
> Instead of a pipe name set at compile-time, I think its better to make this
> customizable by the installer. That is, we could take service name from an
> optional registry entry so that it may be renamed by the installation package.

Honestly, to make the name of the named pipe and the registry dynamically 
configurable was my first idea too. Only to find out that openvpnserv.exe 
already supports compile-time customization of the settings registry key. Thus, 
extending this practice to the named pipe was the "KISS" approach.

I'd propose to use a service command line argument. Something like "--instance 
name". When --instance is not specified the name defaults to "OpenVPN". The 
service command line is stored in registry after all: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service name>\ImagePath. 
Example: Microsoft SQL Server is using service command line arguments to 
support multiple instances.

If we could make this patch merged into the official OpenVPN distribution, it 
would be a big win for us too, as we would no longer require to compile 
openvpnserv.exe ourselves anymore.

> That way eduVPN's GUI will remain compatible with official service if a user
> wishes to use it as a replacement for OpenVPN-GUI


> The hard coded admin group name is only a default to fall back on, when no
> entry is found in the registry. Just set the desired name in registry while
> installing the package.
> The firewall rules are always added to the same sublayer by all instances of
> openvpn. And this has to remain so to avoid conflicts between rules added
> by multiple instances. A name change will only affect error messages. If that
> is the aim, why pick only the firewall code?

They remained the last two hardcoded "OpenVPN" strings in the openvpnserv.exe 
code. I decided to change them to compile-time customizable for the sake of 
consistency. Not any practical added value indeed.

Best regards,
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