
On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 07:23:59AM -0700, Marvin Adeff wrote:
> I???m wondering if the opposite of this scenario has been tested, where the 
> server is running 2.3.18 (on Linux) and a client running 2.5 (on Windows) 
> tries to connect?

It should work, but this is a "should".  It's hard enough to test all
possible combinations of clients and features against git master, so we
do not normally test current clients against out-of-service releases
on the server.

On the other hand we do not purposely break client-server protocol, 
so it *should* work.  It's just not regularily tested.

If you test, and it breaks, please show client and server logs so we can
fix it :-)

> I know, I know, we should upgrade.  Unfortunately in this case OpenVPN server 
> is running on an appliance that cannot be upgraded past Linux 2.6, and I 
> don???t think 2.4.x can run on Linux 2.6. 

You do not want to have an appliance that is running an ancient linux
version connected to the Internet either...

But besides that, compiling OpenVPN 2.4 should be no big problem - it is
not very demanding regarding system environment or OpenSSL version.

For OpenVPN 2.5 (git master) you'll need an update openssl library - but
this is also not hard, you can compile it and install it to a non-default
place ("/usr/local/openssl-1.1.1") and point OpenVPN's configure script
at it.

One of my test clients is FreeBSD 7.4, which stopped receiving updates
in 2013 - but with a local openssl installation, it works fine, with
git master  (this is sort of a "are we using fancy features that break
older unixes now?" lithmus test, not something you want exposed on the
Internet, or something I'd recommend).
"If was one thing all people took for granted, was conviction that if you 
 feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures come out. Never doubted 
 it myself till I met a computer with a sense of humor."
                             Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             g...@greenie.muc.de

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