
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Thursday 12th September 2019
Time: 20:00 CEST (18:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, dazo, mattock, ordex and syzzer participated in this meeting.


Noted that tomorrow is our usual mini-hackathon. Some tasks for it are
listed below.


Discussed HLK testing. It turns out that HLK testing / WHQL
certification is _NOT_ needed for drivers to load properly on Windows
Server 2016/2019, despite_ what Microsoft documentation (clearly)
claims. Instead, the usual attestation-signed drivers that load on
Windows 10 desktop are sufficient. This was verified by mattock using
Windows Server 2019 with Secure Boot turned on. This means we don't
_need_ HLK testing after all.

Note from discussion earlier today: going through the HLK test suite
occasionally in a virtualised environment would still make sense, but
not at all cost.


Discussed the VLAN patches which ordex massaged into shape:


Ordex and cron will attempt to review this in tomorrow's mini-hackathon.


Discussed the auto-token patch set. Dazo will attempt to finish it up in
tomorrow's mini-hackathon.


Discussed the FIPS patch(set):


Noted that it got stuck for no particular reason. Mattock notified the
author of the patchset to get the ball rolling again.


Full chatlog attached.

(20:59:18) cron2: meow
(21:01:28) mattock: hi
(21:01:33) syzzer: hi :)
(21:02:49) cron2: wow :)
(21:03:28) mattock: anyone else in our merry team?
(21:04:00) syzzer: *crickets*
(21:04:39) cron2: do we have an agenda? :)
(21:05:07) dazo: hey!
(21:05:40) dazo: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2019-09-12
(21:05:42) vpnHelper: Title: Topics-2019-09-12 – OpenVPN Community (at 
(21:06:23) cron2: oh, so dazo is the new agenda-keeper now :)
(21:07:12) dazo: hehe ... nah, just stumbled across it :)
(21:07:19) mattock: good work dazo!
(21:07:22) syzzer: so, #! ?
(21:07:27) syzzer: #1
(21:07:30) mattock: yes
(21:07:34) mattock: it seems we don't need HLK
(21:07:44) mattock: contrary to what microsoft says
(21:07:53) ***dazo facepalms
(21:07:59) syzzer: I read the backlog on -devel, totally confused now
(21:08:05) cron2: dazo: yes...
(21:08:16) mattock: so, basically Windows 10 attestation-signed drivers seem to 
load just fine on Windows Server 2019 with secure boot turned on
(21:08:29) syzzer: can you summarize for mere mortals what you *do* have to do 
to sign the drivers?
(21:09:10) syzzer: is that just the "upload to MS for cross-signature"?
(21:09:20) cron2: I think there's a wiki page even... :-) - mattock1: I'm still 
a bit confused about the "pre win10" and "win10" signing, what is done 
(21:11:07) mattock: syzzer: yes, except for the 25 minor details
(21:11:26) syzzer: :')
(21:11:28) mattock: with pre-windows 10 you can use cross-signing, i.e. get an 
EV cert and sign the driver with that
(21:11:39) mattock: you don't contact microsoft all
(21:12:06) mattock: with windows 10 you either go through the HLK tests, submit 
the test results and the driver in an ev-signed package, and get back a 
microsoft-signed river 
(21:12:39) mattock: or, you just create a driver package, ev-sign it, then sent 
it to microsoft for "attestation signing" and get a microsoft-signed driver back
(21:13:46) mattock: anyways, MS documentation was horribly misleading, but the 
bright side is that it seems that we don't actually _need_ HLK for anything
(21:13:48) cron2: why is it called "cross" signing?  Seems to be pretty 
straightforward-signing to me...
(21:14:08) mattock: you use a cross-certificate whatever that meant :P
(21:14:34) syzzer: it's a CA certificate that's signed by both a 'regular' CA 
and Microsoft
(21:14:47) mattock: that
(21:14:52) syzzer: a special code-signing CA
(21:14:56) cron2: ah
(21:15:24) mattock: going through the HLK tests was a good exercise, but the 
cost was terrible
(21:16:37) mattock: anyways, done with tap-windows6 / HLK? for "good" maybe? :)
(21:16:56) syzzer: that would be very nice
(21:17:08) cron2: yep :-) - next meeting should have "which tap6 PRs to merge, 
and when to ship a new release" on the agenda :-)
(21:17:13) cron2: maybe together with 2.4.8
(21:17:26) syzzer: sounds like a plan
(21:18:00) mattock: yeah together with 2.4.8 if possible
(21:19:28) cron2: ok... #2 - ordex has put out a tree full of vlan patches
(21:19:37) mattock: noticed \o/
(21:20:16) cron2: I've skimmed the list and nothing of this makes sense to me, 
yet, so I plan to give this some thoughts and discuss tomorrow ("mini-hackathon 
day").  I won't have all day, but about half a day should be possible...
(21:20:40) cron2: (like, "what is a maddr object and why do I want to populate 
it" :-) )
(21:21:12) cron2: where's plaisthos these days...?
(21:23:58) mattock: no idea
(21:24:10) mattock: so vlan patch review tomorrow?
(21:24:37) cron2: yes, if ordex and I happen to be on IRC at the same time
(21:24:49) mattock: ordex: doable?
(21:27:48) cron2: meeting feels a bit strained today...
(21:27:59) cron2: dazo: how's your schedule wrt auto-token patch set?
(21:27:59) mattock: yeah
(21:28:25) dazo: cron2: picking up the last things tomorrow, at least that's 
the plan
(21:28:32) cron2: nice
(21:28:47) cron2: a mini-hackathon day spent on "finish a patch set" is 
definitely a good day :-)
(21:28:54) dazo: :)
(21:29:24) mattock: +1
(21:30:55) mattock: anything else for tomorrow's mini-hackathon?
(21:32:03) mattock: 2.5 planning?
(21:32:13) cron2: there's lots of stuff in patchwork, but I haven't really kept 
track on what is waiting for whom (like, "have we answered and the submitter 
hasn't responded")
(21:32:44) mattock: we have not done "Review patches on Patchwork" in ages (in 
meetings, at least)
(21:33:26) mattock: should we take a stab at it now?
(21:34:30) cron2: I don't really feel like it, I want to clean up first :-)  
(merge patches with ACKs, look at the 2.4 patches that are backports of master 
and either merge them or complain)
(21:34:36) syzzer: I don't have much brains left today - so won't work for me
(21:34:51) cron2: I was about to suggest "I'm not going to stop syzzer or dazo 
if they feel like it" ;-)
(21:35:01) mattock: we're short on brains today
(21:35:16) mattock: maybe call it a day?
(21:35:24) mattock: gather strength for tomorrow
(21:35:28) cron2: I call this "Thursday"!
(21:35:46) syzzer: hehe
(21:35:54) dazo: I've ack'ed a few pathces on the ML ... forgot what it was 
though :-P
(21:36:19) cron2: patchwork keeps track :-) (TUN_PASS_BUFFER and tun_set() void)
(21:36:45) mattock: oh one thing
(21:36:54) mattock: what was our plan regarding FIPS patchset?
(21:37:01) cron2: I'm not totally happy with the TUN_PASS_BUFFER thing, though 
- the net effect is the same, but the #ifdef in combination with the function 
names makes this less than clear
(21:37:04) mattock: the author/committer asked about that
(21:37:09) mattock: a week ago or so
(21:37:17) cron2: mattock1: "have someone who understands crypto review and 
merge it" :-)
(21:37:51) mattock: that means syzzer?
(21:38:29) syzzer: do we find the fips patch set important?
(21:38:49) syzzer: I personally don't care much, but am willing to review if 
other believe it is
(21:39:58) mattock: what is/was its maintenance status? I know it has been in 
production for some years at least in the patch author's environment 
(21:40:18) mattock: but did and can the author maintain the patchset in the 
long run?
(21:40:19) cron2: I do not care, but it seems to be a requirement in "certain 
(21:40:30) cron2: not sure how complex that patchset is, anyway...
(21:41:03) cron2: syzzer: you already reviewed it anyway, 21 Jan 2018 :-)
(21:41:10) syzzer: oh :')
(21:41:17) syzzer: well, "done" then :p
(21:41:42) mattock: reviewed and acked?
(21:41:45) cron2: well... the submitter sent a new version...
(21:41:48) cron2: nah, asked for fixes
(21:42:12) cron2: mmmh
(21:42:18) cron2: no new version, the thread sort of died
(21:42:31) mattock: okay, that is something at least
(21:42:41) cron2: 
(21:42:42) vpnHelper: Title: [Openvpn-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Added support for 
OpenSSL FIPS Object Module v2.0 validated encryption (at www.mail-archive.com)
(21:43:16) cron2: so - from a quick skim, feedback was given, and no new patch 
came forward.  But this is all I could find with "FIPS" in *my* mail heap
(21:43:46) cron2: there's also https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/725 
but I haven't checked if there is a newer patch in there
(21:43:47) vpnHelper: Title: #725 (Consider to add FIPS support in OpenVPN) – 
OpenVPN Community (at community.openvpn.net)
(21:44:26) mattock: where is patch 2/2?
(21:45:32) cron2: ah, and the review got stuck anyway, syzzer's mail ends with
(21:45:35) cron2: > I hope to look into this patch more, and run some test 
(21:45:52) syzzer: yeah, just read the thing back
(21:46:50) syzzer: I kind of expected to receive a patch update with the 
discussed improvements
(21:47:16) cron2: you got an "here's two extra hunks" and a bit of discussion, 
which then just ended :-)
(21:49:16) mattock: what if I poke the author and say please update the patch 
and let's continue discussion?
(21:49:18) syzzer: okay, starred converstion and will look at it later
(21:49:39) syzzer: mattock1: that would work too
(21:49:43) mattock: ok
(21:49:51) cron2: mattock1: that sounds like a plan
(21:49:59) cron2: and we poke syzzer if he doesn't discuss :)
(21:50:07) mattock: ok :)
(21:51:19) mattock: anything else for today?
(21:52:55) syzzer: not from me
(21:53:23) cron2: nah... my TV is calling :-)
(21:53:29) mattock: ok
(21:53:46) mattock: that's it then, I will wrap up the summary and notify the 
author of the VLAN patchset
(21:53:59) syzzer: great, good night!
(21:54:09) cron2: FIPS :)
(21:54:22) cron2: I hope the author of the current VLAN patchset will read the 
backlog on his own accord ;-)
(21:55:07) cron2: and a good night, indeed
(21:55:43) mattock: good night!
(21:57:29) ordex: sorry guys - got a situation to deal with today and totally 
missed the meeting
(21:57:34) ordex: :(
(21:58:12) mattock: ordex: will you be able to go through the VLAN patchset 
tomorrow with cron2?
(21:58:19) ordex: yeah just reading the backlog
(21:58:27) ordex: I'll try to coordinate with him
(21:58:49) ordex: cron2: just ping me when you are online and getting onto the 
patches and I'll try to schedule myself around that :D

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