
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Wednesday 19th December 2018
Time: 11:30 CET (10:30 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


The next meeting has not been scheduled yet.

Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, dazo, janjust, mattock, ordex, plaisthos, rozmansi and syzzer
participated in this meeting.


Mattock has almost finished the work on a Vagrant-based build VM that
will use sbuild_wrapper to produce Debian and Ubuntu packages. This
enables anyone to produce "official" OpenVPN Debian packages without the
effort of setting up the build environment manually.


Mattock requested review for a couple of openvpn-vagrant PRs. More are
coming up to openvpn-vagrant as well as to sbuild_wrapper.


Discussed tap-windows6 HLK testing / WHQL certification. Stephen has
made good progress in resolving the issues in tap-windows6 that prevent
it from passing the HLK tests. It will take a bit more time to resolve
them, but we're getting there. The person who bragged about having WHQL
certified tap-windows6 has not responded to Stephen/us yet.


Discussed Windows VPN API. It will not be a replacement for tap-windows6
driver in the near future for multiple reasons:

- It is immature and buggy
- It performs (even) worse than tap-windows6
- It is client-side only (people do run OpenVPN servers on Windows)
- Microsoft tends to break it accidentally


Discussed MSI packaging which is almost ready now: mostly end-user
documentation is missing. Mattock is nearing the point where he can
start testing the whole build/packaging process. It was agreed that we
need thorough testing of the MSI packages. The participants of the
meeting seemed to collectively have a good selections of Windows
versions to test it on.

Test installers by rozmansi are available here:


The current ones are a bit outdated, so please wait until tomorrow (20th
Dec) before you try them out.


The rate-limiting patches would require review/feedback from syzzer.


No progress since last week on the VLAN v2 patchset.


Ordex will try to send the "transport-api" patchset to the list this
week or the next. The transport API will allow, for example, writing
obfuscation plugins. The code was sponsored by Google's Jigsaw project
and the code was good, but some cleanups by ordex are required to clean
up the commit history.


Agreed that we need to look into MTU handling and deprecation of
--fragment in OpenVPN 2.5 in more detail before making any decisions.
For example, right now 2.4/2.5 code base subtracts too much from the
server-side MTU when compensating for NCP, reducing in performance
reduction of ~10%. Details are available in the chatlog.

Previous discussion about this is here:



Full chatlog attached.

(12:26:28) L'argomento di #openvpn-meeting è: Next meeting on 24/Oct/2018 at 
11:30CEST. Agenda at 
(12:26:28) L'argomento per #openvpn-meeting è stato impostato da 
dazo!~freenode@openvpn/corp/developer/dazo a 12:37:08 su 12/12/2018
(12:26:34) mattock: hi
(12:30:26) rozmansi [sid334387@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-okfxlucegyhkabad] è 
entrato nella stanza.
(12:30:34) rozmansi: hi
(12:31:01) mattock: hi rozmansi!
(12:31:10) syzzer: hi :)
(12:31:32) mattock: hi
(12:32:07) cron2: re
(12:32:18) cron2: sorry for being late
(12:32:24) cron2: had a meeting :)
(12:32:25) mattock: no problem, only two minutes
(12:32:44) mattock: anyone else joining today?
(12:34:51) janjust [~janjust@openvpn/community/support/janjust] è entrato nella 
(12:35:16) cron2: mornin' janjust :)
(12:35:21) janjust: morning folks
(12:35:30) janjust: it's been a while :)
(12:35:36) rozmansi: morning
(12:36:07) janjust: has the meeting started yet?
(12:36:31) cron2: mattock1: please start :)
(12:36:35) plaisthos: hi
(12:36:42) dazo: Hey!
(12:36:53) mattock: let's go
(12:37:13) mattock: anything to add to the topic list? 
(12:37:15) vpnHelper: Title: Topics-2018-12-19 – OpenVPN Community (at 
(12:37:33) janjust: I am here to talk about fragment+mtu things ...
(12:37:58) cron2: oh, lots of new items on the agenda
(12:37:58) mattock: ok
(12:38:14) mattock: I'll cover #1 quickly
(12:38:45) dazo: Since janjust is here just for the mtu/fragment stuff ... lets 
squeeze that in afterwards
(12:38:55) mattock: so I have a Vagrant VM almost ready sets up sbuild_wrapper 
and the build schroot and allows Joe Random to build the Debian/Ubuntu packages
(12:39:09) mattock: includes patches to openvpn-vagrant and sbuild_wrapper
(12:39:11) mattock: that's it
(12:39:13) janjust: I'm interested in the other stuff as well - squeeze it 
(12:39:26) mattock: dazo: problem solved already
(12:39:30) mattock: :P
(12:39:39) cron2: mattock1: nice!
(12:39:50) mattock: as for #2: if somebody could review those PRs that would be 
(12:39:57) mattock: not necessarily now but soon
(12:40:01) ***cron2 wonders why he's not seeing the PRs
(12:40:29) mattock: dazo's comments about openvpn-build-bionic bootstrapping 
have been covered and the second one is trivial
(12:40:39) mattock: oops
(12:40:43) mattock: other link is wrong, will fix
(12:40:58) cron2: it tells me that I'm seeing them, but I haven't seen any 
mail.  Anyway.  Yes.
(12:41:20) cron2: ah, it's fairly old already.  on my plate.
(12:41:34) mattock: ok
(12:41:37) dazo: I had comments about openvpn-build-bionic? .... hmmm .... 
probably long ago :)
(12:41:37) mattock: we can move on
(12:41:48) mattock: dazo: indeed, this is why I'm pushing this a bit :)
(12:41:50) dazo: I've tried to get lev__'s attention
(12:41:51) cron2: dazo: it was october/november
(12:42:36) cron2: wrt #3 - ordex has sent a new patchset yesterday evening/this 
(12:42:44) mattock: https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-vagrant/pull/5
(12:42:45) cron2: so we have review work to do
(12:43:40) mattock: cron2: does that cover #3?
(12:43:43) cron2: mattock1: #5 has been merged :)
(12:43:46) mattock: great!
(12:44:26) cron2: mattock1: unless ordex shows up or someone else wants to 
comment on the "networking API" agenda item, I think #3 is covered
(12:44:46) mattock: #4 is also quick
(12:44:48) dazo: It is progressing, that's the important detail
(12:44:52) mattock: +1
(12:45:16) janjust: FTR, what is "tap-windows6 HLK testing"
(12:45:39) mattock: #4 stephen has made progress again with tap-windows6 and 
the guy who bragged about having WHQL certified tap-windows6 has not responded 
to him
(12:45:57) cron2: janjust: openvpn.inc is paying a windows developer "who 
understands things" to get the tap6 driver into shape where it passes the 
windows <acronyms_here> tests you need for a signature today
(12:46:07) mattock: for windows server 2016 in particular
(12:46:15) mattock: desktop operating systems are easy/easier
(12:46:22) janjust: thx cron2
(12:46:27) cron2: you can't sign drivers yourself anymore (details omitted) but 
need to pass a very strict and very long test, which our driver didn't yet do
(12:46:35) mattock: that's the condensed version without all the blood and 
tears and frustration
(12:46:49) cron2: we found someone who is good at this, but unfortunately he's 
also very busy with being good at other things :-) - so it's slow
(12:47:09) mattock: but it's not like we're in a terrible hurry, as long as the 
job gets done
(12:47:16) mattock: we've had this problem since June or so
(12:47:30) cron2: the end goal is "have a better driver which fixes a few bugs 
and installs without pains on all supported windows version"
(12:47:56) mattock: or with minimal pain
(12:48:00) cron2: yep
(12:48:15) ***ordex is here!
(12:48:23) ordex: sorry - I had to run to buy some icecream!
(12:48:25) mattock: no pain would involve a boatload of WHQL certifications 
(all supported Windows versions)
(12:48:29) janjust: is the driver still needed for win 10 & 2016?  would it be 
possible to phase it out?
(12:48:36) mattock: not at the moment
(12:48:48) mattock: the VPN API in Windows 10 is too immature
(12:48:53) mattock: plus I believe it is client-side only
(12:49:09) rozmansi: and totally undocumented
(12:49:15) mattock: and that
(12:49:29) mattock: I know lev__ endured a lot of pain writing OpenVPN Connect 
to use that VPN API
(12:49:42) mattock: an MS keeps breaking the API as well
(12:49:51) dazo: "immature" is a very diplomatic and polite word
(12:49:57) ordex: yeah and MS is still working on providing fixes
(12:50:06) mattock: dazo: are you saying it sucks?
(12:50:08) janjust: ah OK, good to know... and M$ being immature and breaking 
everything seems to be common nowadays
(12:50:28) dazo: mattock1: currently our current tap-windows6 driver performs 
(12:50:33) mattock: oh that one as well
(12:50:53) mattock: and our tap-windows6 driver does not perform _that_ well tbh
(12:50:59) janjust: hm and performance of the tap-win6 driver wasn't too good 
to begin with...
(12:51:08) janjust: lol , you  beat me to it, mattock1 
(12:51:09) dazo: exactly ;-)
(12:51:11) mattock: :)
(12:51:25) mattock: anything else on tap-windows6 which we have to live with 
for years to come?
(12:52:37) rozmansi: #5 now?
(12:52:40) dazo: on the plus-side, MSFT has been receptive to our feedback and 
have acknowledged much of our remarks ... and they have fixed things .... but 
they managed to break the VPN API completely with the latest Windows update
(12:52:43) mattock: works for me
(12:52:44) dazo: yeah
(12:53:20) mattock: quick update on my end: so I finally had a change to return 
to the wonderful world of building and packaging stuff
(12:53:37) mattock: slash OpenVPN 2.x project stuff
(12:53:54) mattock: so I will soon (before end of the year) be able to properly 
test and play with the MSI packaging
(12:54:06) mattock: it just requires quite a bit of background work
(12:54:20) cron2: dazo: *lol*
(12:54:23) mattock: rozmansi: any updates at your end?
(12:54:24) rozmansi: mattock1: if there's anything I can modify, to make your 
life easier, just tell me
(12:54:36) rozmansi: the msi packaging is mostly complete
(12:54:45) mattock: rozmansi: at this point nothing, but I'm sure something 
will come up
(12:54:59) cron2: the "merging of the 473 rozmansi patches" is on my plate
(12:55:03) rozmansi: I have some unsubmitted patches still (uncrustify and some 
minor enhancement) for openvpn repo
(12:55:08) mattock: I would love to vagrantify the MSI builder VM as well, but 
Windows VMs are always a big pain in Vagrant
(12:55:17) mattock: mostly due to lack of good base images
(12:55:52) rozmansi: I still owe us a good documentation how to use MSI 
(12:55:57) mattock: and using a cloud provider would involve costs (for other 
people, that is)
(12:56:13) mattock: docs would be very good to have
(12:56:17) rozmansi: This is now my top priority. Comes up after holiday season 
(12:56:32) mattock: seems like that won't be a problem given our schedule
(12:56:55) rozmansi: last thing from my side: MSI packages needs real-world 
(12:57:16) mattock: upgrades will probably be the most problematic part
(12:57:17) rozmansi: I have tested them thorouglhy myself, but that doesn't 
(12:57:26) mattock: agreed
(12:57:26) janjust: rozmansi, I can do testing on Windows XP & 2000 :)
(12:57:34) mattock: lol
(12:57:47) janjust: but seriously, I *can* test MSI packages on Win7 
(12:57:47) mattock: well I guess the MSI could work
(12:57:49) rozmansi: Nope. They are targeted for Windows 7, though it should 
still support Vista
(12:58:25) cron2: I have an XP VM as well \o/
(12:58:31) cron2: (but this is a very non-goal)
(12:58:34) rozmansi: Excellent. I have some binaries already prepared at 
(12:58:36) mattock: we can go through the usual dance of "send download links 
to ml, ask to test, get two responses, notice after release that everything is 
broken" :)
(12:58:36) vpnHelper: Title: Releases · rozmansi/openvpn · GitHub (at 
(12:59:00) cron2: mattock1: well-established process!
(12:59:17) mattock: rozmansi: oh nice! I will note that link in the summary
(12:59:21) janjust: rozmansi, so which files need testing?  the 2 MSI files or 
the .exe as well?
(12:59:22) rozmansi: mattock1: agreed.
(12:59:37) rozmansi: The .exe is a package of both .msi files
(13:00:02) rozmansi: .exe = sfx + arch detect bootstrapper to launch correct 
(13:00:10) janjust: cute: 4.35 MB + 3.8 MB = 4.76 MB :)
(13:00:17) rozmansi: 7zip compression
(13:00:39) cron2: nice
(13:00:39) mattock: cron2: seriously: we are able to test on Windows 8.1, 
Windows 10, Windows Server 2012r2 and Windows Server 2016
(13:01:04) janjust: I'll run an install test on Win7
(13:01:11) cron2: mattock1: I can test win7/64.  My win7/32 machine 
selfdestructed in august and I had no time to repair it yet
(13:01:23) mattock: rozmansi: openvpnserv2.exe is now an optional feature, 
(13:01:25) cron2: (like in "it bluescreens at boot and windows forgot to put up 
a recovery point")
(13:01:55) rozmansi: If you give me a couple of hours, I shall put up the 
latest version of MSI packages, then you start testing. Those published 
currently have quite some flaws and strategy changes from what I have now in my 
latest version.
(13:01:55) mattock: I have a Windows 7 64-bit laptop I can use
(13:02:06) rozmansi: mattock1: righ
(13:02:18) mattock: rozmansi: upgrading the packages would be most good
(13:02:28) janjust: whoops. ok rozmansi ; rm OpenVPN-install-2.4.6-I602.exe
(13:02:33) mattock: I will note that in the summary as well ("wait until 
tomorrow to test these")
(13:02:50) rozmansi: mattock1: thanks
(13:02:59) mattock: anything else on MSI?
(13:03:13) janjust: rozmansi, add the milestone flag to the filename, that will 
make it easier to refer to the correct version
(13:03:21) rozmansi: mattock1: that would be all from my side - yes 
openvpnserv2.exe is now optional
(13:03:28) rozmansi: optional = non-default
(13:03:31) mattock: \o/
(13:03:58) rozmansi: janjust: thanks, will do that
(13:04:56) rozmansi: I would really like to polish and test MSI thoroughly, as 
things get very ugly should anything break on the end-user computer.
(13:06:03) mattock: would this be a good time to discuss fragmentation?
(13:06:09) mattock: or can the remaining topics covered quickly?
(13:06:14) janjust: fine with me
(13:06:25) cron2: #6 is fairly quick
(13:06:31) mattock: let's do that
(13:06:42) cron2: syzzer: can you find a few minutes to think about these 
patches and give feedback? :-)
(13:06:45) cron2: "done"
(13:06:55) mattock: VLAN v2?
(13:06:58) cron2: (the long and detailed explanation of the "what and why" is 
in last week's protocol)
(13:07:07) cron2: no progress on the vlan patches
(13:07:20) cron2: at least "no visible progress" - ordex: ?
(13:07:29) mattock: btw. did someone receive the meeting summary from last week 
or did SF.net eat it?
(13:07:35) janjust: hmm syzzer not available? pity, as some of my MTU rants are 
related to NCP
(13:07:52) mattock: syzzer was here in 35 minute ago
(13:07:54) cron2: he said "hi" 36 minutes ago
(13:07:55) cron2: :)
(13:08:18) plaisthos: .oO(probably idling as I do)
(13:08:26) janjust: I can't find the meeting summary from last week in my mail 
(13:08:40) janjust: but that does not say too much :)
(13:09:03) ordex: cron2: nothing visible
(13:09:07) ordex: sorry
(13:09:14) ordex: it's next on the todo list
(13:09:19) ordex: togther with plaisthos' patches
(13:09:28) cron2: cool
(13:09:29) mattock: janjust: I think SF.net ate it - I received a warning email 
from there
(13:09:33) mattock: let me resend
(13:09:34) ***cron2 todo list has "ipv6-only"
(13:09:36) ordex: so will land somewhen in the following days
(13:09:44) cron2: like "next days"
(13:09:56) ordex: another thing I wanted to say is that I will probably send 
the "transport-api" patches this week or the next
(13:10:11) cron2: christmas presents
(13:10:15) janjust: what patches are those, ordex?
(13:10:46) ordex: janjust: jigsaw project (sponsored by google): providing 
transport-api so that anybody can write his own plugin implementing the 
obfuscation he wants
(13:10:49) janjust: transport-api sounds interesting and sounds like an idea 
that has been lurking in my mind for a while - if only I can find time to 
implement it
(13:11:20) ordex: I have to make them "presentable" (now they are a bunch of 
commits with less than ideal order, but good code) and then I will send them to 
the ml
(13:11:29) janjust: ok cool
(13:11:36) mattock: resent
(13:12:51) dazo: okay, just got a msg from lev__ he is out in a meeting
(13:13:16) janjust: Hehe, and lev__ was the other person I wanted to talk to 
about the MTU/fragment stuff
(13:14:19) dazo: yeah, but I think with cron2, ordex and plaisthos present ... 
we can cover most of the needed details anyhow ... plaisthos (and ordex?) been 
reviewing his approaches fairly detailed anyhow
(13:14:34) plaisthos: I probably need to go in 10 minutes
(13:14:52) dazo: okay ... 10 min mtu/fragment discussion now :)
(13:14:55) janjust: okay
(13:15:05) cron2: I admit I haven't spent time on the fragment discussion yet 
(13:15:17) cron2: (I saw the mails and had them tagged for "when brains are 
(13:15:36) dazo: but you know a lot about the challenges ... and you were part 
of the discussion here on irc a few weeks ago :)
(13:16:19) janjust: let's start with the MTU thing first:   the mtu setting on 
an OpenVPN 2.4 server is a bit too low; if you fix the link-mtu @ 1500 (which 
is what you get without fragment, really) then the tun-mtu = 1379 
(13:16:29) janjust: that is to account for the maximum crypto overhead
(13:16:44) janjust: but the calculation of the maximum crypto overhead is WAY 
too conservative
(13:17:03) cron2: syzzer: *poke* *poke*
(13:17:22) janjust: lev__ posted a minor patch to work around this if a user 
specifies --ncp-disable , and that patch gives me a 10% throughput boost
(13:17:24) dazo: right, I remember lev__ looking into this, and found this was 
related to the NCP stuff
(13:17:33) dazo: ouch, that's a lot
(13:18:08) janjust: yes, on an older machine on a gigabit link performance went 
from ~450 Mbps to ~500 Mbps with aes256gcm
(13:18:37) ordex: not bad
(13:18:52) ordex: I think that due to ncp, buffers are allocated earlier and 
they account for the very worse case that might be chosen
(13:18:54) janjust: nope, esp as it's "only" a sandybridge CPU
(13:19:06) janjust: yes, but the "worst case" is calculated FAR too conservative
(13:19:31) janjust: plus, the crypto overhead calculation for GCM modes is off 
by 12 bytes at any rate
(13:19:32) dazo: so the crypto overhead is estimated to be too low .... got an 
idea what we miscalculate .... how get it so wrong?
(13:19:48) plaisthos: janjust: sure? 
(13:19:52) janjust: yes
(13:19:52) cron2: syzzer is hiding :(
(13:20:10) cron2: plaisthos: I've seen mails about this - we include space for 
the HMAC, but there is none
(13:20:12) ordex: well, if this point is "clear", we can still pester him later 
(13:20:29) dazo: true :)
(13:20:36) ordex: isn't it because with ncp we might still choose an algorithm 
that needs HMAC?
(13:20:40) janjust: first we calculate the MTU size the "old way" . and then in 
init.c we subtract the "crypto_max_overhead()"
(13:21:21) dazo:     return packet_id_size(true) + OPENVPN_MAX_IV_LENGTH
(13:21:21) dazo:            +OPENVPN_MAX_CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE
(13:21:21) dazo:            +max_int(OPENVPN_MAX_HMAC_SIZE, 
(13:21:27) janjust: and in "crypto_max_overhead()" we assume the worst and 
subtract the maximum crypto+hash size , not taking into account that we already 
adjusted for the *current* crypto+mac
(13:21:28) dazo: that's crypto_max_overhead()
(13:21:31) plaisthos: 1500-4(id/op)-32(authtag)-8byte(?iv) is still way larger 
what we sure
(13:22:11) janjust: now you will only really see this when you fix the link-mtu 
(which is what you end up doing when throwing out --fragment)
(13:23:09) janjust: but without lev__'s patch, tun-mtu on the server side ends 
up as 1379 ; with the patch, it is 1451 bytes
(13:23:17) janjust: that accounts for most of the 10% perf diff
(13:24:02) janjust: and we can make it go even higher if we would calculate the 
crypto overhead correctly for GCM modes
(13:24:53) dazo: If I've read packet_id_size(true) correctly, that will return 
3 (sizeof uint8_t + uint16_t)
(13:25:02) janjust: yes
(13:26:26) janjust: OPENVPN_MAX_IV_LENGTH=16 ; 
(13:27:03) dazo: hmmm ... when the connection starts .... what is the cipher 
*before* NCP hits you?
(13:27:31) janjust: in my config it was aes-256-cbc+sha256
(13:28:08) janjust: so we subtracting 3+16+32+64 = 115 bytes
(13:28:11) dazo: hmmm .... that should have a bigger overhead than gcm if NCP 
pushes --cipher
(13:29:11) janjust: also, if the server has ncp-disable then there is no worse 
case scenario; plus, even if we do have NCP then we can calculate the maximum 
overhead based on the allowed ciphers, NOT on the absolute worst case
(13:29:38) plaisthos: crypto_max_overhead is basically static
(13:29:50) janjust: yep, so I guess we need to make it more dynam
(13:29:55) janjust: *dynamic
(13:29:57) plaisthos: janjust: no
(13:29:59) cron2: can someone please put this on the "must fix for 2.5" page?
(13:30:06) dazo: But is the frame size adjusted at all after NCP changes the 
(13:30:07) ***cron2 needs to leave now (next meeting starts *now*)
(13:30:08) plaisthos: why would you do that?
(13:30:11) janjust: mattock1, I just received the summary
(13:30:25) plaisthos: crypto_max_overhead is used to calculate the maximum 
overhead and adjust buffer accordingly
(13:30:31) mattock: janjust: sent it again
(13:30:33) janjust: dazo, on the client size: yes.  on the server side: no
(13:31:01) janjust: plaisthos, but the maximum overhead will always depends on 
the list of allowed ciphers
(13:31:08) plaisthos: janjust: no
(13:31:13) janjust: if I never use any SHA512 macs then we don't need to adjust 
for that
(13:31:36) mattock: cron2: good luck with your next meeting!
(13:32:03) plaisthos: janjust: the problem is probably not the buffers being a 
few bytes to big here
(13:32:05) janjust: plaisthos, no? in what scenario can the server end up with 
a cipher that is NOT listed in the config file or in the NCP list
(13:32:14) plaisthos: janjust: client-connect script
(13:32:36) plaisthos: ccd file
(13:33:03) dazo: but ... is that even accepted?  If the the ccd file uses a 
cipher not enlisted in --ncp-ciphers?
(13:33:08) janjust: ah true, but we could rule that out also then (i.e. if no 
CCD option is given then be less conservative)
(13:33:09) plaisthos: sure
(13:33:18) janjust: dazo, yes, that is allowed, I believe
(13:33:20) dazo: that sounds more like a bug than a feature
(13:33:20) plaisthos: need to run
(13:33:50) janjust: I'll check whether it is supported and whether it actually 
(13:34:48) ***ordex pulls his hair
(13:34:54) janjust: at any rate, if we are to deprecate things like --fragment 
(which I still object to) then we need to be 200% sure that we are not 
overcompensating for crypto overhead
(13:35:09) dazo: that's a side track of this discussion ... but important to 
have worked out the semantic here if we want to change how 
crypto_max_overhead() works
(13:35:35) janjust: as most of this crypto overhead compensation is smothered 
by --fragment / a link-mtu being far higher than 1500 bytes
(13:37:00) dazo: smothered ... or hiding a bug ... not sure which yet ;-)
(13:37:58) mattock: so what is the conclusion?
(13:38:07) mattock: "need to resolve MTU issues somehow"? :)
(13:38:08) dazo: janjust: if you get a chance to verify whether using 
non-ncp-listed cipher works with ccd, that's a good detail to know
(13:38:11) janjust: "more investigation is needed"
(13:38:14) dazo: :)
(13:38:17) mattock: ok good enough for me
(13:38:18) janjust: dazo, will do
(13:38:22) dazo: thx a lot!
(13:39:18) janjust: and the second part of the conclusion is:  the openvpn 
2.4/2.5 code base subtracts too much from the server-side MTU when compensating 
for NCP stuff
(13:41:19) mattock: ok good
(13:41:27) mattock: I think we're done unless somebody has something really 
important :)
(13:41:34) mattock: 11 minutes overtime
(13:41:50) ***janjust will shut up for now :)
(13:42:20) rozmansi: Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year :)
(13:42:24) dazo: janjust: did you have any other comments in regards to 
--fragment?  Other than what's discussed on the ML ... or questions related to 
(13:42:36) dazo: rozmansi: best wishes to you too!
(13:42:50) rozmansi: see you
(13:42:57) rozmansi: gotta run
(13:43:20) rozmansi ha abbandonato la stanza.
(13:45:20) ***janjust will shut up for now. Perhaps more questions/comments 
will arise when I've dug into the mtu overhead stuff 
(13:45:33) janjust: dazo:  Perhaps more questions/comments will arise when I've 
dug into the mtu overhead stuff 
(13:45:48) mattock: sounds good
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