
For the OpenVPN 2.5 we decided to do an overhaul to the man page.  The first
step in this project has been completed, converting the man page into an .rst
based text file instead - which hopefully will be much easier to edit for more
people.  This .rst file will then be converted to proper man and html files
when we produce the source tarballs during releases.

You can all follow the work in my own git repository where I'm pulling
together various changes before they are sent to the mailing list for proper
vetting and ACKs.

The repository can be found here: https://gitlab.com/dazo/openvpn/
And the git branch is dev/man-reformatting

Feel free to submit patches or gitlab pull-requests or gitlab issues as you
see it fits with suggestions for improving the man page.

If you are new to the .rst formatting, I would recommend you to pay close
attention to how things are done in the current openvpn.8.rst [0] file, as
well as the .rst markup docs [1, 2]

[1] Quickstart: <https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/rst/quickstart.html
[2] .rst spec:

Also, even though both gitlab and github does automatic "html rendering",
there might be some artifacts in the rendered result.  We will try to make it
look as nice as possible everywhere, but the rst2man output will be the main
target which will trump most rendering conflicts.  If it doesn't render well
as a text based man page, it is not good enough.

For the OpenVPN 2.5 release we will also keep everything in a single man page.
 For future releases we might reconsider the organization of the man page.  So
any discussions which might appear regarding to split this file up will be
postponed until after the v2.5 release.

Other than that, I think we can be our best efforts to make this file even
easier to read and not the least, more up-to-date.  This man page is getting
closer to 20 years old or so, so a clean-up of older and less useful
information for this day and age is welcome.

Looking forward to hear back from you, whenever you have some input how to
make the man page better.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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