Hi Samuli,

Since plugins have support for X.509 certificates, they need to enable either 
USE_OPENSSL or USE_POLARSSL, and include the appropriate X.509 backend 
(ssl_verify_*.h). Since neither was defined, the file was not included and 
therefore the build failed.

This is part of a larger problem, where if USE_SSL is not defined a dependency 
to OpenSSL's x509 header still exists for plugins. I've fixed this in a patch 
that I'll upload and mail soon.


From: Samuli Seppänen [mailto:sam...@openvpn.net]
Sent: woensdag 6 juli 2011 21:21
To: Adriaan de Jong
Cc: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Openvpn-devel] PolarSSL patches

Hi Adriaan,

I tried building your tree on Debian 5 (amd64) VM and got this error:

#make plugins
/usr/bin/make -C plugin/auth-pam/
make[1]: Entering directory 
gcc -O2 -Wall -DDLOPEN_PAM=0 -fPIC -c -I../.. auth-pam.c
In file included from auth-pam.c:49:
../../openvpn-plugin.h:283: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 
make[1]: *** [auth-pam.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 2

The same VM has been used to successfully build the official release packages.


Hi everyone,

During last week's meeting we decided to temporarily create a github tree for 
OpenVPN. It can be found at https://github.com/andj/openvpn-ssl-refactoring . 
The version found there is now ready for testing, and will (hopefully) be 
included in the 2.3 alpha versions.

Could interested parties please have a look and provide me with feedback 
(through IRC/e-mail?).


Adriaan de Jong

PS. Note that due to limitations in PolarSSL, it is still missing a number of 

 * PKCS#12 file support
 * --capath support - Loading certificate authorities from a directory
 * Windows CryptoAPI support
 * Management external key support
 * X.509 alternative username fields (must be "CN")

Plugin/Script features:

 * X.509 Serial number is in hex, not decimal as with OpenSSL
 * X.509 subject line has a different format than the OpenSSL subject line
 * X.509 certificate export does not work
 * X.509 certificate tracking

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