My build script is working as-is with cygwin, compiling native win32 binaries!

2011/11/24 Alon Bar-Lev <>:
> I am *VERY* impressed from cygwin jump, I must admit I have not kept
> track on this project for a long time!
> But now it is up to date with fully operational native windows tools.
> I've done some testing, and it looks like ./configure
> --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 or i686-w64-mingw will actually work!
> I will build with dependencies now, it will take some time.
> 2011/11/24 Alon Bar-Lev <>:
>> Correction!
>> cygwin provides mingw-w64 now!!!
>> Also recent autoconf/automake/libtool.
>> So we can also cross compile using mingw.
>> 2011/11/24 Alon Bar-Lev <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I won't participate in sync meeting.... don't have the time.
>>> Anyway, for windows build.
>>> I already provide binaries for OpenVPN using mingw-w64 project, and it
>>> works fine!
>>> I use mingw-w64 for both win32 and win64 binaries, much better than
>>> old mingw project, as mingw-w64 is maintained!
>>> You can see my build system at [1][2].
>>> So mingw cross compile is supported. I would have re-written the
>>> openvpn autoconf script to clean it up and make it more standard, but
>>> current is enough to be usable.
>>> msys can be used on Windows to build not sure it worth the effort...
>>> mingw can be used with -mno-cygwin parameter, but from my experience
>>> the toolchain in cygwin are way too old to be usable.
>>> For the tap driver, I always note this... IT SHOULD BE SEPARATE MSI
>>> There should be absolutely no dependency between openvpn release cycle
>>> and tap release cycle.
>>> It is just like wireshark and libpcap projects.
>>> OpenVPN installer can embed the tap msi and run it during installation.
>>> When tap installed, it should register its version in registry key, so
>>> openvpn may read it in order to connect (currently it is done
>>> hardcoded within openvpn).
>>> The TAP driver should be built and signed using Microsoft toolchain,
>>> there is no problem in that. There is almost a single developer for
>>> the tap driver..
>>> The usermode components may be signed on Linux using the
>>> osslsigncode[3], so actual signing is not an issue, if this is desired
>>> I can submit a patch for "make install" to sign, as I do in other
>>> projects.
>>> Most (99%) users are interested in building custom user mode component
>>> only, so there is no sense in keeping the tap driver as dependency
>>> (build and sign).
>>> Regards,
>>> Alon.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> 2011/11/24 Samuli Seppänen <>
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>>>> Samuli Seppänen
>>>> Community Manager
>>>> OpenVPN Technologies, Inc
>>>> irc freenode net: mattock
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