what if we have a v3 plugin interface, which 
cleans up some of the input arguments to openvpn_plugin_func_v3() ... giving a 
struct instead with pointers to the different variables
(22:06:51) jamesyonan: then if we think of more objects to pass in the future, 
we don't have to change the API
(22:07:09) dazo: then we can add the certificate list ... which would point to 
X509 objects, usable directly via openssl libs
(22:07:32) dazo: this pointer would be NULL on non TLS plugin-hooks
(22:07:49) jamesyonan: sure, that makes sense
(22:08:18) jamesyonan: we would need to version-tag the struct so it can expand 
in the future without breaking older plugins
(22:08:33) dazo: yeah, true
(22:09:14) dazo: another similar approach would be a pointer chain struct ....  
struct plugin_args { const char *name, const void *data, struct plugin_args 
*next }
(22:09:36) dazo: that way the plugin would have to loop through to look for the 
"name"d data they are looking for
(22:10:50) jamesyonan: sure, that would work, but would require more support 
code for allocating objects
(22:11:05) dazo: yeah, which is why I don't like that idea _that_ much :)
(22:11:49) jamesyonan: how about just a struct with a version number as the 
first item followed by data items
(22:12:02) dazo: but the former idea, with a not so flexible struct, could just 
have a "int version" variable ... the plug-in would need to validate that the 
version is good ... and if compiling on older openvpn, it would fail to compile
(22:12:14) dazo: heh
(22:12:23) dazo: great minds things alike?
(22:12:24) dazo: :-P
(22:12:45) mattock: dazo: did the Gentoo build succeed?
(22:13:05) dazo: mattock:  nope ... same error as you ... even though I have 
the .a files available in the path
(22:13:11) mattock: oki
(22:13:38) mattock: do we want to try to fix this or ask Gentoo guys "why"?
(22:13:55) dazo: I'd say we ask Gentoo guys :)
(22:14:05) mattock: ok
(22:14:07) jamesyonan: I was thinking that we could sort of "guarantee" that 
newer versions of the struct would only add new items to the end of the struct, 
so older plugins could support as long as version number is >= to what they 
(22:14:30) mattock: dazo: I'll ask, then
(22:15:08) dazo: jamesyonan:  exactly!   but I thought of the scenario that 
someone tries to build a plug-in against an older OpenVPN without the variables 
they need
(22:15:53) dazo: but that would not be an unexpected scenario, though
(22:16:04) jamesyonan: dazo: how could that not fail?
(22:16:30) dazo: I think I'm saying the same as you, jamesyonan ;-)
(22:16:59) dazo: but!  this would be tricky with ABI compatibility across 
precompiled versions, though
(22:17:09) jamesyonan: well the idea is that the plugin could detect the 
version mismatch and fail gracefully
(22:17:18) dazo: yeah
(22:19:12) mattock: do you guys know what to do now? should we ask if somebody 
on the ml wants to help implement this?
(22:19:22) mattock: this is pretty general purpose stuff I think
(22:19:46) ***dazo begins to get the feel of this ... and is willing to poke 
into a patch already
(22:19:56) mattock: nice!
(22:20:36) mattock: I think we should more actively send "does somebody want to 
work on this with me" -mails to -devel... 
(22:20:46) dazo: yeah, true enough :)
(22:20:50) mattock: does not hurt to ask
(22:21:11) mattock: if somebody wants the feature in question, there's a good 
chance he'll help (if he can)
(22:21:19) dazo: sure not ... but some times, that can lead to over-design ... 
it's better to put it in our TODO list 
(22:22:02) mattock: yeah, I see what you mean... I remember a few long 
discussion threads like that
(22:22:11) dazo: yeah
(22:23:06) mattock: ok, what about gentoo (2.2-beta) packages?
(22:23:08) mattock: any news?
(22:23:12) dazo: I
(22:23:42) dazo: I've not heard anything more ... the maintainer sounded very 
positive ... but he would need to look into how to do this in the best way
(22:23:58) dazo: as he said, not everyone is willing to run beta versions in 
production :)
(22:24:40) mattock: yeah, I'm moving from Debian Testing to stable... and this 
time (which is third) for good
(22:24:43) mattock: :)
(22:24:43) ***dazo expects an openvpn-beta port in emerge
(22:25:00) mattock: hmm, I'm afraid we've ran out of topics...
(22:25:20) dazo: whot!?!?!?!  We've only been here for 1.5 hour! :-P
(22:25:23) mattock: yep
(22:25:30) mattock: that's pretty standard time, actually
(22:25:50) mattock: a bit on the low side, though
(22:26:14) mattock: jamesyonan: could you let us know when you push out 2.1.3? 
(22:26:35) dazo: jamesyonan:  I see that you don't have any 
openvpn_plugin_{close,abort}_v2() functions, only v1 ... is the v1 version 
called on v2 plug-ins in this case?
(22:26:38) mattock: I'll create the tarballs from 2.2-beta3 and send them a 
link to you
(22:26:42) jamesyonan: I can do it before tomorrow
(22:26:50) mattock: jamesyonan: great!
(22:26:59) dazo: \o/
(22:27:46) mattock: mkay, anything else? I'd like to go for a walk. Been too 
much inside last few days :)
(22:28:10) dazo: run, mattock, run!
(22:28:12) dazo: :-P
(22:28:18) mattock: great! I will! :D
(22:28:27) mattock: I'll write the summary tomorrow, as usual
(22:28:36) jamesyonan: bye all
(22:28:42) mattock: bye!
(22:28:44) dazo: c'ya!
(22:28:48) ecrist: l8r

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