On 03/04/2016 11:08 PM, Jan Just Keijser wrote:
> Hi,
> On 04/03/16 14:24, Arne Schwabe wrote:
> the more I think about it, the more I think that what you are trying to 
> achieve ought not to work:
> your current situation is this:
> - clients are equipped with a 1024bit CA cert; the server certificate (chain) 
> must be signed using this end-entity CA cert for the client to trust the 
> server
> - the server supplies this 1024bit CA cert, as well as a cross-signed 4096bit 
> CA cert and a server cert.
> - The client will never "accept" the 4K CA cert as the new end-entity, as 
> that is not configured in the config file.

This is correct, except that server doesn't send CA.

> *but*
> anything signed using a 1K cert should be considered insecure, as it's 
> feasible nowadays to brute-force generate a key that will match that 
> certificate. That
> means that an attacker can grab your 1K CA cert, generate a new CA key for 
> it, then generate new server cert (or even a 4K cross-signed CA cert) and 
> lure an
> unsuspecting client to the server - your shiny new cross-signed CA cert will 
> not prevent this.

This is also correct.

> The only way to prevent this from happening is by getting the clients to stop 
> trusting/using the 1K CA cert - thus, you must alter the client-side
> configuration for this, painstaking as it is...

This is only to easily move to a new CA. New clients will get configuration 
files with new 4096 bit CA, old clients would update their configuration files 
in 2
months. I'd like both old and new clients to be able to connect to the server 
without any hassle. Then, in 2 months, when all clients use 4096 bit CA, I'll
remove old chain from server.


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