On 09/03/2021 18:52, David Sommerseth wrote:
On 08/03/2021 14:45, tincanteksup wrote:

On 08/03/2021 08:06, Arne Schwabe wrote:

Looking at this feature  from today's perspective, it feels like one of
OpenVPN's boutique features. Was probably useful at some point but
doesn't really make much sense today anymore. Esepcially with what is
written in the manpage. Today you rather would use full disk encryption
or disable swapping rather than to rely on OpenVPN's --mlock.

That being said I am against your patch, I am just wondering if that is
a feature we need to keep at all.

Having all openvpn data remain permanently in memory also offers
a (small) performance boost.

Your alternative offers would impact performance and be system wide.

Therefore, I for one disagree.

mlock() itself does not really have any impact your these arguments.

Yes, mlock() is about ensuring that OpenVPN can allocate a certain amount of memory which will stay entirely in RSS the memory pool as long as the memory pages has been locked.  But it is not a system wide knob; it's a per process knob and applications can even turn this on and off at will (given they have the needed privileges for it) during the lifetime of the process.

Due to this flexibility to when you can enable and disable memory locking, it is also clear it is not intended to be used as a performance knob.  It is designed to be more a security related feature, which in OpenVPN's context is there to avoid getting memory containing keying material being swapped out to disk.

On today's hardware even telling the kernel to not swap out a few hundred megabytes will also not result in much noticeable performance improvements.  To feel the difference, you would need to have some really ancient hardware.

If you care or have issues with performance related to swapping, you need to revisit your swap setup - or add more RAM.  A few hundred megabyte related to OpenVPN will not make things better or worse system wide on your system.  Fixing the real reason you have swapping issues will.

I have swapping issues all the time and I can't add more RAM.
I don't want system wide disk encryption.
And I don't want an SSD either.

I do not have the money to keep up with modern hardware.

Having openvpn --mlock is exactly the right choice for my home

Please, do not remove --mlock from openvpn.

Please try to put yourselves in the place of the average user,
for once.


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