hi all,

I just spent almost a day debugging a very weird interaction between OpenVPN 2.1 and opensc-pkcs11 :

a Feitian ePass smartcard with an Omnikey CardMan 3121 card reader

openvpn 2.1.3
opensc 0.12.0 (not officially released yet)
pkcs11-helper 1.07
linux 2.6.34 64bit kernel (fc13)

Here's what happens:

openvpn starts up, queries me for the PKCS11 prompt, connection is established alright. When I look at the log file (with 'verb 99') I see that the pkcs11 function __pkcs11h_forkFixup is called several times, with a different pid=%d value every time. This is bad, as it causes opensc-pkcs11 to reload the card every time (it calls C_Finalize then C_Initialize). This operation is very expensive. During key renegotiation it gets even worse, as openvpn prompts me for the PIN again and connectivity is lost until I enter the PIN.

Now here's the weirdest part:

the __pkcs11h_forkFixup function is called after the invocation of an external program (e.g. /sbin/ip link , /sbin/ip/addr add etc). If I use
 script-security 2 system
the openvpn_execve function uses 'system()' calls to start these programs and the problem goes away !

So it seems that openvpn's openvpn_execve fork+waitpid function causes the program pid to change every time, triggering the reset of the pkcs11 interface !

What shall we do about this?


JJK / Jan Just Keijser

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