Am 15.12.13 19:34, schrieb Steffan Karger:
> Hi,
> Attached a patch that should close issue #197. This patch moves from
> using the deprecated RSA_generate_key() to the 'new'
> RSA_generate_key_ex() to generate ephemeral RSA keys. This patch does
> not change OpenVPN's behaviour.
> One note on the implementation though; the code generates one ephemeral
> RSA key that is used during the entire lifetime of an OpenVPN process.
> If OpenSSL requests a new (ephemeral) key, it will keep on returning the
> same (usually rather small) key. Not the best solution.
ACK from me. This is code is *very* similar to the actual
RSA_generate_key key function which is also a compatbility layer around
RSA_generate_key_ex. I used to include a copy of RSA_generate_key in the
Android openvpn version since Android's openssl library is build without
depracted interfaces.


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