Hi all, As some of you may know, I've been working on integrating Debian packaging into our Buildbot CI server. Now I got the first _very rough_ debs out there:
<http://build.openvpn.net/downloads> NOTE: I have not yet tested these packages _at all_, although superficially they seem ok. I'd be very interested to know if these packages work for you (or not) and where they could be improved. Packages are currently being built from two branches ("beta22" and "allmerged") and for 4 OS/platform combinations: Ubuntu 10.04 i386/amd64 Debian 5 (Lenny) i386/amd64 When Debian 6 (Squeeze) and Ubuntu 10.10 will be released, I will setup 4 additional VMs to handle those, too. My intention is to automatically rebuild and publish these packages every time a commit is made to the Git repository. I also intend to setup an apt repository which people can use to conveniently run the latest and greatest OpenVPN code. When I've got Debian-based distributions covered, I intend to move to the RPM-based ones. As you can see, having a wide architectural coverage consumes a surprisingly large amount of VMs. The best way to have snapshot packages (and build testing) for your OS/architecture of choice is to allocate a small VM or two for the project's use; 400MB memory and 2GB disk space should be enough. Root access makes things much easier, but is not an absolute requirement if you can setup the buildbot + openvpn build dependencies yourself. Besides offering dedicated 24/7 VMs you can help the project by running a buildslave on your personal workstation. It does not have to be accessible 24/7, as the Buildbot server (buildmaster) queues work targeted at offline buildslaves. This allows us to make sure latest OpenVPN code builds properly on the OS your workstation is using. There are some instructions for setting up an openvpn buildslave here: <https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/SettingUpBuildslave> Please contact me for further details. -- Samuli Seppänen Community Manager OpenVPN Technologies, Inc irc freenode net: mattock