Hi all,

I've just finished packaging openvpn-2.3_alpha2 for Debian/Ubuntu and
Fedora/EL. As the packaging files required significant changes on both
Debian and RPM front, I've put them here for others to use/improve:


The packaging highlights for the 2.3_alpha2 are:

- easy-rsa split into it's own architecture-independent package
- packages for Ubuntu 12.04
- debian packaging files made as generic as possible, only Ubuntu 12.04
files having required minor changes

CentOS/EL6 is still missing the new packages as I don't have direct
access to the CentOS build computers until next Monday. All other
packages are already in their respective ("-snapshot") repositories.

For details on how to use our software repositories, please look here:


If you encounter any issues with the packages, please let me know! Also,
any suggestions on where to host these files in the long run are most
appreciated! Perhaps "openvpn-build" repository would be the least bad
Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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