
On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 07:34:27PM +0100, Steffan Karger wrote:
> One note on the implementation though; the code generates one ephemeral
> RSA key that is used during the entire lifetime of an OpenVPN process.
> If OpenSSL requests a new (ephemeral) key, it will keep on returning the
> same (usually rather small) key. Not the best solution.
> To actually run this code, I had to force usage by selecting the
> TLS-RSA-EXPORT-WITH-DES40-CBC-SHA tls-cipher. That generated a 512-bit
> ephemeral RSA key, and uses the outdated DES encryption protocol.

I'm not sure I understand the whole picture here.  What is happening in
the "normal" scenario, and why is this particular cipher calling a 
different code path inside OpenVPN?

> Using this mode could lead to a false sense of security. Then again, one
> should be using (Ephemeral) Diffie-Hellman anyway, and OpenVPN requires
> a tls-server to supply dh parameters. A user would need to deliberately
> choose a weak tls-cipher like TLS-RSA-EXPORT-WITH-DES40-CBC-SHA, which
> would be aligning a gun with his foot anyway. If one would decide this
> implementation is not good enough anymore, I'd suggest to just strip out
> support for this completely.

I'm tempted to agree with this :) - single-DES (and 40 bit to that!) 
really isn't what we want to use.

So what would happen if we remove this code, and a user tries to use this

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