Am 10.12.13 17:59, schrieb andreax79:
> Hi,
> I like to share with you this patch.
> I was searching for a method to notify (e.g. executing a script) a
> client when something happen on the server.
> The scenario is the following: then some configuration are changed on
> the server, the client has to update the
> firewall rules.
> In order to achieve the goal I added a new control message "CUSTOM".
> Then the this message is received, the script specified with
> "--custom" is executed. All the additional argument specified after
> CUSTOM are passed to the script as parameters.
> I added a new command "control" to the management cli to send
> arbitrary control command to clients (by common name or by address/port).
> As example, the following command:
> control CUSTOM test
> sends the "CUSTOM test" control message to the client at
> On the client, the "--custom" script is executed with "test" as first
> parameter.
I have looked very briefly at the patch. But a few points:

* sending arbitrary control messages to the client is probably not a
good idea. Some custom configuration might conflict with future or other
real control messages.
* CUSTOM is a terrible name. something like CUSTOMSERVERMESSAGE, or
async_custom_message or something which actually describes the what the
control message
* We are trying to get away from IPv4 specific/only code as much as
possible. for management command the CID (client id) is better suited to
identify client connections than IP and port pair.

I have not looked at that in details but we already have 'push echo' for
a very similar use case when a connection is initiated.


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