That --allow-nonadmin functionality was included into commit 3c7f2f553 from
yeah 2005. Here is code from tap-win32/tapdrv.c from the same commit:

+       /* Read AllowNonAdmin setting from registry */
+       {
+         NDIS_STRING key = NDIS_STRING_CONST("AllowNonAdmin");
+         NdisReadConfiguration (&status, &parm, configHandle,
+                                &key, NdisParameterInteger);
+         if (status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+           {
+             if (parm->ParameterType == NdisParameterInteger)
+               {
+                 if (parm->ParameterData.IntegerData)
+                   {
+                       enable_non_admin = TRUE;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }

As you see, the current version posted by Selva is missing

  if (parm->ParameterData.IntegerData)


So it seems for me that this feature has been degraded somewhere between
2005 and 2019.

la 29. kesäk. 2019 klo 17.34 Lev Stipakov ( kirjoitti:

> Hi,
> So Lev's patch proposes to do service calls for wintun *and* tap6, and
>> do so "always"?  Or only if the registry key says so?
> Yep, patch always opens wintun and tap6 via service no matter what
> registry key says.
> > For some reason that registry key appears to be doing nothing in
>> > current versions of tap-windows6. I know this is confusing...
>> This sounds like a bug...
> Indeed that registry key is confusing. If we fix it in tap6, won't we
> break existing setups, which open tap6
> from unprivileged process and do not use --allow-nonadmin?
> --
> -Lev

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