
Thanks for reviewing!  Replies inline.

On 13-11-16 17:41, Arne Schwabe wrote:
>> This boils down to the following on-the-wire packet format:
>>    -opcode- || -session_id- || -packet_id- || auth_tag || * payload *
> I am pretty that opcode is *not* authenticated looking the code. Which
> is probably not a problem but should not be documented as authenticated.
> (There is a buf_advance(buf ,1) before calling the unwrap function.

No, the opcode *is* authenticated.  See e.g. tls_crypt_wrap(), which
receives a dst buffer which is prepared with the opcode and session_id,
and computes the HMAC over the contents.

(I only see a buf_advance (buf, SID_SIZE + 1) *after* the
tls_crypt_unwrap() call?)

>>    Where
>>    - XXX - means authenticated, and
>>    * XXX * means authenticated and encrypted.
> This misalignes the rest of the packet. I am not sure how big the
> penality actually is but we have DATA_V2 and COMP_V2 fix this
> misalignment. But then again ignore my comment for control channel traffic.

Yes, this is how it's always been.  I don't think that's an issue for
the (low-bandwidth) control channel traffic.

> For the packet format I think it would be very good to add a key id to
> help transisition or allow more paranoid people to have a a key per
> client. In the server you would specify all allowed valid keys together
> with their ids (or somehow emded that id/read that id from keyfile). Not
> that saying that this should be implement in the first version of the
> patch but something that we can implement later without having a
> tls-crypt and a tls-crypt v2 packet format.

Yeah, I have plans for supporting per-client keys, but those won't need
a different packet format.  Also, I'd like to support client-specific
keys for both tls-auth and tls-crypt.  *If* we need a new packet format,
I think the client-specific key patch set will be right moment to
introduce it.  (This stuff is not negotiated, which makes it less
painful to change anyway.)

>> Which is very similar to the current tls-auth packet format, and has the
>> same overhead as "--tls-auth" with "--auth SHA256".
>> The use of a nonce misuse-resistant authenticated encryption scheme
>> allows us to worry less about the risks of nonce collisions.  This is
>> important, because in contrast with the data channel in TLS mode, we
>> will not be able to rotate tls-crypt keys often or fully guarantee nonce
>> uniqueness.  For non misuse-resistant modes such as GCM [1], [2], the
>> data channel in TLS mode only has to ensure that the packet counter
>> never rolls over, while tls-crypt would have to provide nonce uniqueness
>> over all control channel packets sent by all clients, for the lifetime
>> of the tls-crypt key.
>> Unlike with tls-auth, no --key-direction has to be specified for
>> tls-crypt.  TLS servers always use key direction 1, and TLS clients
>> always use key direction 2, which means that client->server traffic and
>> server->client traffic always use different keys, without requiring
>> configuration.
>> Using fixed, secure, encryption and authentication algorithms makes both
>> implementation and configuration easier.  If we ever want to, we can
>> extend this to support other crypto primitives.  Since tls-crypt should
>> provide privacy as well as DoS protection, these should not be made
>> negotiable.
>> Security considerations:
>> ------------------------
>> tls-crypt is a best-effort mechanism that aims to provide as much
>> privacy and security as possible, while staying as simple as possible.
>> The following are some security considerations for this scheme.
>> 1. The same tls-crypt key is potentially shared by a lot of peers, so it
>>    is quite likely to get compromised.  Once an attacker acquires the
>>    tls-crypt key, this mechanism no longer provides any security against
>>    the attacker.
>> 2. Since many peers potentially use the tls-crypt key for a long time, a
>>    lot of data might be encrypted under the tls-crypt key.  This leads
>>    to two potential problems:
>>    * The "opcode || session id || packet id" combination might collide.
>>      This might happen in larger setups, because the session id contains
>>      just 64 bits or random.  Using the uniqueness requirement from the
> Typo: of random
>>      GCM spec [3] (a collision probability of less than 2^(-32)),
>>      uniqueness is achieved when using the tls-crypt key for at most
>>      2^16 (65536) connections per process start.  (The packet id
>>      includes the daemon start time in the packet ID, which should be
>>      different after stopping and (re)starting OpenPVN.)
>>      And if a collision happens, an attacker can *only* learn whether
>>      colliding packets contain the same plaintext.  Attackers will not
>>      be able to learn anything else about the plaintext (unless the
>>      attacker knows the plaintext of one of these packets, of course).
>>      Since the impact is limited, I consider this an acceptable
>>      remaining risk.
>>    * The IVs used in encryption might collide.  When two IVs collide, an
>>      attacker can learn the xor of the two plaintexts by xorring the
>>      ciphertexts.  This is a serious loss of confidentiality.  The IVs
>>      are 128-bit, so when HMAC-SHA256 is a secure PRF (an assumption
>>      that must also hold for TLS), and we use the same uniqueness
>>      requirement from [3], this limits the total amount of control
>>      channel messages for all peers in the setup to 2^48.  Assuming a
>>      large setup of 2^16 (65536) clients, and a (conservative) number of
>>      2^16 control channel packets per connection on average, this means
>>      that clients may set up 2^16 connections on average.  I think these
>>      numbers are reasonable.
>> (I have a follow-up proposal to use client-specific tls-auth/tls-crypt
>> keys to partially mitigate these issues, but let's tackle this patch
>> first.)
> How does the server know which packet Id to use? Part of opcode, e.g.
> some bits there or part of the session id.

Each connection starts with a packet id of 'daemon start timestamp' + 0.
 This means that the first packet is replayable, but that's how it's
always been.

(Note that even though the first packet is replayable, TLS negotiation
will not start until the openvpn reliability layer handshake (TCP-like),
has completed.  OpenVPN handshake msgs 2 and 3 contain a random session
id that must be authenticated with the shared secret, preventing an
attacker without the key to replay a TLS handshake.)

>> + */
>> +
>> +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
>> +#include "config.h"
>> +#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
>> +#include "config-msvc.h"
>> +#endif
>> +
>> +#include "syshead.h"
>> +
>> +#ifdef ENABLE_CRYPTO
>> +#include "crypto.h"
>> +#include "session_id.h"
>> +
>> +#include "tls_crypt.h"
>> +
>> +int tls_crypt_buf_overhead(void)
>> +{
>> +  return packet_id_size (true) + TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE + TLS_CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;
>> +}
>> +
>> +void
>> +tls_crypt_init_key (struct key_ctx_bi *key, const char *key_file,
>> +    const char *key_inline, bool tls_server) {
>> +  struct key_type kt;
>> +
>> +  kt.cipher = cipher_kt_get ("AES-256-CTR");
> This can fail, if we are on a weird OpenSSL library. We assert later
> (ctx->cipher). I think you should also add an ASSERT/M_FATAL here that
> gives gives a clear indication that the crypto library does not support
> AES-256-CTR.
>> +  kt.cipher_length = cipher_kt_key_size (kt.cipher);
>> +  kt.digest = md_kt_get ("SHA256");
> Same here.

Indeed, it makes sense to error out with a clear error message here.
I'll add them.  (For the record, I believe the chance of finding a
library without AES-256-CTR or HMAC-SHA-256 support is very close to zero.)

>> +  gc_init (&gc);
>> +
>> +      format_hex (BPTR (src), BLEN (src), 80, &gc));
>> +
>> +  /* Get packet ID */
>> +  {
>> +    struct packet_id_net pin;
>> +    packet_id_alloc_outgoing (&opt->packet_id.send, &pin, true);
>> +    packet_id_write (&pin, dst, true, false);
>> +  }
>> +
>> +      format_hex (BPTR (dst), BLEN (dst), 0, &gc));
>> +
>> +  /* Buffer overflow check */
>> +  if (!buf_safe (dst, BLEN (src) + TLS_CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE + 
> This does not take the opcode into account

It does.  Because the opcode is already present in dst, and buf_safe()
verifies against the 'forward capacity' of dst.

>> +    {
>> +      msg (D_CRYPT_ERRORS, "TLS-CRYPT WRAP: buffer size error, "
>> +      "sc=%d so=%d sl=%d dc=%d do=%d dl=%d", src->capacity, src->offset,
>> +      src->len, dst->capacity, dst->offset, dst->len);
>> +      goto err;
>> +    }
>> +
>> +  /* Calculate auth tag and synthetic IV */
>> +  {
>> +    uint8_t *tag = NULL;
>> +    hmac_ctx_reset (ctx->hmac);
>> +    hmac_ctx_update (ctx->hmac, BPTR (dst), BLEN (dst));
>> +    hmac_ctx_update (ctx->hmac, BPTR (src), BLEN (src));
>> +
>> +    ASSERT (tag = buf_write_alloc (dst, TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE));
>> +    hmac_ctx_final (ctx->hmac, tag);
>> +
>> +        format_hex (tag, TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE, 0, &gc));
>> +
>> +    cipher_ctx_reset (ctx->cipher, tag);
>> +  }
>> +
>> +  /* Encrypt src */
>> +  {
>> +    int outlen = 0;
>> +    ASSERT (cipher_ctx_update (ctx->cipher, BEND (dst), &outlen,
>> +    BPTR (src), BLEN(src)));
> Indentation is wrong here.

Looks funny in the MUA, but is actually right.  The ASSERT() is preceded
by 4 spaces, the BPTR by one tab (=8 spaces).

>> +    ASSERT (buf_inc_len (dst, outlen));
>> +    ASSERT (cipher_ctx_final (ctx->cipher, BPTR (dst), &outlen));
>> +    ASSERT (buf_inc_len (dst, outlen));
>> +  }
>> +
>> +      format_hex (BPTR (dst), BLEN (dst), 80, &gc));
>> +
>> +  gc_free (&gc);
>> +  return true;
>> +
> Otherwise all looks. Note that I have not extensively tested it so far
> but more looked on the sourcecode and crypto stuff.


I have an automated test for this in the OpenVPN-NL test suite, that now
verifies this works in UDP and TCP modes, and also checks that the
authentication fails if the wrong keys are used.  And then there are of
course the unit tests from 5/5.  It would be nice to also add a t_client
test with --tls-crypt, but I do not maintain that infrastructure.

I'll postpone sending the v2 until you've either confirmed my answers,
or told me that I'm wrong ;)


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