
On Thursday 02 September 2010 02:26:40 Jason Haar wrote:
>  While we're on the topic of Windows compiles, has there being an audit
> of DLL-dependencies in openvpn?

OpenVPN-GUI is not affected. I just checked with the instruction from 

It dynamically loads two libraries with the WIN32 API LoadLibrary function 
during startup, shell32.dll and riched20.dll. shell32.dll is listed below the 
HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/KnownDLLs registry key 
and therefore save. riched20.dll is part of any sane Windows installation and 
located in the system32 folder. However, both are loaded without specifying 
the complete path. I'll fix that soon, just for the sake of best practise.

If you use Dependency Walker on the binary with an up to date Windows XP, 
you'll see that two .dlls can not be found, ieshims.dll and wer.dll. Both are 
a 5th level dependency coming from shell32.dll. Procmon didn't show any 
unsuccessful attempts to load them, though. They are part of Windows starting 
from Vista.

Heiko Hund | Software Engineer | Phone +49-721-25516-237 | Fax -200
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